

  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    Debbie - you are so right about using the word 'losing'. Too funny! I definitely don't want to 'find' anything I've lost in this journey!!

    Barbiecat - your post about the wonderful diversity of this topic was so right on the mark and it touched my heart. I hadn't ever really thought about why this thread is so good but when I read your post I realized you were exactly right!

    Today was great for me on burning calories. I used my heart monitor when I was helping my dh shovel the driveway and the roof (we had 3 1/2 ft of snow on the roof in some places!) and I burned 600 calories! I also went to spinning class this morning so there is no way I'm going to be able to eat all my exercise calories. I've been on kind of a plateau lately and I'm hoping maybe today will make that scale budge!

    Hope everyone else is having a great weekend!
  • dvincent
    Sounds like we're in the same boat. I was always told I looked much younger than my actual age. Don't hear that anymore
    at 63 yrs. old. Now I'm asked do I want my senior discount. Menopause is really kicking in & changing everything.
    Well one thing I can change is my ever increasing weight. Oh Yes and the increasing breast size, don't want that either.
    I'm working on just getting out and walking for 30 minutes a day, that's my physical challenge for now. I know in the past
    when I was an avid walker my body adjusted quickly, just got to keep at it. Don't know if you know anything about
    Fibromyalgia, but that's my physcial challenge, muscle aches most of the time, but I've always been determined to not let
    it stop me entirely. Let's press on ...............!!!
  • dvincent
    squeaking in is GOOD!
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    Has anyone here tried the Diet Soda Cakes? They are really great!
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    I'm interested in doing a 50-mile bike ride in May. Right now, I can bike for about 40 minutes straight without stopping (flat to low rolling hills). Any suggestions for building up to 50 miles? I have a 21 speed commuter bike.

  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I have been reading but not taking time to post. Just realized I hadn't posted on this thread since the 16th, so I will try to catch you up.

    First of all, welcome to the newbies. There is no thread like this one elsewhere on MFP. If you feel like this is the right place for you to be, then you are right!!! And most welcome!!!:flowerforyou:

    If you are a reader of the Golden Sneakers thread, below is a "rerun" so you can save your eyes and move on, unless you think it is so interesting that you have to read it twice!!:noway:

    I have been having problems with dizziness, a lousy short term memory, (lousy even for me), disrupted sleep patterns (falling asleep, waking in a couple of hours and not being able to fall back to sleep for 2-3 hours), a general feeling of being in a fog, great difficulty following things through to a logical conclusion, and episodes of being on my way down the road in my car and suddenly having no idea where I was going.:huh: Fortunately, I have managed to remember within a minute or so. After a few days of this, things reached a point where when I was getting ready for work on Tuesday --coming back from being off for two days--I realized that I felt totally incapable of doing my job. I didn't call in sick. Guess I called in "stupid." :laugh:

    Anyway, I called my doctor, but wasn't able to see her 'til Thursday. I managed to work on Wednesday, and also went in after my appointment on Thursday. Apparently, I am experiencing the aftereffects of my concussion--a result of the "attack of the killer shopping cart" last January. The good news is, it could be worse. I haven't been having the headaches that can commonly reoccur after such an episode. The bad news is, I may have to put up with this for up to SIX months!!!:grumble: NOT what I had in mind for the Spring and Summer. It appears my symptoms are more pronounced when I am under stress.

    While all this has been going on, in the back of my mind, I have been concerned about how would I deal with the addition of something going wrong w/my parents' health, or any other unexpected problem. Timing is everything. Thursday night I called my mother during my last break at work and she described feeling slightly nauseous, a feeling of being very warm, and then not being able to see out of one eye, and when she tried to look at something, her eyes didn't seem to be working together. All this had happened about 30 minute before I called. After a few minutes when the feeling was no longer there, she got up and started clearing the dinner dishes off the table!!!!!:noway: :huh: It never occurred to my dear 94 year old mother, or my dad that something had happened that required immediate investigation. :noway: :huh:

    As soon as I heard what had happened, I told her "SIT DOWN!! To H3LL with the dishes!! Then I locked up my desk and left work two hours before my shift was over and took her to the hospital, where my theory was confirmed. After a CT scan, X-rays, some blood work, and a physical assessment, they decided she had experienced a "TIA" (transient ischemic attack), which is also known as a mini-stroke. Fortunately, other than being a little tired the next day, she has had no residual effects.

