

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Just finished my oatmeal and blueberries breakfast.

    My son got home safely last night and he has been talking non-stop, well, that is when he is around us. As much as a grown man communicates. So he is talking a lot for him.

    Weebles; I'm glad you are finding encouragement on this site. I'm a What Not To Wear fan and learned a lot from their show. although I find that some of the things my husband likes for me to wear would definitely not fit their criteria. He likes long dresses and that would be taboo since I'm on the short side. So I have kept a few to please him and that makes me happy.

    Well off to feed Granny and then it is shower day!

  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good morning everyone,

    First off, I want to say that I truly feel sad for all of you dealing with the health issues and very real concerns for the loved ones in your lives that you are so lovingly caring for. I have not personally gone through this experience (at this time), my parents live on the opposite side of the country from where I live. However, working in health care I have listened to the many heartbreaking stories of caregivers that are so burned out they can't think straight anymore. Know that all of us on this thread are here for you and send our love and hugs your way.

    Birdiem - I know your story all too well, as many of us on this thread do. It's not a happy place that you are in right now. My only advice (as someone that has been there) is:

    #1- time management - let those "so and so's" know that their work is "in the que". You workout load is prioritized and you will get to their work when it comes up in the "que". If they don't like it, suggest that they can help by doing it themselves if they need it quicker than when you can get to it. Maybe, that will make them think about what they are doing to you. Stand firm.

    Don't look at the whole workload that you have to do all at once, it's too overwhelming and it will only shoot your stress levels through the roof.

    #2 - take your breaks! This is your time and it's important to take your breaks because they are actually mini mental health breaks. If they can take their breaks, well, you can take your breaks too . If you don't, you're going to continue to build in your resentment towards them taking there breaks. You're only hurting yourself (and your health). We don't want that for you.

    #3 - leave your work life at work - in other words, don't bring the baggage home with you. When you get home, don't think about your job. This is your personal time to de-stress. Put on some music that is calming to you. Sit down to a healthy dinner at the table, no t.v. and just eat mindfully while hearing the soft music playing. Engage in conversations with your loved ones and don't talk about work.

    #4 - Find something to do that brings down your stress levels before bedtime such as some gentle yoga or quietly reading a good book or a nice soak in the tub.

    Remember, it's very important to eat the right food. Don't fill up on empty calories, this will just add to your stress levels and that is not healthy for you and you don't deserve to punish yourself because of "them".

    #5 - Get a good night of sleep - it is so very important to have an established bedtime. Study upon study has proven that getting our recommended amount of sleep every night is crucial to our health and well being.

    Good luck!

    Have a wonderful day everyone. Let's make the right choices for us, because WE DESERVE IT!

  • lose2cruise
    Good morning all. I am enjoying reading your posts and looking forward to getting to know you better. I've been playing around with my settings and decided to add the sodium to my list. I was amazed at the sodium in some of the things I eat. I really need to watch that.

    Today is my 33 year wedding anniversary. It is also the 5th anniversary of my father's death. Mom turned 90 this past January. She is still hanging in there, but does not socialize much, has a bad hip. When I think of how she was when dad died and I see her now, she went downhill so rapidly. But she is still independent and drives.

    Have a great day all!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    First off, I want to say that I truly feel sad for all of you dealing with the health issues and very real concerns for the loved ones in your lives that you are so lovingly caring for. I have not personally gone through this experience (at this time), my parents live on the opposite side of the country from where I live. However, working in health care I have listened to the many heartbreaking stories of caregivers that are so burned out they can't think straight anymore. Know that all of us on this thread are here for you and send our love and hugs your way.

    Birdiem - I know your story all too well, as many of us on this thread do. It's not a happy place that you are in right now. My only advice (as someone that has been there) is:

    #1- time management - let those "so and so's" know that their work is "in the que". You workout load is prioritized and you will get to their work when it comes up in the "que". If they don't like it, suggest that they can help by doing it themselves if they need it quicker than when you can get to it. Maybe, that will make them think about what they are doing to you. Stand firm.

