

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I did look at my protein amounts and they seem to be what this web site suggests.
    IMO the default settings for protein on this site are VERY low. I always change mine when I'm fiddling with my settings to get them more where I think is reasonable.
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good Morning everyone!

    I know I haven't posted in a bit but I' have been working out everyday and reading the posts faithfully to keep me inspired.

    Lynn - I am so very sorry about what you are going through at this time with your mother. I do wish you and your mother all the best. Stress is so very hard on our bodies. I know that you are doing the best that you can during this difficult time.

    Know that you have a lot of love and support right here with all of these lovely ladies.

    Take care.

    To everyone on this thread, today is a new day, a day of opportunity and of making positive and healthy choices.

  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi everyone - on a damp and drizzly afternoon . 7degrees C so should feel warmer but it doesn't.... I've got my warm slippers on, extra cardi and had a mug of hot chocolate. Feel a bit warmer now!:drinker:

    Lynn ... I do hope your mum is rallying around. It's not easy, I know ,when you're trying to keep things together and be positive. She sounds like a fighter though so... look forward ! I heard on Sunday that my Dad (divorced from my mum 30 yrs hence) was in hospital too. My Stepmother was a nurse and copes with him very well! 5 years ago he ended up in ICU on life support. with a perforated bowel and complications .He now has a colostemy bag and is on kidney dialysis 3 time a week at home! We did 4 weeks of dashing up and down the country until they switched off the life support. He held his own and astounded everyone.Since then he's back playing bowls, been on holidays & cruises etc!! ...... Now he has a severe chest infection but as he needs dialysis it complicates matters as far as which hospital he's in. He should be out after the weekend and if I can, I'll dash down to see him while DH looks after my mum. Just sending off some get well cards from the grandkids to their great grandad.:heart:

    Today has been good .... 2lb lighter!! Food diary logged and it's looking as if I should have no problem keeping within my limits.
    I have my cleaning calories in reserve but I shouldn't need them.

    Keep posting folks ... It's great to read them all. You are all so inspirational ... Has anyone added together ALL the pounds everyone's lost to see what sort of a butter mountain that would be?!!:smile:
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Hi everyone!

    Just a quick post to tag for later.

    Lost another 1.8 last week. Yay - finally I've lost two weeks in a row. Still busy - still going to the gym 4-6 times a week. Seems to be working. My challenge is the weekends so this weekend I'm going to try really hard to keep my calorie intake in check.

    Take care everyone

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I haven't logged in for a couple of weeks. Again my mom was in the hospital each time she enters she seems closer to death. She rallied again and is in a rehab facility. Didn't lose any weight in Janurary but have maintained my weight. This is so stressfull going from her being home trying to regain her strength then congestive heart failure and pnemonia spending 12 days in ICU this past trip to the hospital.When I am in Tennesse we eat out every meal. So I am full of stress hormones for sure. I hope to lose weight this month if I don't I will keep trying.
    Take care all,

    Lynn, I feel for you:ohwell: I am an only child taking care of my Mom long distance and this week she's been sick (lifeline called me twice, my care giver that oversees everyone else has called me twice a day since Monday and I'm sitting on a fence wondering if I can make it until the end of March to go out there to see her and get her taxes done.

    Glad for you that you haven't gained during this stressful time.

    :flowerforyou: hang in there ... February will be a better "loss" month!:smile:

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    I just skimmed a few of the posts. I realize it has been a while since I posted. since the beginning of the month at least. am just now feeling better with allergies. no medicine yesterday or today. No exercise all week. Been trying to eat right but messed up some. I feel much better so am planning to get back on total track with eating and exercise. I will post my goals at end of message. The ball is Sat to answer someone's question. I will post pics on Sunday once I am awake. The ball does not start until 10 pm and we are usually in bed by 9 or 9:30. It will be interesting. I went today to Dress Barn to look for some blouses for our trip in a few weeks. Remember that dress I tried for the wedding that was a size 12. Well they did not have th 12 but had a 10 and it was on sale. A 60 dollar dress for 24. I tried the 10. It was snug but I think after getting back on track it should fit well by April Their return policy is 60 days with tags so I got it. I figured what the heck. I know I can I know I can Iknow I can. With help from you guys I can do this. I started this journey last year about this time. FEb 24 to be exact. Now I plan to start fresh and lose at least anohte 50 pounds.
    My goals for feb are:
    1. log in each and every day without fail
    2. drink my water each and every day
    3. eat the right foods each and every day
    4. exercise each and every day.
    thanks for all you do for me.
    Vicki M
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I did look at my protein amounts and they seem to be what this web site suggests.
    IMO the default settings for protein on this site are VERY low. I always change mine when I'm fiddling with my settings to get them more where I think is reasonable.

    How do you know what's reasonable?
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi friends! I've been working at the Post Office all week and this is the first time I've been on MFP this week! I miss reading all of your posts and more so recording my calories and exercise. It's good to get in some extra hours at work, but I am very tired when I get home and just kind of crash. Good to hear you are all doing well. Keep on keeping on!!:flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Lynn- My heart goes out to you and your family. I hope your mom gets better and stays better.

    BirdieM- Are you doing any better with not getting dizzy?

    Mary – Glad you had enough time to say hello. I’m sure things will calm down in May or June depending on when your school gets out. Hang in there.