    I called her on Friday morning, and she sounded pretty good. I, on the other hand, was a wreck!!:sick: :frown: I was so wound up after finally getting home that I didn't get to sleep til after 2 am. I woke up at 8 am, feeling like I had a hangover--all the pain and none of the benefits!!:grumble: Work was out of the question, so I missed my second day of the week. Did catch up on sleep, and actually got energetic enough to completely scrub my bathtub and shower walls--a task I haven't felt up to dealing with for quite a while--it needed the attention. I managed to get to bed before 9p, so getting up at 5 am for work was not a bad as it usually is. ( I HATE Saturdays, as I start at 6am. Yuck!!)

    Today, I feel pretty good, even after working for nine hours, but there is no guarantee that this feeling will continue. As for weight loss, well, my exercise has been sporadic, but my appetite has not, so I may have to adjust my ticker upward by about 4 lbs. if I can't get things moving in the right direction. I am still logging everything, but I don't have the mental energy to plan so that I stay under my calories, and though my intention is to get some cardio in every day, that doesn't happen as often as it should. It has been sunny here, but still staying cool, under 60 degrees (F). It actually got below freezing last night--had to dust off the de-icer and use it before I could leave this morning.

    The doggies are being good--more or less. Bradley decided he couldn't wait for me to open the new bag of doggie food that was standing in the kitchen. After ignoring it for three days, he decided to chew a big hole in it today, and "the three little piggies" had a great time munching out until I came home tonight. :grumble: Now they are passed out in various spots, and will wake up long enough to relocate to the bedroom, which is what I am about to do.

    Trying to respond to posts is about impossible right now, so I will close by saying. Keep up the good work, and if you are having adversity, don't give up. Maybe you are a little distracted, like me. I am trying to go back to basics and try and get back on the right track. I have decided that if I can't get my weight back to where it oughta be to match my ticker, I am going to adjust it on Feb 28th.

    Take care all.:flowerforyou:

  • mynyddisamrs
    Good morning all ...:smile: from a gloriously sunny N.Wales. More snow last night but certainly not as some of you would know it!! Only a few cm's!! So I haven't quite got the three and a half feet to shovel!!! Don't know how you do it!! We moan here if we have more than a few inches.

    Barb -:flowerforyou: Hope you manage to have a restful weekend. Talk about a "knock on effect" with your concussion. It explains a lot i suppose. Take it easy, keep on trucking and wait for it to wear off!! Sorry to hear the added problem of your mums mini stroke too. She must be great to just "carry on" at 94 . Perhaps that's where you get your resilience from? Take one day at a time and catch up with "things" later!! :bigsmile: Hope the little piggies have recovered from their "pig Out"!!

    :drinker: Well ... for me the scales were good today - down a quarter off a pound. The ticker however doesn't seem to want to recognise this and so it doesn't show it!!!:ohwell: How mean can you get? But ... at least ...I know it!

    :happy: Lazy day from now on... mum's gone back to bed after our late breakfast, the house has been tidied, cats are lying in the sun, DH is reading the Sunday papers and I'm "Blonde" surfing on line. Bit like being a "Silver" surfer 'cept my hairs not that colour.!Well it is but I haven't seen that colour for quite a while!
    :ohwell: Days like today I wish we still had our huge German Shepherd ...so he could take me for a walk!!! I could go off shopping but don't really want to go on my own. Someone needs to stay with mum who was verrry confused yesterday. Daily thing now of not knowing where she is, where she sleeps etc. Last night I said to rub some vapour rub on her chest to help her cold - the question was"where's my chest?" Oh well!!

    :happy: Enjoy your Sunday everyone
    Ready to start another week.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone;

    Sorry to hear about your Mom Barb. I'm glad you took her to the drs.

    Jackie; Hang in there with your Mum; My devotional this morning touched on patience. We all wan't patience and ask God to give it to us "right now"!!! Sadly it doesn't work that way.

