

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Hello to all of you wonderful ladies! Welcome Newcomers.

    I'm back after a frightfully busy week. The company has come and gone, the funeral is over (MIL had a lovely funeral with about 30-32 people attending). That was amazing considering how old she was and that she had outlived all of her immediate family, husband, husband's family, and close friends.

    How did I do on my January goals? Not too great, but not too awful. I did FINALLY make my 40 pounds lost - WOO HOO!!! Exercised faithfully for at least 3/4 of the month and did add back in my weights/strength two times a week. Didn't do too great on drinking more water and less caffiene, but did excellent on keeping up on daily devotions and daily journalling.

    Yesterday was my quiet day. We took my son Greg to the airport and swung by church to drop off memorials that had come in. Then I spent a good portion of the day reading an OA book on Abstinence, defining my own abstinence and food plan. Yesterday was Day 1. For my abstinence is going to be three meals per day with dessert at dinner that I can eat at dinnner or save for later in the evening. My food plan is 1200 calories per day to include: 2 glasses of milk, 3 grains, 6 fruits and vegetables, and 3-4 oz of protein.

    Good luck to everyone in the new month. :heart: Terri :heart:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone;

    It's so cold here and we are getting freezing rain this morning! No school here and if school is cancelled tomorrow we won't have bowling league either. I am sore from all the shoveling I did yesterday so am finding it hard to get motivated to exercise today. I promise I will do it though.

    Louise; Is "tenny shoes" a southern term? We always called them that growing up and I was just wondering.

    Teri: Nice to see you smiling face again. I am glad everything went well and that you are ready to get back on track.

    Birdie; Glad to see that you aren't so overwhelmed and are back to posting.

    Jackie: I don't really like water either but I started drinking plain seltzer water a number of years back. The bubbles in it gives you the refreshment of drinking a good cold soda without all the calories. It comes flavored too.

    I must get on with my day. I hope we all make wise choices and are true to what we really want to do.

  • arborsong
    Cindy - I never thought about "tenny shoes" being a Southern term. I was born here and have lived here all of my life. It is the only term I know, but perhaps people in other parts of the country call them something else. Isn't that a hoot? I'm so Southern that I don't even know what is not Southern?!?!?!?!?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I felt really happy about getting to the gym yesterday. I fought off hunger so much better. This morning is kinda for my self. Hubby went to drop off his uniforms so they will start paying him his retirement pension. Nice having him home all day (so far :tongue: ) It's my son's birthday today. He his thirty six. I have doctor's appointments this afternoon with my parents.

    It's cloudy here now. This sun was shinning earlier but not anymore. I have to go to the dentist tomorrow for general cleaning. I hate the Dentist. Can't wait til that is over. :bigsmile:

    Some of my other family members are pitching in on making meals for my parents and that is a big help.

    To all who are working the program. :drinker: :drinker:

    To all who are thinking about working the program. :laugh: :laugh: (me included). I'm just trying to have a laugh. Some who know me I can get a little crazy at times.

    :heart: Kathy (plantlady)
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Good morning-
    I forgot it was Feb. Thank you Barbicat for posting the link from the Jan. thread! :flowerforyou:
    By the way, all of you who have already posted are very inspiring. I look at your weight loss tickers and read that your clothes fit better and that you make great choices about eating and exercising, etc and I feel like I need that kick in the pants to make the same good choices.

    I thought I had been doing better, but apparently I still have a very hard time grasping that I can't and shouldnt' eat the way I did when I was younger. I used to be able to lose 2-3 pound pretty easily. Not so anymore. :mad: Maybe that's the menopause effect and that's what is so different. Anyway, I'm a little frustrated to see the scale move in the wrong direction despite 2 vigorous exercise class this week-end. I am also aggravated because I actually have to go shopping today and look for a bigger size so I have one outfit to take to Florida next week-end. I swore I would never let it get this bad, but a few days is not enough time to fit into what I have.:explode:

    So, lesson learned. My broad goal for Feb. is to modify what and how much I eat. I need to break that down into somehting more attainable and measurable, but haven't figured that out yet.
    Thanks for listening to this rant. Good luck everyone w/your goals.

