running42km Member


  • Is it stress eating? That's what gets me. I'm on track now, again, because I've decreased my life stress and have started substituting water and fresh fruit for all the junky food I was failing to avoid.
  • For my heavy calorie burn days I think about adding high calorie junk foods that I'd normally avoid like pizza, ice cream, potato chips and chocolate brownies. But interestingly a fast 50 mile bike ride followed by an easy fairly quick ten mile run (7.5 min miles) tends to be an appetite suppressant for me and afterwards…
  • After decades of running I've found it is best to be really nice to your feet. They get ignored compared to hands but take on a far far greater burden. So I recommend spending a couple of minutes after a bath or shower filing toe nails (a couple of quick swipes daily should do it) and working on calluses with a callus file…
  • I'm 49 and have been running since I was in grade two. Over the decades I've been plagued by injuries that I've found come from two sources. One, bad advice, listening to poor coaches or trying to rigidly apply generic running plans/schedules. And second, being over weight, running is hard on the body when you are carrying…
  • Apples do it for me. Crunchy, nutritious, usually about 100 cal per. When I want a snack I drink water or tea and eat an apple. I've found that is satiating. I've read that often the body wants water rather than food when you feel like a snack. But the main trick is to know thy self, are you really hungry or are you just…
  • Keys, I pin my door key of my home or car to the inside of my running shorts pocket, but yes this requires your running pants to have a pocket. I don't do the ipod thing as I am lucky to live along the ocean side and enjoy hearing the surf and birds when I run but certainly if I was to use one I'd go with the nano as it…