    Just a quick check in for me. I'm off to the elliptical to get in 30 min before getting ready for Church.

    It's a beautiful day here too. Hopefully we can get in a walk this afternoon.


  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Well I am home. Back to reality. I weighed this morning and I gained 5 pounds this week. Good thing I exercised and walked a lot or it would have been more I guess. I have tried to figure out why but cannot and have given up. I know I did not drink all of the water that I usually do so maybe water retention. I doesnt matter at this point. What matters is that I have to get back to square one and do this. Kenneth and I started this on Feb. 24 2009 and I have lost 55 pounds and gained back some so I am still ahead of the game. We already went to the gym this morning and I ate my cereal and bannana for breakfast. If we get back on track by this time next year I will be at my goal weight whatever that turns out to be. I am frustrated with myself that I have to lose weight I already lost but just have to get over it and do it. Hopefully since I gained 5 in one week I can also lose it in a week. I have not had a chance to read posts yesterday or today but will try to catch up. hope all of you are doing well. I have set a new long term goal. I have 15 weeks until our first trip in June. At 2 pounds a week, that is 30 pounds by then which will put me about 165 which will be great. That is my new goal and I can do it. Thank you ladies for your support.
    Vicki M
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Weaklink - Hang in there! You sound like a very strong woman.
    Jackie - A sense of humor will get you through the tough times.

    Vickim - I like your attitude. You'll break through the plateau.

    Back to reality tomorrow. I need to make time to exercise, once I get back to work. Any suggestions?

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Blesssed Sunday everyone.

    Vicki, sorry about the weight. Vacations are tough but I also think a lot of us are having problems with fluctuating weights and motivation to stay on track. Maybe we all (or at least a great many of us) just need a good spring day to go out walking and to revel in the beauty of flowering trees and daffodils!! It's going to happen eventually...just not anytime soon. But, I'll hang in there if you will!!!

    I know I personally had a meltdown on Friday night. I also know it was strictly emotional eating as I had three "sad" events (nothing big, just things that made me sad, that day) and I responded by my compulsive behavior and trying to stop the pain with food. A big no-no, and I know it, but I did it anyway. Good new is I kept busy pretty much all day and evening on Saturday, so I didn't have near the issues of Friday, but I did find myself overeating on roast chicken and doing it in a VERY compulsive manner. Oh well, at least it was roast chicken and not chocolate, cookies or peanuts!!!!

    Jackie, I know the kind of confusion you are dealing with. My poor mother-in-law was so confused her last couple of years...not remembering her son was married to me (35 years married of which she lived with us over 1/3 of our married lives), asking her son if he was her father when he went to visit her (last six months she lived in an elder-care place), not remembering her son-in-law's name (of 52 years), etc., etc., etc. As Cindy says, be patient.

    Barb, so sorry to hear about our confusion issues and your mother...they both sound very scary...prayers go out for you!

    Hope everyone has a good day! Hang in there everyone, spring is coming...evenutally!!

    :heart: Terri:heart:
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    Well I weighed in this morning and NO change in my weight...Guess I'm just glad I didn't gain any. Hopefully next Sunday's weigh in will be better.

    Sounds like a lot of you are having some pretty tough times now with family and your health. I am thinking about all of you and want to thank all of you for just being here. Everyone on here helps on our bad days and on our good days. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!
  • Tamzenc
    I just joined MyFitnessPal yesterday and yes I am over 50. My husband's has been doing it for a few weeks. So I decided to join too. I have been trying to lose weight this time since the fall and have been getting nowhere fast. A year and a half ago I took off 15 pounds and that has stayed off, but I have not been able to add to it. Now I have gotten my exercise regimen going again and this will be the first time in my life I have ever counted calories. Many years ago I tracked fat consumption and that worked then. So I am going to watch the fat as well.

    I just posted the MOST and MOMENT quote on the refrigerator - good for diet and life

    - TamiToo
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :noway: Gained back 2 lbs since last weekend. I think last weekend was a fluke with the weight loss given the vomiting and you know the other thing. Nonetheless I am happy having made it to 165 lbs. Also could not exercise this past week. It will all work out again. Just a temporary bump in the road.

