

  • Annastasia I'm just on day 3, and I know what you mean about the bloating problem. Last evening I had salad for dinner and had the biggest stomach ache all night. My hubby suggested I eat salads for lunch only, maybe after eating salads we need to be moving around to help the digestion & eating salads and then going to bed…
  • squeaking in is GOOD!
  • Sounds like we're in the same boat. I was always told I looked much younger than my actual age. Don't hear that anymore at 63 yrs. old. Now I'm asked do I want my senior discount. Menopause is really kicking in & changing everything. Well one thing I can change is my ever increasing weight. Oh Yes and the increasing breast…
  • I definitely plan on trying this one, thank you for all your effort getting this posted.
  • I went to a Thursaday evening Bible Study group and the hostess served from a store-bought fruit tray, topped the fruit with cool-whip. It was fabulous! Pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew melon & best strawberries ever! Of course the fruit was shipped in from another state since it's winter in Oregon, so the…
  • The tools make all the difference in the world & the support group. This is so much better than a weight reducing class I went to about a year ago, the instructor just wanted to talk about how important it is to wear high heels to look sliimmer, no joke, that was the last time I went. I'm 63 had a back fusion, high heels…
  • Geann, Thank you for the welcome, wondered if anyone notices the newbies. So much to learn from this website. I'm enjoying reading all the posts, so many different stories. I was happy to see a board for Women 50+ !! It's a totally different game when you're over 50. When I was in my 20's thru 40's it was much easier to…
  • Thank you for the NEWBIES welcome! A Newbie I'm more impressed with this site everytime I get on it, it's so easy, I will send this site to all my friends! My first day I made my daily goal for calories, YEH & that was with eating out with friends for my birthday and an evening at a friends house. My friend wanted to get…
  • Biggest Blessing in Life, being a Grandma!
  • Great way to buy jeans,from Goodwill, you're not spending a fortune on jeans that won't fit in a month or less.
  • Just joined up today, saw this website in the "Family Circle", very user friendly. My adult daughter & I decided to lose 20 lbs together, so here we go! I'm already realizing how much junk food I've been eating, well no more.