    Zaza, have you started using the Free Calorie counter on this website ? If you have filled out the profile of what you weigh and how much you WANT to weigh, it will tell you how many calories you can have per day in order to achieve that goal. It is easy to see that the "old habits" we have gotten into aren't going to get us where we want to be. You have to get your "head" in the game and your body will follow. Good luck !!!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Hello All:flowerforyou: I was wondering where all the women my age were. I only started this January really working on the new and improved me. So many of you are an inspiration...I'm not doing too good in the exercise department, but did pretty good in the eating and weight loss area. Glad to be part of this "speciality" club.:drinker:

    Glad you found us.....welcome to the best "over 50" club on the net !!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :happy: Hopefully I can post a little more now that the dreaded deadline for 1099s has past! :ohwell: Welcome to all those that have joined recently!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It’s so good to see more people posting!:heart:

    I like listening to all the ideas, and I have come to the conclusion that different things work for different people.:wink: We all have to find what works for us individually and stick with it. As Barbie said, it’s important to be open to new ideas also.

    For exercise, I like doing the treadmill everyday, and hope to get back to it tomorrow. (I have had a slight problem with my back). Exercise = food for me, so I eat my calories I exercise. I have lost 38 lbs since August doing that and it works for me….so far….:laugh: That may not work for someone else but it works for me so until it doesn’t…I’m going to stick with it!!

    Also, drinking lots of water has helped.:drinker: :drinker: I know it’s hard but I keep water by my side at all times and just make sure I drink it. Some one once said something to me that was so simple and yet profound. “Just do it” It seems simple….but it helps me cut to the chase and get things done instead of thinking about them….. and/or ….if I should or could do whatever it is that I know I should be doing!

    I track EVERYTHING….even the slips…:grumble: so I stay honest with what I’m doing. It’s just too easy for me to pick in stuff and forget I did it.:ohwell: I sliver things to death and wonder how I gain weight.:noway: Doing this has been a real eye opener as I had no idea just how many calories I was eating daily! :noway: Do you know how many calories are in trail mix??? :noway: I thought I was on a healthy kick when I was really packing it on! :angry: So if I eat it….I track it!:flowerforyou:

    Also, I take it one day at a time. I need to be patient and kind to myself….:love: I didn’t get to this weight overnight so I can’t expect to lose it overnight!! I'm on a journey, and the most important part of it is to live in the moment. I can’t change yesterday or predict tomorrow….but I can make choices in the present moment!

    I have been “over the top” busy, so I have gotten sloppy. :grumble: OK…so that gives me something to aim for today…to have a clean and healthy day with food!:flowerforyou:

    I know I’m improving because this week I picked in a dish of candy…I had a Twix bite size bar as well as a Rolo….I ate one Girl Scout cookie….and then thought…THEY JUST DON’T HAVE THE APPEAL THEY HAD A YEAR AGO! WOW!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thank you God!! What a gift!:heart: Don’t want to blow it by continuing to eat junk food, especially sweets, because the craving WILL come back. :devil:

    Didn’t mean to go on so….but posting helps me to be vigilant!

    As the Terminator said….”I”M BACK”:laugh: :laugh:

    I won’t be so long winded in the future…just happy to finally have the time to post!:happy:

    Have a great February!!!:love:

    Sounds like you've gotten your motivation back.....good for you. I also have been getting sloppy. Taking a pinch here, a sliver there, just a bite of that.....it certainly adds up.