    Don't look at the whole workload that you have to do all at once, it's too overwhelming and it will only shoot your stress levels through the roof.

    #2 - take your breaks! This is your time and it's important to take your breaks because they are actually mini mental health breaks. If they can take their breaks, well, you can take your breaks too . If you don't, you're going to continue to build in your resentment towards them taking there breaks. You're only hurting yourself (and your health). We don't want that for you.

    #3 - leave your work life at work - in other words, don't bring the baggage home with you. When you get home, don't think about your job. This is your personal time to de-stress. Put on some music that is calming to you. Sit down to a healthy dinner at the table, no t.v. and just eat mindfully while hearing the soft music playing. Engage in conversations with your loved ones and don't talk about work.

    #4 - Find something to do that brings down your stress levels before bedtime such as some gentle yoga or quietly reading a good book or a nice soak in the tub.

    Remember, it's very important to eat the right food. Don't fill up on empty calories, this will just add to your stress levels and that is not healthy for you and you don't deserve to punish yourself because of "them".

    #5 - Get a good night of sleep - it is so very important to have an established bedtime. Study upon study has proven that getting our recommended amount of sleep every night is crucial to our health and well being.

    Good luck!

    Have a wonderful day everyone. Let's make the right choices for us, because WE DESERVE IT!


    Thanks, Debbie. There's a lot of wisdom in what you say.:flowerforyou: I do know all those things in my HEAD but as they say, the longest journey is from your head to your heart.:ohwell: I need to do more embracing those truths instead of letting situations control me. :frown: I appreciate the reminders, as sometimes, when we're overwhelmed, we have a hard time being level headed. You're a pal!:flowerforyou:
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi everyone - special Hi to the "Newbies" now that I'm an "Oldie".

    I can report that :-
    :smile: - Yesterday I DID do my Latino DVD workout. It was good and definitely EXERCISE!!! but fun too! The cats thought I was mad and legged it out to the kitchen!
    :wink: - Today .. I weigh the same but at least I'm not heavier.
    :drinker: - I had my Special K and have had a small Ham salad for lunch. My dear DIL came to visit with the baby (5 months) He is just how his Dad was at that age. You just want to eat him up!! Not sure what the calorie counter would make of that!!
    :smile: - Am planning braised beef and vegetables for tonight.
    :laugh: - I intend to get on the exercise bike for 15 minutes in a minute
    :smile: - My diet weigh scales arrived and I'm going to weigh everthing , no more guessedamates!!

    :smile: VickyM and SuziQ - Your comments have made me think about my body and the future - I definitely want to be kind to the kids when at a later stage they may be doing for me what I'm doing for my mum!

    :flowerforyou: Laura - I do hope your Mum's recovery from her fall will be as swift as possible. Things can't be easy from a distance. Hope the cookie jar is padlocked but if it somehow comes open ...it's not the end of the world!!!

    :happy: Lose2cruise - Congratulations on "earning" your cruise. I hope you'll enjoy it and wow them with your new self - what an incentive eh?We're on a cruise in August and have more planned.

    :smile: Cindy - hope you're having a whale of a time with your son over. Mine's up for the weekend with wife and baby ..... it's great!!!
    When you say bowling ... is it 10 pin? DH and I used to be a league quite a few years ago and still like to take the grand kids sometimes. Bit rusty now but love it.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie - sorry to hear your mum "plays up". I know it's not easy as a carer and it's difficult to know why loved ones do things sometimes! I find my local Carers group is great and also the main web site too. The on line forum is good/ worldwide and often others can give advice from experience. www. carers.org. may be worth a try.

    :smile: Others who've posted and haven't a reply - love you all too but as before... I'll get you next time!!

