

  • I have contemplated getting the all in one book. They had two last week. Might pick one up. I am weary of the soup book as every soup I have ever made I haven't liked. Seems like using alot of ingredients to then not eat them. Am going to try making a tomato soup over half term though. Any ideas of a free thing to put in…
  • So Penny, did you go over your cals and not worry about it then? Or did you work out to get some more? I feel bad if I go over cals as it kinda tells you off if you know what I mean but I think this maybe where I am going wrong. I am going to ignore the cals, stick to sw 100% (I have a concert at Hammersmith Apollo tonight…
  • I haven't played it for ages but my actual hrm used to say different so I don't think it is too accurate. Can't remember if my number was higher or lower than the ea sports one. Hth
  • It was alot of repeating of what's in our actual book but good to re read them to push motivation. I need to finish reading them but have been really busy lately. Will try to get some reading in this week!
  • Hi Laura. Most of the members of this group are active on mfp but not so much on the group. I would like the group to become a little more active though. It was nice coming on here and seeing the last couple of posts on here. I am friends with Most people on the group but we tend to talk via status updates. Would be nice…
  • I got weighed in last night. Unfortunately, I had put on 1 pound. However, by staying to group I was reminded about the affect having a speed/ super speed week can have and resolved to have one this week. Another member had and lost 9.5 pounds. Doubt I will get that much but I am hoping for a good loss. Fingers crossed!
  • Just read through this again. I typed it go a rush and miscalculated. 13 stone 7 is 189 pounds which is 33 pounds heavier than I was at last weigh in. I do not want this dream or rather nightmare to become a reality! Also I follow slimming world but use this website as an extra support mechanism! I found out there is a…
  • New members don't forget to introduce yourselves.
  • did anyone get the supplements go the daily mirror last weekend? Giving me something else to read to keep me engaged with the diet. Haven't been well and have spent alot of time alone the last week. Hoping I will feel better and spend time with people this week. I.e. Husband will work some decent shifts. Got quite a few…
  • I used to have a fair few friends and hardly got any comments. One day I decided I wanted a smaller selection so I could comment on them and vice versa. I decided to got rid of any friends that had not logged in for a number of days as a start.
  • To add to the comment above about Breakfast, ever since I was a baby I never really ate a breakfast. I don't like cereal a whole heap (Certainly now I am dieting I don't like healthy cereal - the only cereals I like are things like cornflakes and rice crispies covered with sugar - obviously not a good idea!) When I went to…
  • I think it may already be one. It makes quite logical sense when you think about it. If you are starving your body of calories (energy) your body wants to protect itself. In order to do that whenever you do eat anything the body says hang on she is eating, let's convert it all to fat and store it for when we need it (i.e.…
  • Why don't you try slimming world. When I first did slimming world I lost 7 pounds compared with a loss in my first week at weight watchers of 3 pounds. It re.educates you into not thinking that to be dieting you should be hungry all the time. It might get you eating more!
  • Don't get anxious over your wedding - it was the best day of my life even though I didn't get to goal. I felt alot better having lost 14 pound prior to it though! Now I am aiming for goal prior to making babies!
  • I am from London but live in Essex these days. Feel free to add me anyone!
  • I don't do gyms they are so boring! They are also expensive! Also there is the commuting time! I go to a zumba class weekly. I did do a body pump class weekly for a while that I need to start up again. I also do a combo of dvd's and wii games. Loving zumba 2 atm.
  • The US one is on Sky living right now. I will be watchin the UK one straight after. I much prefer the US one. The trainers are way better!!!
  • I have always struggled with my weight. Been down to goal twice now. I found this site when I needed extra help on top of slimming world to get weight off for my wedding. I am now married so next on the agenda is pregnancy. I am not getting any younger. I will be 30 next birthday. However I too want to lose as much weight…
  • I have several 50 cl bottles. As 8 oz is approximately 25 cl or 250 ml each bottle contains two glasses. I aim to drink 10 bottles a day translating to 20 glasses. I tend to fill the bottles up from the tap and leave them on the counter at room temperature in this cold weather. I do like cold water but in this weather room…
  • Mine is normally to quit swearing. I always fail. It doesn't help now that I live with someone that is a non-stop swearer. I bought him a swear box for Christmas. I want him to pack it up before we have children. I have decided that this year I would like to * be more positive * keep a tidy house * listen to more music and…
  • I restarted my diet go Jan this year and have lost a mere 22 pounds compared with your great loss. The only pictures I have of me at that sort of weight are our Christmas ones from last year that were on my Hubby's camera that he mislaid for most the year. He recently found it and wow it was interesting looking back at the…
  • The last time I lost all my weight I was in a size 8 on top and size 10 on bottom. It was then I decided to throw away all my size 12s. Even though at my heaviest I was probably bigger than a size 12 I refused to buy any bigger! Still would! When I met my would be husband the weight slowly crept on with all the dates and…
  • Mine kept loosing my heart rate too. Then I thought I haven't put it in the washing machine for a while. I try to wash it as much as I can in the washing machine but can be difficult to do as I often need it on the days I do the washing! LOL. Anyway I found that I was only tickling the strap with water and if I really…
  • Years ago while following either ww or sw I started going swimming. I noticed an advert to swim the channel in your local pool. I thought what a good way to keep me going swimming and help with my weight loss. However it ended up being the reverse. I would finish my swim and then once I was changed I would walk up the…
  • I went on iron tablets a long time ago (personal choice) and they did the same thing to me. I have gone back on them (as I am always pale) and so far so good. But I am also taking peppermint tablets and drinking loads. Usually 10 bottles of 50cl a day. I used to struggle with my bowel movements. I am still not as regular…
  • Wooo I was just looking at the lighter choices menu! Yum there is at least one course I can pick from each (Starter, Main and Pudding)!! I am so excited! May have to go there again. Never noticed that menu in there before. Is it fairly new? I am beyond excited honestly as I love Frankie and Benny's! And I love Spag Bol!!!…
  • Meant to say I am not a bit chinese food fan. I am a plain jane kinda girl. I like Italian but only pasta dishes not pizzas. Anyone know how many cals are in their lasagne? I know they don't do spag bol. Do Frankie and Benny's have calories on their menus?