

  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I will look for the new thread each month. Congrats on your weightloss. You are amazing and such an inspiration to all.

    My monthly goals: 4lbs down; workout 3X week; water water water!

    Have a good day all!:flowerforyou:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good Morning everyone!

    I'm hoping to get out of this house some time today! Cabin fever has definitely set in and I must go out!

    I'm just checking this morning and saying I hope everyone has a good day and makes good choices!

  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi everyone - :happy: Have had a good day so far... Scales were the same but hey it's early in the week!! Day out in Liverpool . Pub lunch was no problem... Cajun chicken, salad and 1/2 jkt potato. Sorry... I had salad dressing and a bit of butter on my potato. Had a black coffee for dessert and lived dangerously and had a diet coke. And it was.....boring but worth it! It was ...It was!!:drinker:

    Tonight I've earmarked some Vegetable soup and Ryvita, some carrot sticks, and my hot choc. drink. Well within the calories . No exercise today so I have nothing to help anyway.

    I told my friend in Liverpool about MFP and especially 50+ and what a great bunch you all are. Maybe she'll tag along but I think it'll be in the 40+!!! which as she said is bad enough!! We're all still young at heart eh?
    What age do you all feel or think you'd like to be?:laugh:

    Bye for now then ... working towards a lighter life!!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hi Jackie,

    Glad to hear from Liverpool! I use butter and salad dressing all the time, just in smaller quantities. If in a restaurant always ask for the salad dressing to be on the side and I think some say to dip your fork in it and than get a bit of salad. That way you lose lots less!

    I've mentioned MFP to lots of my friends and my relatives and I can't seem to get anyone on board with me. My sister especially needs to lose. I got busy this past November when my Dr said he wanted to put me on meds for high cholesterol. That just isn't something I'm comfortable with without giving it a go on my own first. My sister said she is on them and it isn't bad you just have to get a blood test every 3 months to make sure it isn't harming your liver. No, No, No.

    I've washed the dogs this morning, vacuumed, moped floors, made bread and of course taken care of Granny. I've just been Miss Suzie Homemaker today :)


  • arborsong

    I've washed the dogs this morning, vacuumed, moped floors, made bread and of course taken care of Granny. I've just been Miss Suzie Homemaker today :)


    Hey, "Suzie" when you get through at your house, I'll give you the key to my place. I could use all the same. Bring Granny with you!!! LOL!!!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Actually I used to clean for other folks, I had 2 - 3 regulars but had to give it up when Granny became home bound.

    Believe me, it is much easier to clean some one else's place than your own. You go in do the work and get out and the funny thing is usually they straighten up before you come.

    I had one friend I worked for and I went upstairs to the teenage girls rooms and they were so messy (especially the bathroom) that I couldn't get to any of the surfaces to clean them. I marched myself right back down stairs and left her a note saying..."If I can get to it I'll clean it but I don't know where any of their stuff goes and that's not what I'm here for in the first place". she called me later that day to apologize and say the girls would be cleaning their own room that week!

    Their rooms were picked up after that!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just a quick hello, as I am at work....and it's still busy but not as "over the top" busy as it was in January.:wink:
    I got weighed this morning and to my surprise I lost another 2 lbs! :bigsmile: I was so sure I gained as I have not been able to exercise and had a couple sloppy days. So 40 down and 10 to go!:bigsmile:

    The only thing I am concerned about, is that I have had spouts of dizzyness off and on for the last week. I tried to get back on the treadmill this week and lost my balance as I did last week. :ohwell: Barb, I did look at my protein amounts and they seem to be what this web site suggests. I'm going for my yearly check up in a couple of weeks and will have him do bloodwork done to make sure that I'm not lacking any nutrients. It could be Vertigo or something.:ohwell:

    In the meantime, drinking tons of water:drinker: :drinker: and trying to stick to my 1200 calories a day!:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day everyone....even in the UK!!!:love:

    BirdieM :heart:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Yeah Birdie!!!!! don't you just love it when that happens!
  • mynyddisamrs
    Ditto that Cindy ... come to Wales and Do my housework!! Your Gran can chat with my Mum!!
    Know what you mean about easier to clean for others! My "People" are great .One house has two young children you wouldnt even know were there! and the other couple don't seem to live in the house at all! DH and I whizz through ours at the weekend! Funny how we still "Do" things at the weekend as if we still worked full time!
    Good evening so far with no deviations from the calorie path!!

    Cheers all!
  • arborsong
    mynyddisamrs - I didn't realize you are in Wales. That's where I ancestors are from. I'd love to visit sometime. My son was there one summer studying horticulture but I've never made the trip. Wow! I feel like you're my cousin or something!
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi Louise - Was your son near Wrexham or Mold ? - There are 2 Horticultural Colleges near us here.
    Still doing well - no "naughties" have passed my lips tonight!!