    So... the evenings ahead and I'll be good with the food .... feel positive today.
    Out tomorrow again for lunch but will hopefully pick wisely from the grill menu.

    :bigsmile: cheers all
    I'll be back tomorrow!!
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Hello and Happy Thursday all. Boy do you miss a lot if you don't log in for a few days. It has been a busy week. I have been trying hard to stay accountable in food and exercise. The only day I totally did not log food was Sunday.:sad: I slipped on the ice :sad: and hurt my knee (thankfully just superficially) on Tuesday. Didn't exercise Tuesday but was able to get back on treadmill last night. I have been sticking at the 40 pounds lost for 2-1/2 weeks...actually been vascillating between there and up a few pounds...so it is time to knock it off. I just have to learn how to socialize without nibbling and sipping. Hard for me to do!!!

    I have tried to catch up on post reading...boy am I behind.

    Welcome all new members. It's good to hear from so many people and get so many perspectives on things.

    :cry: Vicki -- so sad and sorry to hear about your cousin's cancer spreading.
    Jeanie - loved your dog story...shows what a soft-heart you have:flowerforyou: Hope your Mom starts behaving herself!!
    Barb and Jackie loved the "week at the gym" and the "month after Christmas" posts!:laugh:

    To everyone else...keep on posting...it's wonderful reading your posts even if it isn't humanly possible to respond to each and every one. At least not possible for this human. Hope you all have a great day!!:drinker:

    :heart: Terri
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    As a caregiver to both my parents I appreciate all the thoughts sent my way today. Mom is not talking to me. She keeps endangering my Dad and I told her if she does it again, she will have to move out. It sounds terrible, but she has been the main cause of most of Dad's injuries and illnesses since 2003. She does things like hide his walker if she doesn't want him to get up while she is sleeping (broken hip) or feed him stuff that he's not allowed to eat any more (2 ER visits) and make him get come to the table to eat when he had a high fever from the flu (broken leg that got infected)

    This week she wouldn't let his care giver give him his shower on Monday because she wanted to use the hot water right then for laundry. So, she insisted that she will supervise his shower today. State Adult Protective services has already gotten 2 complaints from Dad's doctors about her interfering and not following his doctors' orders. As his POA I am the one who would go to jail not her for endangerment.

    Sorry to whine..........but when I logged in and saw all the comments supporting all of us I couldn't believe it. You have given me strength to continue on.

    Thanks all!


    Jeannie, I feel for you! You’ve got your hands full for sure! I understand the endangering part of your situation. My MIL use to live with my FIL and almost killed him. She was somewhat dysfunctional and one time he got very sick and she wouldn’t tell anyone. Someone went over to their house to check on him and they had to rush him to the hospital just in time. After that, he lived with my SIL. She (my MIL) eventually lived in our house, in an In-Law apartment because her house was turning into a disgusting mess! She had about 30 cats living there and kept putting food out for more cats to come. We took her out, brought her to our house and now she is in a Nursing home because of a stroke. My FIL died 2 years ago. I feel bad for the choices you must make but your father’s safety is a priority. I believe there must be a special place in heaven for people like you who have to deal with these things. God Bless!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Jackie, BirdieM, Terri and everyone else - Thank you for your support and understanding for myself and the other caregivers. I will checkout the website offered. It is a hard situation, but somehow I will live up to it and try to take care of both of them as long as I can.

    On a lighter note, my yoga instructor decided that we needed work on core muscles today instead of our abs. lol Of course abs are part of the core, but no one corrected her on it. If my stomach isn't flatter today, it will never get flatter. She worked us hard.

    I really look forward to reading all the posts everyday, but I'm at work so I can't respond individually right now.

    Well, back to work for me. Have a great Thursday all.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good day!

    Yes, I am enjoying having my son back home. We looked at his pictures this morning and all the construction they did on the Church they are building.

    I just got finished with my exercise and I'm always happy to get that in. We all know a good sweat makes us feel a lot better!

    Louise: I will be waiting for tax season to be over and we can schedule a get together. At least you and your ex and his wife get along so you can share a ride to see the grans!

    Jackie, yes it's 10 pin bowling. I would probably get better if I could play more. My husband works 2nd shift so us going together is out of the question. He, like I said before, is the total nerd and doesn't care for sports. He was on the swim team at the pool his parents were members of when he was growing up, but that's as far as it went for sports for him. When I met him I was playing on a women's softball team and he would come and watch me play. His Dad traveled a lot when he was growing up and Granny was sort of a fearful person so she didn't let them do stuff like that.

    Well, son's friends are coming over in a little while and I still need to feed Granny and they would probably appreciate it if I took a shower!


    Talk to you tomorrow
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Jackie, BirdieM, Terri and everyone else - Thank you for your support and understanding for myself and the other caregivers. I will checkout the website offered. It is a hard situation, but somehow I will live up to it and try to take care of both of them as long as I can.

    On a lighter note, my yoga instructor decided that we needed work on core muscles today instead of our abs. lol Of course abs are part of the core, but no one corrected her on it. If my stomach isn't flatter today, it will never get flatter. She worked us hard.

    I really look forward to reading all the posts everyday, but I'm at work so I can't respond individually right now.

    Well, back to work for me. Have a great Thursday all.


    Jeannie, you have my heart felt prayers!:flowerforyou: You hang in there and we will all support you as you have hard decisions to make.

    Thank you to all of you for your concerns about Mom and her fall yesterday. Well she has the broken pelvis in two places and will be there for the next few days. Todays conversation was a bit strange:huh: , with all the drugs she's on it's no wonder. I will have to be making the decision to get her into a Foster Home which will probably be a fight :explode: as I have told her that she can stay in her home until it looks like the AM and one hour in the PM care isn't enough. Well since she has fallen three times now since Thanksgiving I guess it's time and she is not going to like it:sad: , but with me so far away I worry about her. Yesterday she was fortunate that she fell just before the morning caregiver arrived (at least that is what she said). The only thing is she didn't call the "Lifeline":grumble: and that concerned me, i figured she was too drugged today for me to ask her why she didn't.

    I did stay away from the cookies yesterday:happy: and today has been a good day, but I just couldn't get myself to the basement and on the bike or treadmill...maybe tonight:happy:

    Have a good evening all.

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi friends!! I have been working at the PO alot these past weeks and don't get to post much. The Central Nebraska Healthy Challenge is starting gain on Feb. 15th. This is what impelled me to lose lst year and our of 27 pounds lost, I've kept 20 off. I want to lose 25-50 more this go around. The thing that bothers me is that once the challenge was over I really didn't lose any more. I surprised myself in not sticking with my new , Weating habits very well. I am glad for the 20 pounds that stayed off, but I need to keep with it. I know what I need to do and that I can do it. I know I can depend on help from MFP to keep me on track. Sooo...here we go again! My two daughters and a son are doing it with me, so remember us!! Our team is called: Wii not Fat, Wii Fit!! Have a good evening!!:flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, here it is Thursday. I did Jillian Michael's 30 day shred today. This is the first time I've done it. I seem to like her tapes because she talks a lot -- helps to keep my mind busy. She also gives some pretty good advice. I did all 3 workouts, just wish there was a way in which I could skip the cooldown for each segment and go right into the next, then do the cooldown at the end.

    Barbie - that great that Haifa went into remission for his diabetes. Our cat did that once, too.

    Lately I've had such a yen for sweet potato. When we get back, I think I'm going to buy one or two. Sweet potatoes with cottage cheese.....yum! Thank goodness for waterproof keyboards....lol

    Beth - Congrats on your anniversary. Wow -- 33 years! And to the same man, no less....lol

    Here's hoping everyone has a wonderful weekend!