    It is an absolutely gorgeous day here on the westcoast. Frost at night and up to 15 degrees celcius during the day.

    :tongue: I see we are approaching the 500 mark of posts. Oh well.

    I am feeling a lot better, but still really tired. More dental work to come on Monday, and then done for a while. Yeah. :bigsmile:

    Have a great Sunday! :heart:

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome, TamiToo, and any others I may have missed!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I am offering good wishes and prayers for all of you who are having tough times:heart::heart: :heart: . I hope things improve for all of you!

    There were about 8 robins on the golf course across the street this morning! :smile: Lots of birdsong in the air, too! It was so nice and peaceful--really gave my spirit a lift!:happy:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good afternoon to you all,

    The sun is shining here in NC. We are having good temps for a change. I wore a dress to church with a sweater. Put a coat on but that had to come off as soon as we got in the car. Hot Flashees are hitting me big time. Been having to throw the covers off a couple of times a night. Hubby said please don't freeze me but I replied better that than a raging hormonal maniac!

    I was hoping for a walk this afternoon but my son went over to help out at a lady's house (in our neighborhood) who just had surgery last week. She is still in the hospital and some of the men are trying to clean up her yard before she comes home. Poor thing, her husband died and she has a 17 year old spoiled baby of a daughter. But I do know how self centered teenagers can be so I'm trying not to be too harsh. I just really don't think the daughter really realizes how bad off her mama was and that she still has a long recovery to go.

    Welcome Tamitoo; Nice to have you on board. I see that the end of your sign in name is nc. Does that mean you are from NC? We have a couple of us from NC on here.

    Renny: Glad you are doing better. Hang in there and things will get better. Remember we only get one day at a time. I've been thinking a lot about choices lately. We get to and have to make them. I'm just trying to understand my reasons.

    Teri: Girl, I'm so understanding about the emotional eating. I do it then I beat myself up over it. What does your OA group have to say? It's not like AA where you can be totally abstinent but since we have to eat to live what is the fine line?

    Well, the kitchen is waiting to be cleaned up and there's no one to do it but me so I will make the right choice and just do it even though I'm really not feeling it!

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Vicki M, good for you to pick up and get back on! I was where you are just a few weeks ago and it's good to be conscious of what I need to do each day. Eat right, drink my water, exercise. You have been an inspiration to me because you got on the other side of 200 before I did. I am still 16 pounds from it, but it will come. I've lost 1 1/2 since my last weigh-in. With today being Sunday, I thought about not doing my exercises, but I decided that I have to do what I should every day and I'm glad I did. Keep up the good work!:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:
    First things first........we are quickly approaching 500 posts on our February thread......when we get to 500, the thread will lock and a new thread (Part Two) will start.......I think it happens automatically and a link is placed at the bottom of post #500 so you find the new thread...........If you don't see the link or it doesn't happen automatically, DON'T PANIC----just go to "Motivation and Support" and scroll through the threads until you find "WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR FEBRUARY---Part Two"

    :flowerforyou: My thanks to Barb for reminding me to remind you.......in spite of her concussion aftereffects, she still has a sharper mind and memory than most people.

    :flowerforyou: And on the subject of new threads, no matter what, we will start a new thread on March 1st
    March 1st will arrive on this thread in relation to Pacific Standard Time so if you live farther east (NC or Wales, or wherever) be aware of that

    :flowerforyou: We are having the same fabulous weather that Rebel is having and that they're having in Vancouver for the Olympics (spring in February)
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I hope you are all enjoying your Sunday, even with the challenges and setbacks that many of you are experiencing.....:heart::heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello everyone, I keep coming back and looking at this topic Women Ages 50 + and all your posts and you are all doing so well with some amazing weight loss !!!! and fab motivation. I think i'm still in denial that I turned 52 last December as everyone that I work with and most of my friends are a lot younger than me and I just forget. But now I'm reminded every time I go on to my profile page and see Female 52 !!!!! .... so now that I have come to terms with my age I would love to join your group!!!