

  • Mine is viewable to my friends, and many of my friends have theirs viewable to me. I don't judge or feel judged, I just think it's a good way to get other meal ideas. I have the tendency to eat the same things over and over, so I appreciate it when friends share something new.
  • Sometimes I will go two weeks without weighing myself. My weight fluctuates so much, I stopped weighing myself everyday to avoid getting discouraged. I tend to use how I feel and how my clothes fit as a guide.
  • I can never stay under my sugar goal either. Some days I will have a banana with breakfast and a yogurt later in the day as a snack, and just those two things take up my entire sugar allowance. I've decided not to pay too much attention to the sugar as long as it's coming from fruits/veggies and not junk.
  • It's been my experience that people (including myself) tend to under estimate what we eat. We assume we are eating less than we actually are. I use a food scale at home, but I'm not about to bust out my measuring devices when I'm out at a restaurant . check out this guide for estimating portion sizes, I found it pretty…