:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
WELCOME to the thread for Women ages 50+ (or thereabouts). Actually, all women are welcome. This thread and this group of women changed my life. I hope you have a similar experience. We check in with each other regularly and welcome new members. This has been a very supportive and encouraging group. :flowerforyou:

How did you do on your goals for January? What are your goals for the month of February? This is the month when a lot of people start to get away from those goals they set at the beginning of the new year. Let’s not let that happen to any of us. Never, never, never give up.

One of my goals will be to post every day. I can't wait to hear from all you and continue our great friendship for another month
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

We can do together what we cannot do alone.

I have a rule for myself that I have to drink a cup of water before I can log on.


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I am a little early, but posting on the new thread so I can find it quickly.

    :heart: :heart: ****IMPORTANT NOTE FOR FINDING US ONCE THIS THREAD REACHES 500 POSTS***:heart::heart:
    A reminder, since we are all prolific posters, it is a virtual certainty that we will reach the 500 post limit before the month is over. REMEMBER, it may sneak up on us and there may not be a chance to post a link to "part 2" for February before we get to that point. It has been my experience that the default "click here" link that automatically appears at the end of thread does NOT take you directly to the new thread

    So here is what you need to do to find the new thread. Go to the "Home" tab under "community" and then click on "Motivation and Support" section of the threads. This will give you a list of each recent post, and you can scroll down til you find "part 2" of our thread. If you don't find it on the first page, you can choose the page numbers at the bottom of the list to see the next 25 listings.
    :heart: ***************************************************************************************************:heart:

    Have a good Monday. I am off to bed, hopefully for a good night sleep.:yawn:

  • arborsong
    Good morning ladies! I feel so motivated this morning. I feel thinner, too! This week, I start a weight management program through my chiro. It is an herbal approach to maintaining proper levels of all those chemicals, hormones, etc in our body. Time will tell..........................

    February goal is to pay attention to what I eat and don't snack. This alone should release 5 pounds this month.

    Here's to a joyous February for all!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187

    Good morning ladies! I feel so motivated this morning. I feel thinner, too! This week, I start a weight management program through my chiro. It is an herbal approach to maintaining proper levels of all those chemicals, hormones, etc in our body. Time will tell..........................

    February goal is to pay attention to what I eat and don't snack. This alone should release 5 pounds this month.

    Here's to a joyous February for all!

    Louise - I'm really happy for you! It feels great to feel thinner, doesn't it? I hope you share all of your "inside" info with us from your weight management program. I look forward to reading your inspirational posts!

    Well, the other day I bought a nice navy blue sweater, I loved the flowing drape of the lightweight knit fabric. I thought it would be perfect to wear with a pair of navy dress pants that I have. These same pants I have not worn in a couple of months because I "grew out of them". I really felt like wearing this new sweater today and so I took the pants (with great hesitation) out of my closet.

    I put the pants on...hmmm. they went past my thighs okay.....

    hmmm.......they went over my hips okay....

    now the real test was about to begin......the dreaded "doing up of the zipper".

    I started to pull up the zipper and to my shock, the zipper went all the way to the top. Oh, "but" I thought, "will I be able to do up the button"? Well, I did do up the button.

    I just kind of stood there, looking in awe at this miraculous event unfolding in the mirror.

    I can't believe it, I am going to wear these pants.....today! Wow!

    This is when you feel the payoff for all that hard work of exercising and watching what you eat.

    This is a good feeling!

    I hope all of you get to feel this excitement!

    Good luck everyone and here's to making the best choices for our best life!

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Louise: great going with your weigh in! I love feeling skinnier

    Debbie: I'm glad you are able to fit into those pants! I have a pair of goal pants hanging out in my room. I thought I would try them on yesterday to see what I am looking at. I was excited because I was able to get them on an zipped! But alas "Muffin Top" appeared so they are going to have to stay goal pants for a bit longer!

    Hubby put his arms around me yesterday and commented that I am getting smaller! He also has been commenting that my hiney is smaller too!

    Well, back to work this week as my scale didn't move downward at all. The good thing is I didn't gain. I'm going to have to figure out having hubby at home all the time and him wanting 3 squares a day.

    My goals for Feb. will be:

    Drink lots of water!
    Get my exercise in daily, no exceptions!
    Add strength training in a consistent manner!
    Seek peace, pursue it. Don't let the little things that really don't matter waste my time!

