

  • I just joined myfitnesspal one week ago today. Already found myself missing a few days of logging on, but I'm not giving up. I really want to do this and so I shall. My question is how do I get that little scale thing that I see under each of your posts?
  • I have been having a hard time drinking the water. My big challenge is to limit, then eliminate the coke and drink more water, but it's been difficult. I really like the idea of theme days. I think I will try that starting tomorrow with Drink More Water and just really focus on water, exercise, and calories. I'm going to…
  • Thank you! Those are all great ideas.
  • Hello! I am very new to this site, so I am still figuring out how it works. Any tidbits would be helpful. I haven't figured out how to put the app on my phone yet. I learn a little bit more everyday. I do best with short goals, so I am going to take on this weight loss challenge one day at a time. Weekly accountability…
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