

  • I had the same problem a few years ago. I saw my doctor and found I had high blood pressure and I was dehydrated daily from not taking in enough water daily. She put me on medication, told me to swim or walk, no impact work out, drink my 8 glasses of plain water(no protein drinks or fruity electrolyte stuff) and keep track…
  • Awesome. My mom has 3rd stage kidney disease (kidneys control bllod pressure) and high blood pressure so she has been on a 2000/day sodium count or under. Not an easy task if you actually read every lable and cook salt free. Very very difficult. I spent the las @ 8 months cooking with/for her and shopping and wow, there is…
  • Hi. I'm new here too, but hope to be a daily:)
  • Thank you..I have not tried any of this before but a food diary will keep me aware and honest about when and why I eat. I just love food. Always have. Headed to the grocery store now so I will be more aware of what I am buying. TY
  • I guess I should mention that this is twice as hard because I quit smoking 2 days ago. I just have a voracious appetite and no "full" level. Any ideas on appetite surpressing...without drugs and I already drink water all day long?:huh:
  • TY for responding! Support is good...I will learn the site as I go. Don't know how to ask for 'Add me's"???
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