    Night All!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I love how we are in so many different time zones so someone is posting at all hours. We have the cable guy here today to hook up cable internet that is supposed to be much faster than what we have now. The dogs bark every time he comes in and out of the house.....DH is on the phone so it's crazy here. We had a quick Isagenix shake lunch so we got nourishment without a mess before all this started happening. I go to the dentist in an hour and the weather looks threatening so there might not be a visit to the dog park:sad: :sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, congratulations on your weight loss (40 pounds looks great on your ticker)and good luck finding out why you're getting dizzy....seeing your doctor is a great idea......I share your frustration with those days with no exercise......staying at only 1200 calories a day is very challenging.

    I have to get off now to let the internet connection work proceed.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: mynyddisamrs--most of the time I think I'm about 25! But then I have a rough day at work and feel like I'm 95!:laugh:
    I don't know what age I'd like to be--they all had their challenges! I guess I'm happy being the age I am now!:happy:

    Work is going well. Lugged around a bunch of trees today (they weighed about 40 pounds each!) and, since no one seems to know where they're supposed to be, I guess I'll be moving them again soon!:grumble: Actually, I don't mind. I've been back at work for 3 days and it already seems easier than it was last year!:happy: We'll see how I feel when the hot weather starts!

    I've been meeting my goals for the month so far and plan on doing so all month!

    Have a good evening, day, night, whatever, all!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    I'm back on track after my "weak" weekend. YEA!

    I saw a couple of posts about how hard it is to stay at 1200 calories when you don't exercise in a day. Boy can I relate to that! That's why I try to make sure that I do at least a little something every day so I can eat a little bit more. When I can't I make sure I drink a bunch of extra water and chew gum to keep my mind off of it. And if I know in advance of a day that I won't be able to exercise - I try to plan out my food for the day making sure it is high in fiber and protein. Makes a big difference. Hope this helps!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    It is so great that we have such a variety of people in the forum now and we are truly "international". I love hearing about everyone's day.

    Cindy - You and I need keep each other from going crazy with all the parent stuff and the snow. I love the snow and hope it keeps coming but I just wish the driveway would shovel itself. We got 6 more inches today and it is suppose to snow 4 out of the next 7 days.

    I'm deciding that government agencies are all disfunctional. They can't communicate with each other. The local schools all let out at 1 today due to the weather. All of us parents left work and started home only to find out that the State Police closed the highway and the Police closed the side road. I'm sure a lot of kids got home only to find the houses locked and empty. Tomorrow I will write to everyone I can think of to tell them how stupid they were closing the schools then not letting parents go home. Luckily, my kids were with my hubby as they are all at the same school now. My normal commute is 45 minutes. Today I left work at 11:30 and got home at 3:30.

    Have a good evening,

  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello everyone,

    I haven't logged in for a couple of weeks. Again my mom was in the hospital each time she enters she seems closer to death. She rallied again and is in a rehab facility. Didn't lose any weight in Janurary but have maintained my weight. This is so stressfull going from her being home trying to regain her strength then congestive heart failure and pnemonia spending 12 days in ICU this past trip to the hospital.When I am in Tennesse we eat out every meal. So I am full of stress hormones for sure. I hope to lose weight this month if I don't I will keep trying.
    Take care all,
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I haven't logged in for a couple of weeks. Again my mom was in the hospital each time she enters she seems closer to death. She rallied again and is in a rehab facility. Didn't lose any weight in Janurary but have maintained my weight. This is so stressfull going from her being home trying to regain her strength then congestive heart failure and pnemonia spending 12 days in ICU this past trip to the hospital.When I am in Tennesse we eat out every meal. So I am full of stress hormones for sure. I hope to lose weight this month if I don't I will keep trying.
    Take care all,

    :flowerforyou: Hi Lynn. Kudo's to you during this very stressful time. Yes, stress does something to the body, so if you maintained your weight, you actually did exceedingly well. :flowerforyou:

    Keep well, my friend. You need good health during these difficult times.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    The only thing I am concerned about, is that I have had spouts of dizzyness off and on for the last week. I tried to get back on the treadmill this week and lost my balance as I did last week. :ohwell: Barb, I did look at my protein amounts and they seem to be what this web site suggests. I'm going for my yearly check up in a couple of weeks and will have him do bloodwork done to make sure that I'm not lacking any nutrients. It could be Vertigo or something.:ohwell:
    BirdieM :heart:

    Hi Birdie, I appreciate you writing about this. I also need to be aware that I actually eat enough (good food) to keep me going. Can't ignore it. If you exercise you need more calories to keep your body fueled.

    Keep well, Birdie. :heart: and let us know what the blood work says.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Don't really have much to say, just wanted to let you all know that I am still here. I'm reading your posts but a little too busy to post the past few days! Happy Wednesday, all, and here's to smart choices!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: My visit to the dentist was a great success
    he said my teeth were in great shape and he'd see me again next year:bigsmile: I had time in the waiting room to read some in "Fitness" magazine......a woman who had lost a lot of weight said that what helped her was "no excuses"....another one said that it helped to make small manageable goals because looking at the big picture was too overwhelming.

    :bigsmile: Now if I ride the exercise bike for awhile I'll have enough calories for apple and peanut butter:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :heart: Barbie:heart: