

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Just got back. Boy, that was one interesting race!!!! We actually left after the first red flag, went and had dinner, drove BACK to the condo, and were able to finish watching it there!

    I jotted down on a piece of paper the food that I ate and a few days I came in over calories. Of course, I didn't do any formal exercise (hey, shopping is exercise....at least it is to me....lol:laugh: ) Yea, the first day for the Nationwide, I watched the first few laps and then left to go shopping. Hey, they can freeze, *I'm* going to be in the warm mall!!:bigsmile:

    When we got to the condo, we found that the condenser on the refrigerator had died, so the next time we go down there we'll have to buy a new refrigerator :cry:

    I in a sense found it to be so frustrating to have to go out for every meal. The food that's served! dh likes to go to Picadilly Cafeteria. Almost everything is deep fried. For breakfast I asked them if they had oatmeal, nope, just grits, cheese grits, and biscuits and gravy. I wound up having a box of cheerios cereal (only 60 calories) with a banana. Since they only had whole or 2% milk, I decided to have the cereal with water.

    Hopefully, now that I'm back home I can get back on track. I'm sure I will.

    I had some Thin Mints (GS cookies) in the freezer and I really did need to open one package to see if it was OK since it wasn't in the freezer. It was. But, of course, before we left I had to finish the package (dh doesn't like mint cookies). There is still one more package that I'll have to finish the next time we go down (which will probably be in April). Now I'm debating whether to just have the whole package one night and just get the damage over with. What do you all think? I'm thinking that the next time we go down I'll take a few boxes of the 100 calorie microwave popcorn with me and have that. But I will need to finish up those cookies.

    There is a health food store there and we were just able to get there right before they closed. They sell a Buffalo Jerky which is pretty good. I actually bought them out! Next time I may wind up getting more, I'll just call them before hand so they can order extra. Also, that is the only place where I can get hulled barley. I used to be able to get it when we were in PA.

    But I did pretty well on my water consumption. Usually got in over 100oz/day.

    Glad I took snacks with me (like turkey on whole wheat, carrots, Hunts snack pack which I really don't like that much but that is something that doesn't require refrigeration, soy milk in the cartons, apricots, clementines, soy nuts,). Next year what I'll probably do is take a lunchbox with me. I can go shopping then leave my pocketbook in the trunk for the race and take in some snacks. This yr. I had them in part of my pocketbook and both days I had to open my pocketbook for them to see. Of course, I only opened the part where my wallet was :wink:

    Guess I'd better go take a shower and get to bed.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I wound up having a box of cheerios cereal (only 60 calories) with a banana. Since they only had whole or 2% milk, I decided to have the cereal with water.
    Now I'm debating whether to just have the whole package one night and just get the damage over with. What do you all think?
    Okay, I think we need to do some math!

    2 oz. of 2% milk: 31 calories (or if you love milk and use 1/2 a cup for 1 cup of Cheerios -- 62 calories)
    1 box of Thin Mint cookies: 1280 calories

    If you threw out the cookies and put 2% milk on your cereal, you'd have saved yourself over 1200 calories!

    Now, I operate totally on the "worth it" scale of picking foods. And sometimes it would be worth to me to eat a bunch of cookies. But not Thin Mints. It would have to be Samoans! :laugh:

    For me, I would have used the 2% milk knowing that the difference between skim and 2% is only 10 calories when you are talking about cereal amounts. And I would let myself have 1 or 2 GS cookies a night (whatever I could have and stay in my calorie and carb range) and then throw out whatever was left over when it was time to go home.
  • pricer15
    pricer15 Posts: 34 Member
    After my birthday on Saturday, I now qualify for this group. Never thought turning 50 would be so hard physically. I keep joking that my warranty just ran out. Bad knees/arthritic condition that won't stop hurting despite daily medication, a year of dental nightmares including three root canals and 4 crowns, one of which is having to be redone, hormonal fluctuations that turn me into a raging maniac and of course, having to figure out how to deal with my emotions without the food to stuff over them. But, despite all the bad things happening to me, there is also much good. Recently adopted a dog that is the love of my life (after my family), losing 15 pounds since the first of the year, finding an exercise program that seems to be compatible with my bum knees/arthritis, and getting support from MFP. Looking forward to many more posts from you all.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: just checking in....DH sliced his thumb while making salad and it sent us to urgent care for three hours and some fancy stitching to put him back together.......I guess I'll be making salad and washing dishes for awhile....and no golf for him for weeks:sad: :brokenheart:
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    I wound up having a box of cheerios cereal (only 60 calories) with a banana. Since they only had whole or 2% milk, I decided to have the cereal with water.
    Now I'm debating whether to just have the whole package one night and just get the damage over with. What do you all think?
    Okay, I think we need to do some math!

    2 oz. of 2% milk: 31 calories (or if you love milk and use 1/2 a cup for 1 cup of Cheerios -- 62 calories)
    1 box of Thin Mint cookies: 1280 calories

    If you threw out the cookies and put 2% milk on your cereal, you'd have saved yourself over 1200 calories!

    Now, I operate totally on the "worth it" scale of picking foods. And sometimes it would be worth to me to eat a bunch of cookies. But not Thin Mints. It would have to be Samoans! :laugh:

    For me, I would have used the 2% milk knowing that the difference between skim and 2% is only 10 calories when you are talking about cereal amounts. And I would let myself have 1 or 2 GS cookies a night (whatever I could have and stay in my calorie and carb range) and then throw out whatever was left over when it was time to go home.

    Sorry Michelle but I agree with MacMadame on this one.

    #1 - You NEED calcium as part of a healthy diet. Studies have proven that calcium actually helps you in the weight loss battle. You could also have checked to see if they had any yogurt and mixed in your Cherrios with that.

    Also, the protein that is in the milk (and yogurt too) will help to keep your blood sugars level so that you don't have a craving to go and fill up on something, anything, such as Mint cookies for example.

    #2 - Remember, this is a lifestyle change, not a deprivation diet.

    A lifestyle change means that you will constantly be faced with these predicaments for the rest of your life. It's a matter of choices, balancing and adjusting what you are eating during the course of your day.

    Please do not deprive yourself, this is a marathon, not a sprint.

    #3 - I love MacMadame's "Worth It" scale. Great mind trick.

    So Michelle, next time ask yourself, "is it WORTH IT to eat the whole package just so I can be "done with it"?

    I hope that your answer is either,

    "I will see if I have enough calories left over in my day to have maybe 1 or 2 cookies.


    "no, this is NOT worth it, I will simply give it away and I WILL NOT bring this "processed, none food" item back into my home to tempt me".

    I am sorry if this is hard core talk Michelle, it's just that I really care about you and I know that you can lose the weight. It's all about planning ahead.


    Just stick with it Michelle and thank you so much for posting your dilemma. It gives you an opportunity to receive the support and care that you deserve. It also helps other people on this thread who are facing the same types of challenges.

    Have a great day and let's make the right choices for our bodies.

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning for the snowy Northeast.
    Looks like a fairy tale outside - an ice kingdom. I haven't exercised in over a week, but I plan to go to theY unless it's closed. Hope everyone has a good day.
    kathy, what happened to your dad? How is he doing?
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi everyone - :flowerforyou: Hope all those with poorly sick loved ones to care for and worry about are feeling OK today.

    :grumble: All of you with the weather to contend with ... it can get better!!

    :flowerforyou: Barbie - sorry to hear about your DH's salad accident!! Hope he's ok now. Hope you washed the salad ... or at least added the extra protein to the food diary!!

    :heart: Mum's cold has gone to her sinus' and ears and is also making her Verrry confused today. We've been looking for children again and she's convinced they are out in the garden now! I do hope her respite stay next month will not confuse her even more... inevitable I think!

    :drinker: We're busy watching the Winter Olympics ... not many Brits to cheer for but never mind. It's all been brilliant so far hasn't it!!

    :ohwell: Yesterday I did manage to do my cycling but couldn't do my DVD as mum kept me company all evening. I'm going to try and do it this morning. A lazy day again ... just can't get motivated to do much in the house other than deep clean the fridge in the utility .
    :embarassed: Yesterday I didn't quite manage to squeak in with the calories - I sadly was feeling a bit bored and ate crisps and some toffee before DH came home from work . Evenings are my worse time... must do better tonight. Carrot and celery sticks maybe?

    :drinker: Today I've already had 2 glasses of water ... good for me!!

    :ohwell: I've had half a cooked breakfast - got half way through and thought ...yuk! ...and plan a salad for tea. Maybe some special K for supper.

    Still so much in awe of those of you who've lost loads!! :wink: To any of the newbies ...take no notice of my moans!! just take notice of the others!

    Be back again tomorrow ...honest!

    3 weeks and 5 days 'til we go away .... Perhaps if I start the packing , try on the summer outfits it may help. I need to get a few pounds off to make up for the pounds I may put on on holiday. Mind you i like my mum's scales as I'm nearly 7lb lighter on hers!! Head in the sand ...or what!!!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Well I started to say something negative about my efforts. But as I want as part of my life "Focus on the Positive"!!!

    My husband and son are working on my car this morning so hopefully that will be taken care of soon. It's a bright sunny day here in the Carolinas. I will have to get outside for a little while and get some of that good sunshine. That is always an upper for me.

    I have lots and lots of housework to do. I stayed up too late watching the Olympics. I was very pleased that the Chinese couples won the Gold and Silver medals.. I probably won't stay up watching it so late tonight.

    Jackie: I too am really happy for those who are making good progress. Some of us make progress a little slower so I hope you are encouraged by that. This site projects my weight loss at .9 pounds a week. That's okay with me. I did it pretty quickly the first time and found that I couldn't stick with it so I am trying to be sensible and find out what will work for me in the long run. I've got a couple more pounds to go before I hit the healthy weight range for my height and bone structure.

    Today I have cut out of magazines, Cholesterol Lowering Drug Ads and I am going to put them up in strategic places so I will at least have to think about how I want to live my life. Using drugs to do this or doing it in the healthy way. I can make that choice.

    This morning has gone by so quickly and I must get on with my daily duties.

    Make good and wise choices today!!


    Drink your water!!! (Go on get a glass right now, I'm going to)

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    After my birthday on Saturday, I now qualify for this group. Never thought turning 50 would be so hard physically. I keep joking that my warranty just ran out. Bad knees/arthritic condition that won't stop hurting despite daily medication, a year of dental nightmares including three root canals and 4 crowns, one of which is having to be redone, hormonal fluctuations that turn me into a raging maniac and of course, having to figure out how to deal with my emotions without the food to stuff over them. But, despite all the bad things happening to me, there is also much good. Recently adopted a dog that is the love of my life (after my family), losing 15 pounds since the first of the year, finding an exercise program that seems to be compatible with my bum knees/arthritis, and getting support from MFP. Looking forward to many more posts from you all.

    Welcome Cheryl in Colorado...15 pounds since the first of the year is awesome and certainly earns you bragging rights! Way to go! You will love it here, it's the best for motivation and support!

    Barbie, sorry about hubby's finger -- love your dog's picture - what kind of dog is it?
    Rebel - good luck on the root canal
    Mary - any loss is a good loss - pat yourself on the back!!
    Barb - I love hearing about your "kids" -- Mai Li sounds like a real kick!!
    Morning everyone,

    Well I started to say something negative about my efforts. But as I want as part of my life "Focus on the Positive"!!!
    I will have to get outside for a little while and get some of that good sunshine. That is always an upper for me.
    I have lots and lots of housework to do. I stayed up too late watching the Olympics. I was very pleased that the Chinese couples won the Gold and Silver medals.. I probably won't stay up watching it so late tonight.
    Some of us make progress a little slower so I hope you are encouraged by that. This site projects my weight loss at .9 pounds a week. That's okay with me. I did it pretty quickly the first time and found that I couldn't stick with it so I am trying to be sensible and find out what will work for me in the long run. I've got a couple more pounds to go before I hit the healthy weight range for my height and bone structure.
    Today I have cut out of magazines, Cholesterol Lowering Drug Ads and I am going to put them up in strategic places so I will at least have to think about how I want to live my life. Using drugs to do this or doing it in the healthy way. I can make that choice.

    This morning has gone by so quickly and I must get on with my daily duties.

    Make good and wise choices today!!


    Drink your water!!! (Go on get a glass right now, I'm going to)

    Wise words Cincy...wish I could say I was just a few pounds away from healthy normal weight...I've got a ways to go before I get there. As one who considers housework an exercise to be done when expecting company, I applaud your dedication to doing yours!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!:heart: Terri
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Cindy, thanks for the reminder to drink water. I rarely think of it.
    Also, what a great idea to put up visual reminders (the cholesterol drug ads) of the reasons for making healthy choices!
  • lose2cruise
    Hello all! Enjoying reading posts from yesterday.

    I got on the treadmill today. Haven't been on since Friday. I burned 407 calories in 47 minutes (little over 3 miles) Really gave me a boost to see that! Usually I burn about 350 in 45 minutes.

    Hope everyone has an on track day!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: DH says thank you for your get well wishes......I read a lot of the posts to him every day because they are so great (Debbie and MacMadame got A+ for the advice about "worth it" and milk and cookies:laugh: " He says he wants to have a MFP identity "in drag" so he can post on this thread, too:laugh: "

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, DH loved your comment about adding the protein into the food diary......

    :flowerforyou: Terri, I have two dogs, (one red and one black Standard Poodle)........one day at a time you'll be amazed to find yourself in the healthy weight range because you have the right attitude and the persistence to reach your goal

    :flowerforyou: Chery, welcome to the thread......you've made an awesome beginning.....stick with this group and the actions that got you this far and you'll be amazed at your success......our dogs and cats are the light of our lives.

    :flowerforyou: We have a busy day today but checking in with my friends had to be near the top of the list
    :heart: :drinker: :smooched: :heart: :drinker: :smooched: Barbie
  • arborsong
    :heart: Barbie - Tell DH we'd LOVE :heart: :heart: to have him on our thread. He doesn't even had to do "drag". Hope he is so much better soon. You really shouldn't have to wash the dishes yourself!!! That's probably the one thing I miss most about my ex-husband....he would certainly wash every dish I could mess up. Last year, on Thanksgiving, my family was joking about asking him to come over and wash the dishes.
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Cheryl! I grew up in Denver (Wheatridge actually) and all of our family and siblings still live there. You will like this group and find much helpful advice and encouragement. You're already off to a good start!
    It is a true statement, IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN, YOU PLAN TO FAIL! Today I decided what I was going to have for lunch, got in and got out and here I am now posting and reading. It beats hanging around in the kitchen to see what else looks good. I know I will always find something! A good afternoon to all!:flowerforyou:
  • bradybrookes
    :ohwell: Barbiecat . . . cut fingers can be the worst! Amazing all the things we do with our hands and our fingers are part of everything! Take good care of those for him – if he’s like my husband, he will need your care.

    :love: Carolle . . . welcome to absolutely the best “community” on MFP. I learn so much from everyone each day . . and the inspiration is always a real motivator.

    :happy: Cindy . . . you’re totally right. KEEP THINKING POSITIVE . . I have come to believe that it will make such a difference in reaching all your goals. Find the small victories to celebrate!! Sometimes I get caught up in the “scale” and I have to remind myself of all the good things going on . . . I am exercising nearly everyday, I am trying to eat healthy everyday, I am stronger everyday . . . I try to keep a little journal of at least one thing a day I’m proud of. I remember at my heaviest when I went up two flights of stairs and was just so happy I could go ten steps at a time!!! When I read back on those days now (late 2007) I realize how much healthier I am!!!!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Thanks Brady!! I did forget to tell all of you of the compliment that my daughter gave me last week. She said she is so happy to have parents that want to take care of themselves by eating right and exercising. She is an OR nurse so she deals with trying to help people repair their difficulties every day.

    Thinking on the positive, I've just got the best kids in the world! I'm so thankful for them. My son is a very positive person and people just love to be around him.

    I am so thankful for a wonderful husband of 28 years.

    Well I just finished my exercise, I've got to shower and the kitchen needs ANOTHER CLEANING!!! I'm so thankful for hot water and soap and yes, yes, yes, a dishwasher!

    Bible Study Group tonight so I don't know if I'll be back.

    I hope everyone has had a good day and remember ---- Drink another Glass of Water!!!

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening everyone,
    Tried reading the posts quickly but will read slowly later. Having a really good time. Worked out at 6 every morning except today. getting ready to go right now to gym. Been very busy. lots of walking. eating right even though costing a fortune. 2 salads yesterday at epcot 50 bucks. salad and wrap today 25 bucks, losing weight priceless. LOL We got back early afternoon and after I took a nap we are now watching olympics. looking at the curling you all have been talking about. did not know what we were watching then when they said Irealized it was what some of you have been talking about. pretty interesting. got to go. try to post tomorrow.
    vicki m
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone.:flowerforyou:

    Michelle--Even if it took forever to run the Daytona 500, I am still jealous that you were there and I was not:sad: :sad: I was also bummed that due to the length of time the race ran, I don't have all of it on tape. I always allow an extra hour beyond the time they say when I tape races, but who could have imagined a combined delay of over TWO hours because of a POTHOLE for Pete sake!!:noway: :noway:

    Cheryl and Carolle--Welcome!! The more the merrier!!

    Vicki--Those expensive menu prices would make me lose my appetite!!:laugh:

    Barbie--Tell Jake if he wants to put fingers in the salad, he should get a package of "chicken fingers" or "ladyfingers" and save his own as he will need all of them for keyboarding!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    If anyone is tired of "doggie stories" read no further, here is the latest on "The Mis-adventures of the Three Little Pigs."

    I already posted yesterday about Mai Li's escape attempt at the groomers on Monday, but that was before I became aware of another canine transgression. Not surprisingly, my next story involves "Bradley the Terror:":heart:

    On Sunday night, at a church dinner, I was given some extra dessert, which I planned to take to my mom and dad. It was two chocolate cupcakes with buttercream frosting and a little chocolate decoration on top of each one. Very cute, in honor of Valentine's Day. To keep them from being flattened, I put them in a box that was in the back of my hatchback car. Due to a change in plans, I didn't make it to my parents' on Sunday night, so I left the cupcakes in the car, along with other items intended for them. On Monday morning, I got up later than planned and hurried to get the doggies walked and into the car for their grooming appointment. I put Bradley and Pepper into the car and took Mai Li back inside to make sure she got a drink before we left. When I came out, I loaded her in and we took off. Bradley, I noticed, had some reddish "crumbs" in his beard when I got him out of the car, but I didn't really think too much about it.

    After my little footrace with Mai Li was concluded, and the three of them were safely under the control of the groomer, I visited my parents, and as I was sitting in their living room, I suddenly remember the cupcakes, and realized they were not in the box--which I brought upstairs since it had other items intended for my mom and dad. About that time, I recalled the "crumbs.":wink::noway: and realized my little Yorkshire piglet had porked out on both of the cupcakes!! My mom commented they must have been good if he ate them, but since I think he is part goat--he even ate the paper covers that were on the cupcakes:noway: -- I am not sure that the fact he ate them proves anything, except that no food item is safe unless it is out of his reach!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Bradley was not done with his "guerrilla eating tactics" for that day. When I picked up the dogs from the groomer, I had some additional food items in the car that I had picked up for my mom --including a bag with three hoagie rolls in it. I opened the door, put Bradley and the others in, walked around to the other side of the car and opened that door, and that little stinker had ALREADY stuck his nose in the bread bag and taken a bite out of one of the hoagie rolls!!!! :noway: :noway: Talk about speedy!!

    My mom is a good sport. She said she would cut that end off the roll and use the rest of it.

    The only bit of mischief that Pepper got into today was managing to get the ribbon off his head placed there by the groomer less than 24 hours before. That is a new record. It usually takes at least a couple of days!!!:laugh:

    So far today, everyone has stayed out of trouble, but it is only about 6:30 pm PT, so their is still plenty of time left for someone to be naughty!:laugh: :laugh:

  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    Barb, I just love your story about your dogs. I love dogs and all the mischeif they get into. There are a total of 6 dogs in my family, including my daughters and grandaughters dogs, and there many stories to be told. In the summer when we have family picnics, the dogs are the main attractions....except of course for my little great grandaughter...and she loves all of them too.

    I had a great day at work and the sun was out all day! My husband is getting rested up after all the snowplowing and is in a much better mood. What more could you ask for?

    Have a great day everyone...
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    I just received some very sad news. My cousin whom you all have been praying for passed away this evening. She was 56 years old and leaves behind a husband, two children and a grandchild. I am so very sad. We were very close growing up and I just wish I could have seen her or talked to her or something. Anyway please pray for her family and for me. Thank you ladies for all of your support through everything.
    Vicki M