    If posting helps you to stay focused.....then "just do it" !!!
  • bradybrookes
    Just a quick post . . . I FOUND MY OTHER SHOE!!!!!!!!! :love: Dropped in the driveway in the chaos of yesterday. Grateful to have it back! Did my 50 min on the elliptical and 20 min of weights in my old muddy “walk the dog” shoes, but I decided it didn’t matter . . . I was still there and burned over 600 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :devil:
    I wonder how many calories I burned being so frustrated?? Next post will be from sunny Arizona!!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :Okay laides, I'm going to try to do better. I've been so busy working outside the home, as well as inside, that I feel I don't have any time to relax. I haven't been posting because I don't have time to read everyone's post and I feel selfish if I just write about what I'm doing and not comment on anyone else. :blushing: :blushing:

    I've enjoyed browsing through your posts today but unfortunately can't respond to them all......I'm so far behind. :cry: :cry: I did get a chuckle out of "muffin top". :happy: :happy: That's a perfect way to describe those pants that push everything "up". Congrats to all of you who have gotten into those smaller clothes.

    I'm maintaining, but not losing. My busy schedule doesn't give me time to plan meals and I'm having trouble finding time to exercise. However, I did get on the treadmill today and burned 350 calories. I am too tired in the evening to exercise and too tired in the morning to get up early to exercise before work. Any suggestions ???? Quit my job maybe ???:laugh: :laugh:
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Just a quick post . . . I FOUND MY OTHER SHOE!!!!!!!!! :love: Dropped in the driveway in the chaos of yesterday. Grateful to have it back! Did my 50 min on the elliptical and 20 min of weights in my old muddy “walk the dog” shoes, but I decided it didn’t matter . . . I was still there and burned over 600 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :devil:
    I wonder how many calories I burned being so frustrated?? Next post will be from sunny Arizona!!

    Glad you found your shoe.......Have a great time in Sunny Arizona !!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    just finished a salad for lunch.

    Kathy (plantlady)
  • mynyddisamrs
    N.Wales calling..... UK that is! I'll say that because I've found out that there's a N.Wales in Pennsylvania. A very strong Welsh base there from Historical days!!

    Well ... today has been good so far!! I've actually drunk 3 glasses of water - plain water at that!! :drinker:
    I've static cycled 20 minutes too.
    I've been good with the calories - still have quite a few to go as well.
    All your successes have shamed me into thinking I must do better! If you can - surely I can!

    Another female in the household must also go on a diet. One of our cats - We have two, both rescue cats - Sapphire - is a pudding!! We do try and limit her intake but she still seems to be well rounded and weighs a ton!!! It doesn't help that she'll eat the food of our other cat - Chaz- if possible. We place his food up high as she can't jump up too high. Her legs are only short (breed is ...Himalayan - blue eyes- hence Sapphire- , thick light & dark chocolate col. fur and...very short legs!! She hated going out in the snow!) Chaz is the opposite - a Rag Doll Burman - like a long haired Seal Point Siamese with white paws tips! He's lean and a very picky eater. So .... Sapphy is to have her food weighed and no extras!! .......BIT LIKE ME THEN!!!!:ohwell:

    I was good with the shopping last week and bought two nets of Mandarin oranges for desserts . Great I thought until I had one!! Previous purchases had been lovely and sweet but these are down right sour. Not just sharp but SOUR!!
    I could of course peel them whole and poach them in a lovely sugar syrup with ginger and cinnamon, leave to cool and serve with loads of freshly whipped cream.........but I'm not!! Anyone know what I can do to make them edible! My Mum actually ate the rest of one tonight without even wincing!! I thought it was worse than eating a lemon!!!:noway:

    Keep going ... the journey's started by being here on MFP!!!

  • arborsong
    Jackie - my suggestion for the mandarins is.........................GIVE THEM TO MUM!!! LOL!!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Just a quick post . . . I FOUND MY OTHER SHOE!!!!!!!!! :love: Dropped in the driveway in the chaos of yesterday. Grateful to have it back! Did my 50 min on the elliptical and 20 min of weights in my old muddy “walk the dog” shoes, but I decided it didn’t matter . . . I was still there and burned over 600 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :devil:
    I wonder how many calories I burned being so frustrated?? Next post will be from sunny Arizona!!


    I guess that's what they mean by "waiting for the other shoe to drop"--just didn't know it meant in the driveway!!!:laugh: :laugh: Glad you found your shoe!!!

  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    hello to you out there even in the UK

    I am just taking a minute to reach out and say that I am logging my food and trying to keep my focus. I so want to get into a new size. I have an outfit given to me for Xmas that is beautiful. And it is two sizes smaller at least.

    Not only that, but I want to be lighter so I can do fun stuff. Sooooo tired of not keeping up without extreme difficulty. Well, keep at it. We all need each other. Be blessed. kc
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Sheilajane, I just wanted to answer your question about the calorie counter. I do use it, but sometimes I avoid it (a lot I guess) and that's how I get into trouble. You are so right about getting the head into the game. Unfortunately, my head keeps thinking that I am younger and can still eat whatever I want. I must be a slow learner. But, I'm here now and trying again. Thanks for your help and support.:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    A year ago I weighed 70 pounds more than I do today......I started like Terri.....planning my food for the day and sticking to the plan.....I ate only what was on my plan and nothing else no matter who offered it to me or how healthy or benign it was. I logged all my food on MFP and read lots of posts on MFP to get ideas about food and exercise and to be in the company of people who cared about my food and exercise and weight loss successes and challenges.

    Now I'm moving on to the new challenge of maintaining the loss and finding balance in my life.......this has been a lifestyle change and I don't want to find myself celebrating at the pizza parlor or Dairy Queen :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: My goals for January were to do yoga (I failed miserably) learn about maintenance (I think I learned enough to get me going for this month) and stay connected to MFP (I did that successfully except for the week of my trip)

    :flowerforyou: My goals for February are to do yoga (if at first you don't succeed, try, try again), add calories gradually to find the balance for maintaining my weight, and to do strength training (I've failed miserably at this before, so I'm trying again :laugh: )

    Let's make this a great month for all of us........never, never, never give up :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs, Barbie:love:
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Sheilajane, I just wanted to answer your question about the calorie counter. I do use it, but sometimes I avoid it (a lot I guess) and that's how I get into trouble. You are so right about getting and can still eat whatever I want. I must be a slow learner. But, I'm here now and trying again. Thanks for your help and support.:flowerforyou:

    Actually, I have a tendancy to avoid using the calorie counter when I haven't eaten right that day. Bad, bad, bad move......that is avoiding accountability.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Mary – That is an awesome exercise goal. I bet it will “stick” this time and February will see the scale move downward.

    Alice – You’re too funny. I will be on the lookout for you. Muscle is important and I bet your weight will go down this month too.

    Terri – I hope this week is better for you.

    Brady – two shoes are better than one. I’m glad you found it. Where in AZ will you be? Some place warm? Be sure to have some green chili while you’re there.

    To all that I did not respond to individually - I hope you all meet your goals and hold up under what ever comes your way.

    Our new yoga instructor put us through quite the workout today. 20 minutes on abs! I am tired, but relaxed. I was only 1 calorie over today ending the day at 1301 and I did not use my exercise calories.

    I need to work on my neck. It's looking like it's missing a few pounds just by itself. I looked up exercises for neck toning but any one has some advice I'm listening.

    Have a great evening,

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Terri – I hope this week is better for you.


    Thanks Jeanie. Just finished a soup supper here at my house (soup was provided...all I had to do was heat it up in crock pots), meeting and game night for my church circle. Earlier today I bought breakfast at the local HyVee for two brothers and one sister in town as it was my turn also to host sibling "lunch". I moved it to breakfast to allow time to pick up and get ready for tonight. So, even though I had activity today, it really was easy on me.

    Barbie...wow 70 pounds:happy: :love: :flowerforyou: . You are definitely my role model. How wonderful and how happy you must be. Maintenance will be challenging (I am quite sure of that as I've never been able to do it successfully:frown: ...except for this time I truly do believe it is going to be different -- this sight and OA are making all the difference).

    Day 2 of abstinence down! Have a good night all:yawn:

    :heart: Terri:heart: