Migraines/Tension Headaches

For the last 2 days, immediatly after I do an intense 30 minute workout; I get a really bad migraine. After taking medicine and laying down for about 3 hours, the migraine turns into a tension headache. This has been making it hard for me to even meet the 1200 calorie goal per day. Can anyone offer me some guidence?

I am drinking a protein shake after my workouts--I even tried drinking one shake before my workout today. I drink plenty of water (96oz) every day. I have not had caffine in over 3 weeks, so I know it is not caffine withdrawels. I am eating healthier meals (less processed) and haven't changed my workout routines at all.

Thank you!!!


  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    dehydration??? try drinking more?

    lack of nutrients??? try eating more?

    Try using a herbal rub like 4head to stop them developing?
  • WonderNoodle
    WonderNoodle Posts: 549
    How much sugar are in your protein shakes? I found that I was a bit faint, and would get bad headaches when first beginning my hour long intense cardio workouts (zumba). I found the issue was my blood sugar was bottoming out. Drinking a glass of OJ after a workout or eating an orange has been my quick fix.

    Hope it can help you too.
  • jcmorningstar
    I had the same problem a few years ago. I saw my doctor and found I had high blood pressure and I was dehydrated daily from not taking in enough water daily. She put me on medication, told me to swim or walk, no impact work out, drink my 8 glasses of plain water(no protein drinks or fruity electrolyte stuff) and keep track of my sodium intake, then cut it back. (I had so much sodium in my diet, including drinks, that it was scarey) It may be you have something else going on, but that is what was going on with me.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    I know this is going to sound stupid but are you doing a cool down and stretching after your workout? I've had this happen to me before and it was after I was busting my butt on the elliptical and then immediately jumped off the machine and headed home. I didn't do any cool down or weight lifting or anything to let my heart rate and everything return to normal. I've found that doing a warm up on the treadmill or stationary bike and then doing a cool down on the alternate machine really helps to prevent headaches. At least for me. (And like others said, water water water! :drinker: )
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Try supplementing with magnesium citrate and drinking plenty of water.
  • AngelicaDulas
    AngelicaDulas Posts: 196
    stretch out!!! After your work out you should do a cool down stretch. Lay on your stomach on the floor and totally relax until you can feel everything aligning. then bring your hands up under your shoulders like you're going to do a push up. Pess your upper body up, leaving your pelvis on the floor and breath in deeply and look at the ceiling. Slowly lower back down while breathing out. Do this for about 5 minutes and it should help to realign the muscles/tendons and release the build up of fluids that accumulate around the spine and neck during a workout. I do this every day and it goes a long way to help prevent/ease headaches for me. If it's still happening you should consult a dr. though, you may have a more serious issue going on that you dont know about. Good luck.
  • kitchenfairy
    May not apply to you since I see you're eating less processed foods, but I discovered that eating/drinking artificial sweeteners were the cause of my migraines and hearing loss. Something to consider. :)
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Thank you all for the quick responses! I really do not think that it is a dehydration issue. 12-16 cups of water is really good, considering I started MFP not srinking any water 50 days ago. :smile: The sugar count for me is usually right on, even with my protein shakes--1 scoop equals 2 sugars for my count. I will try the orange juice thing tomorrow, to see if I am too low for sugar. I do not take in any type of artifical sweetners either. :wink: I also do a warm up and complete cool down with each workout. My gym requires to cool down and warm up...:bigsmile: So my cool downs include stretching ant take me about 15 minutes AFTER my 30 minute workout.

    I am just at a loss now...I can't get my calories up when I am so nauseated from the migraines either. My next option is the doctor or giving my body a rest for a couple of days and seeing if that helps. It is so frustrating! I have a great momentum going right now and i don't want to lose it! :grumble:

    Thank you all for your suggestions!!!