    Well off to check on Granny and take Eric his coffee.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    Got a little sloppy last night again with rice cakes! :grumble: :embarassed: I'm struggling with the focus. Focus is everything! :flowerforyou: Once you lose that, the old "stinkin thinkin" comes back.:devil:
    Today will be very busy as it is the extended last day of January because of the weekend :noway: So I'm geered for craziness for one more day.:wink:
    I didn't make my goals for January.:ohwell: I just kept my weight the same.:indifferent:
    For February, my goal is to be as strict and disciplined as I was when I first started in August. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: The weight is secondary....the head is everything!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Got to go to work!
    God Bless!!
    Birdiem:wink::yawn: :drinker: :heart:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning-
    I forgot it was Feb. Thank you Barbicat for posting the link from the Jan. thread! :flowerforyou:
    By the way, all of you who have already posted are very inspiring. I look at your weight loss tickers and read that your clothes fit better and that you make great choices about eating and exercising, etc and I feel like I need that kick in the pants to make the same good choices.

    I thought I had been doing better, but apparently I still have a very hard time grasping that I can't and shouldnt' eat the way I did when I was younger. I used to be able to lose 2-3 pound pretty easily. Not so anymore. :mad: Maybe that's the menopause effect and that's what is so different. Anyway, I'm a little frustrated to see the scale move in the wrong direction despite 2 vigorous exercise class this week-end. I am also aggravated because I actually have to go shopping today and look for a bigger size so I have one outfit to take to Florida next week-end. I swore I would never let it get this bad, but a few days is not enough time to fit into what I have.:explode:

    So, lesson learned. My broad goal for Feb. is to modify what and how much I eat. I need to break that down into somehting more attainable and measurable, but haven't figured that out yet.
    Thanks for listening to this rant. Good luck everyone w/your goals.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Cindy, I can really relate. I hate that "muffin top". :explode: As you can see, I'm still ranting and frustrated. But I am going to try to follow birdiem's and your examples and get my head and focus in the right place , etc.
  • mynyddisamrs
    Good afternoon all you .....Fabulous February 50+ Losers - - More snow and a huge hailstorm last night.
    So far so good today. 2 hours cleaning exercise but I'm going to try and not count the calories given back from exercise.
    Tried to get a pair of small scales to weigh out food but no luck in our large chemist Boots. I'll try on line now.

    By the way ... if this is misspelt it's probably 'cos I have my contact lenses in!! Hard to get the balance right between reading and distance!! AND the sun's shining making seeing the screen hard.!! My excuse for being toooo lazt to move and get my glasses!

    Exermom - I think it was you that asked - Freezing squash is not good. Tends to thaw and just be very watery. I've frozen courgettes (Zucchini) by slicing, just blanching in boiling water, draining and then freezing on tray in sep.pieces. Not sure how you'd do this with a spaghetti? squash.

    Having a blonde moment now!! - Diane W - (I think it was you!! - well done on those blue trousers!! I too have a pair of trousers. I did get excited and try them on a few weeks ago. What torture to do up!! I'm going to try again in 2 weeks time and will let you know!

    Came back from work to find DH actually managed some DIY!! Continuing loo story!! He managed to get the siphon bit working by melting two holes in the casing and wiring the arm so that it flushes if we push the part where the buttons press onto. Got it so far?.......We still haven't got the cistern top on but hey!!... at least I don't have to stumble downstairs in the night!
    We will wait for the new part to arrive before we try to get the top on!

    Also.... man of many talents this!... he managed to work out a way to stop the carpet under my mums commode from moving!! Stops her pulling it and moving it leaving the main carpet exposed . He actually screwed the carpet to the skirting board - washers in place to prevent the rubber edge tearing! Believe me folks thats good for my DH where DIY is concerned! Do any of you have handy men in your lives?

    So... it's February here we come folks .... Keep keen and keep lean!! ( do you like that?!! - quite good for a mondaty don't you think?

    Bye for now - I'm moving on to log the menu for today!

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning again,

    I must mention that the goal pants are a size 6. But sizes are just what the pair of pants in hand say. they can range all the way from 12 - 6 (depending on how old they are) and still fit! Vanity sizing is so wrong.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy February, everyone!:flowerforyou:

    I start back to work today so my goals for this month are:
    1) To remember to drink my water! (Shouldn't be a problem as I usually NEED to drink a lot at work!:smile: )
    2) To eat breakfast EVERY DAY! (I'm getting up earlier for this one. I do SO much better when I have breakfast!)
    3) To work out every morning before work.

    I'm SO glad to be going back to work!:happy: We stopped at the store I work as a vendor at yesterday (its a Lowes store) and I ran into a couple of people I work with. They seem really glad that I'll be back AND they told me how good I look!:happy: Its always nice to know that my hard work is being noticed!