    Mynyddisamrs & Benson – Congratulations loosing this week!

    Laura- I hope your Mom gets better too.

    VickiM and Doobiedoo – I hope you both do find the time to post more. I know we all wonder about you and each other if too long goes by without a word.

    I'm in a grumpy mood. Hubby and kids had the day off and they did nothing all day. The wood is in the garage and not stacked. The snow did not get shovelled at all. No chores got done. I swear I'm the only one in this house that does not have ADD and can actually think and act. So, I will have to get after them this weekend to get things done.

    On the upside yoga was fantastic again today and shovelling snow is a good calorie burn.

    Have a great evening everyone,

  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    Birdie - I set my numbers at 55% carbs, 30% protein, 15% fat. Very different than what the default is but I find it works well for me. I did a bunch of reading on the internet to determine my numbers and set them this way because I lift heavy weights twice a week in addition to my cardio workouts. I also set my fat very low because of my family history of heart disease. I usually have to supplement with whey protein shakes if I burn a bunch of calories. There is a ton of info out there - it's just a matter of sifting through it. Anybody else set their numbers different than the default?
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Reading the posts but not much time to respond. I had a good day! Last night I didn't feel dizzy, so today I tried to do the treadmill and did it for 30 min. :bigsmile: I am very grateful to be able to do even that.:blushing:
    Sending support and hugs to all.....all the way to the UK:wink:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :bigsmile: I'm making progress with all the paperwork in front of me and finding balance with time for family, dance, exercise, business, and MFP.......did a bit of extra exercise today and earned more peanut butter for my snack.:bigsmile: pleasant dreams:heart::heart: Barbie
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :embarassed: I have not been here for several days. You know what that means....I have not been eating well or getting enough exercise. I am at a low point and feel like giving up.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :embarassed: I have not been here for several days. You know what that means....I have not been eating well or getting enough exercise. I am at a low point and feel like giving up.


    Don't give up the ship!!! Remember, "Failure is NOT an option!!" We are all here pulling for you!!!

  • arborsong
    Becky -- We've all probably felt like giving up at one point or another. So, please know we understand how you feel. I've been doing a lot of positive affirmations lately that tend to keep my spirits up. But, you cannot go from feeling down to soaring high in one giant step. Try to think of one positive thing about you or your life right now. All during the day remind yourself of that one thing. Tomorrow your thought might be a little more positive and the next day go up one more step, then one more, day after day. It does require concentration, BUT IT WORKS!!!! Keep us posted and know I am lifting you up today!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Look at your ticker Becky, you are almost there. Look at what you have accomplished already. Don't stop now.

    Why are you feeling so low? Anything we can help with? I will pray for your spirits to be lifted. :heart: Alice
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Becky - ditto from me on all the encouragement several have already posted. Don't let yourself get down. Your doing great so far and spring is right around the corner. Only six more weeks of the winter doldrums to go.

    I find that having flowers in the house helps. I actually read an article on it several years ago and I think it's right. Get a begonia and put it somewhere you can see it and it can get some light. They are very hardy and bloom all year round. I know I smile every time I water them and see their new blooms.

    Week 3 without a freezer went a lot better than week 2. We did not run out of food midweek and we have room for ice cream in the little fridge freezer.

    My son is having an EEGtoday. We had to stay up til midnight and get up a 4AM. I will be beat tonight.

    Have a great day all,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am listening to a personal development CD in my car and what I heard that might apply to all of us is "environment is stronger than willpower"........the speaker said to surround yourself with positive influences and people who will support your dream.......stay away from negative people and the "dream stealers" who will subtly try to undermine your journey to your dream.

    :flowerforyou: sometimes the most positive place to be is MFP........someone on this thread says that she reads our posts every morning while she has breakfast......I love that idea......even if I don't post, I always read what all of you are writing.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi all - I think I'm going to try and keep away from the scales 'til Sunday!! Actually put on 1 lb overnight!! I've not put that on the log in the hope it goes away!! I was still in my calories by 135 last night but did use my exercise spares!! So ... will try harder today. :noway:
    Tonights menu will be poached salmon (minus the lemon sauce the others will be having), peas and carrots plus a small boiled potato. I'll have a mandarin orange .... I bought new ones and at least these are edible! I did use one of the sour ones in last nights sweet and sour chicken . I have promised myself a glass of wine too ... as it's the start of a weekend! That's the plan anyway!!:drinker:

    Becky - hope you're feeling a bit more positive. Don't give up! Deep breath and hang on in there. You've got this far ... keep on going.:flowerforyou:

    To all those who should be shovelling snow... keep at it! great exercise!! To all those who have no snow to shovel ... thank your lucky stars! Ours has gone now so will have to make do with my cleaning calories on the log.

    Oh! .....forgot to say we've now got a local Zumba class too. But... it's on a Wednesday Evening and DH works then so I can't go .It looks a great idea ( I googled Zumba for info. and listened to the music) So... I sent off for a Latino Aerobics DVD instead!
    We'll give the cats earplugs and switch off Mums hearing aids, roll back the rug and get some dance exercise .... When the postman delivers!!

    Bye for now folks
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :embarassed: I have not been here for several days. You know what that means....I have not been eating well or getting enough exercise. I am at a low point and feel like giving up.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Becky we all care and can see you are sooooo close to your goal:glasses: . Hang in there!
