I am getting too comfortable!

StarryEyedGirl Posts: 585
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I am at the point where I think I can eat this or that every once in a while however lately its more often! I know this is not the right direction I want to go! I still have to loose 22 pounds so this is not the time to "cheat". I log everything and I am not over eating as I did in the past but I know its a matter of time! (or could be) I feel so good about how far I have gotten and I want to make it all the way to my goal because that will feel even better! I am tired of just settling for second best! Why am I doing this? Any advice?

thanks in advance



  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Losing weight is such an emotional thing. So many people have that inner fear of succeeding . . . keep reminding yourself how far you have come, but also don't keep thinking of your goal, just keep doing what you have and take one day at a time, making the right choices each day, just like you must have to get where you are!
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    i know exactly how you are feeling,, i am getting to comfortable, i have lost almost 30 pounds, now im not exercising like i was and haven't:tongue: been logging in my food /// this has to stop and for me it is going to be today well tomorrow today is almost over:noway:
  • Thank you ladies! the good news is I am still exercising and even added an extra 10 minutes to my elliptical workout and like I said I log everything! I just need to stop over eating even if its slightly... I need to see that scale go down!!!!!
  • vcm1613
    vcm1613 Posts: 4

    First off grat on being 22 lbs from your goal! Thats awesome! I know exactly what you mean about getting too comfortable. I'm 46 lbs down and I feel like Superman. Problem is that the "late night munchies" are my Kryptonite. Just like you, I'm getting way too comfortable. "Whats it gonna hurt right?" I have really reflected on this lately since I've somewhat "plateau'd". I realized long ago that I'm a food addict, and that falling off the wagon is easier than disciplined eating and exercising habits. Here's some things that have helped me get refocused (if only for the moment.)

    1) Look at your weightloss progress here on the site (or app) from the time you started to now. Its your map, and your journey. Its shows your not only a fighter but a winner. (Hardly second best!) Decide if your current state of mind and actions is reflecting your hardwork and goals so far.

    2) I'm sure you have weight/fat loss goals. Review them, say them out loud, write them down where they are in daily plain sight. Mine are on my fridge and inside my locker at work. If you haven't set any yet, do so. Fail to plan, plan to fail. Be realistic though.

    3) Keep up the good work with logs. I created a few extra slots in "My Meals" called "Late Night Snacks" and "Munchies". Create a tab like that for days when you "eat what you want". It makes it easy to track it and see if your really going astray or just satisfying a need.

    4) Realize your an inspiration to people. If your loosing, then surely you've heard praises about how wonderful your looking. Thats a huge inspiration to me and really keeps me going.

    Hope you find a lil piece of this that might help.

    Good luck and best wishes! Your doing great!


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