    Well, going to finish my coffee and get my Monday workout done! I'll be checking back in later.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Morning Ladies:flowerforyou:

    My husband & I are going to the gym today. We hopefully can fit going to the gym 3x a week to start.

    :heart: Kathy
  • dricotta1
    dricotta1 Posts: 63 Member
    good morning all and Happy February,
    I think this is the toughest month for me. It's cold and my body just wants to hibernate and store fat! I really have to push because I haven't lost the 4 lbs of holiday treats yet! Sooooooo........My goals for Feb. are to exercise 5 days a week and log calories. If I do that consistently these 4 lbs should be gone by the end of the month.

    I also want to say to all of my sisters here that many of us are caring for elderly parents, either at home or long distance and it is VERY stressful. We love them, pof course, but the extra strain both physically and emotionally takes its toll and the stress hormones make us add weight easily. We MUST take care of ourselves or we're no help to anyone. Be nice to yourself and cut yourself some slack when you weary and irritable.

    Love and courage to all,
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just a quick hello.

    I can't believe how fast we all jump in an post. It's really a lot of fun reading everything.

    My February goal is to just keep working on not eating my exercise calories. I think that is the key to everything for me.

  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    It's so good to be back reading posts after my weekend away. Unfortunately - I resorted to my bad habits over the weekend. We ate out at restaurants that were void of good choices, there were cookies and other things to nosh on while we were painting and moving my son. I did not weigh in this morning - I have some hard work to do this week and some soul searching to consider. I can't always eat at home and not ever travel - so I need to wrap my head around why I let myself blow it this weekend.
    On a positive note - I did reach my January goals! And I need to allow myself to be happy about that and not dwell on my recent slip up. I'm so encouraged by those who posted their successes about feeling thin and fitting into clothes they hadn't for a long time. I want that too!! Here's to a better February with good choices!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Well, I didn't make my weight loss goal having only lost 3 lbs for Jan instead at my goal of 5. so I think this month I will not target a set amount but still work on losing!

    I'm having a hard time getting my water in with it being cold outside. Except when I am on the elliptical, I can drink 16 oz in no time.

    I've posted this site before http://exercise.about.com/cs/fitnesstools/l/blcalorieburn.htm for calculating calories. It said I burned 191 calories shoveling snow. So I've almost reached my calorie burn for the day.

    I'm really missing my boy. He is the main snow shoveler in our household. He would of had it all done by now. My husband did a little but has to be careful not to hurt his back because he is the only one here to move Granny and boy would I will be in a pickle if his back goes out. I only got a path done halfway down the drive way. Trying to get to the mail box is my objective. I walked out to the end of the cul de sac and the road going out of our development is still pretty slick and covered. We may not be going any where for days!

    All I know is that the exercise sure did make me hungry! And unlike some of you I can certainly eat and post!

    I'll probably go back out and shovel more snow after I give Granny her lunch.


  • arborsong
    Firetuck - Hey, congrats are in order -- you made your Jan goal. WAY TO GO!!!!! Focus on the positive and the long term not last weekend. We all do the best we can do at the time then pick ourselves go and go forward from there. Don't let the weekend get you down. Promise yourself you'll do good this week. We have to enjoy the time we have with family -- in the end, that's what life is all about anyway. You spent precious time with your son this weekend and you know he so enjoyed that. If you want to think about the weekend, dwell on the memories you made with him!!!

    You'll have a fabulous week, I'm quite sure!!!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Afternoon Ladies:flowerforyou:
    Made it to the gym. Walked on the treadmill for an hour. Not a huge amount of speed but I was consistent in the pace. Burned 300 calories. Not great as far as burning calories, but it was great to be in the gym again.

    :heart: Kathy
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I think 300 calories and treadmill for an hour is great!!
    Glad you were able to go.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I made my food/eating goals for Jan. but not my exercising goals. I only swam 3x and I didn't bike last week. But I did do a lot of spin classes, so I think I might count that one. I did average 1 a week. I'm also back to running, which wasn't a goal but did cut into my time for other things. I ran 2 miles out of 3 last night! I can't wait to run the whole 5k!

    I also didn't drink 80-100 oz *every* single day but I drank that much most days so I'm going to count it. :laugh: I did really well on my protein goals too.

    For Feb, I'm going continue with the drinking and eating goals but I'm going to scale back my exercise goals to something attainable. Then I can up them next month.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Hello All:flowerforyou: I was wondering where all the women my age were. I only started this January really working on the new and improved me. So many of you are an inspiration...I'm not doing too good in the exercise department, but did pretty good in the eating and weight loss area. Glad to be part of this "speciality" club.:drinker: