30prospect Member


  • Thanks Nikion. Eating healthy except two portions of chicken and brown rice fir supper. Going to gym for long workout and treadmill 4 times a week. Doing all the obvious and 25 lbs up in last 18 months
  • Goals are relevant when one feels somewhat able to lose weight. What if I seem to gain weight even while eating less? And sort of giving up. My doctor just gave me a new prescription for higher dose of thyroid. But I wonder if it makes a difference. I can only think of skipping supper altogether.... I charted carefully on…
  • Now I wonder why you called yourself old lady? You are not yet 70, and 70 is the new 50. I think it was really just your knees telling you that you were old... now you don't need that crutch anymore. Time to sip the expresso and enjoy middle age.
  • That is amazing.... and you are smart to get rid of the flab when you are still young before it did too much damage to the heart and so forth!
  • If you have a good relationship with them, tell in-laws ahead of time... maybe they will be accommodating. If not, eat before you go, nibble on their stuff eat the frank and skip the bun etc. a little watermelon, a little coleslaw. Can always treat yourself to a big salad when you get home. I know that sometiems it is very…
  • Accountability might help me. I went for a metabolic test this morning hoping to be able to blame my extra lbs. on slow metabolism. No luck. I actually have a fast metabolism, way more than average. So I am trying promising my doctor and being accountable to her. Help. It was so embarassing. How can I live with this?…