  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    Had an awesome day.....felt strong so when I was at the Y I did a spinning class, walked on the track and did 30 minutes on the elliptical. 90 minutes later I'd burned 700 calories!! YEA! That ought to move that dang scale!

    So many new people - it's hard to keep up with all the new posts! But I love it! Welcome to everyone and keep up your hard work!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Laura, I hope your mom gets better and I do understand what you are going through too. Does your mom have a walker yet? They really helped. Both of my parents have the ones with seats.

    Doobie – Good luck with the challenge. I bet you will succeed this year too. Think of how great that will be.

    To all the spinners in our group: I saw a spinner class in a TV show and I thought of all of you. It looked like fun and hard work. Keep spinning!

    Have a great evening all,


    PS: I've been doing good about staying in my calories, but so far no weight loss.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hey everyone... I'm popping in! :happy:

    So... decent week so far. My eating is under control, I haven't been as good with the water but I haven't been bad. I was very discouraged on Wed. morning. First, on Monday I went to Core Strength and Conditioning and I was SO tight. Then, on Tues. I went to track and i started out good, but I very quickly was in trouble and I didn't run as much as I had the week before. I was really worried and convinced my triathlon career was over. But I went swimming on Wed. and I felt BETTER after than when I started! Plus I swam the most yards in a workout ever. I'm definitely getting faster and stronger! And today I worked up and felt fine and had a great workout at Crossfit tonight. I cut 9 min. off my time from doing this same workout in Sept!

    I'm doing my first Century Ride (100 miles) on Sunday and I'm stoked. I'm sure I'll be fine, but, if I have to, I'll cut it short. The weather should be nice too. It's not supposed to rain and it will get up to the low 60s, which is decent bike riding weather. Hopefully, it won't be too windy and the food will be good.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hi you all,

    What is a century ride? 100 miles? I'll pray for you.:smile:

    I am back as of today. I have had a long struggle this week with trying to get of ref carbs and sugar. But after talking to my friend who has lost over 100 pds doing this, she said to stick with what works for me and don't listen to anyone but God.

    And I know what works and when I feel great. And that is getting back on the program of no ref carbs or sugar. So I pray I can tell you all at the end of each day that I did this. Gotta put the kids to bed. bye

    Good night all, kc
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Okay, you have probably been able to tell by my lack of posts that I have been very busy this week, but I have been lurking when I catch a few minutes. Today while I was swimming (and might I add that I achieved my goal for the month there today - 1/3 of mile, half crawl and half breaststroke, in 35 minutes! Took me a year to get there. Now my new goal is to up the crawl to 2/3 of my laps.), anyway, I was thinking of what to do to get off of this plateau that is starting to drag me down. My new plan: Very honestly log every bite and taste that goes in my mouth, and lighten up to let myself eat some of my exercise calories if I want them. I will also try to increase my protein, and if I end the day above my goal of 1450 calories for the day, I will exercise in some form for 30 minutes either before I go to bed, or early the next morning. This will be in addition to the minimum of 5 weekly 30 minute sessions that I am striving for. I'm counting on all of you to help by holding me accountable! Today was easy, as I burned 900 calories. I pledge to do this at least until you see 75 pounds lost on my ticker. Thanks for being here for me! Here's to smart choices!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: ((((((((HUGS))))))))))
    I took time to read everything but no time to write----dance, dog park, exercise bike for exercise, stayed a bit under my calories:bigsmile: drank lots of water:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: DH and I are doing a fabulous CD series called "Become Passion" that has a lot of communication exercises and assignments to strengthen our marriage......it's fabulous and scary and we're so glad we're doing it.---there are 8 CDs and we're on number 3

    :flowerforyou: today at line dance one of the "Dream Stealers" brought Hershey's Kisses and passed them around and when she got to me she said "you can't eat these"......later she hugged me and said "you're wasting away to nothing" Fortunately I've developed the hide of the rhinoceros and nobody's comments can get to me :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: to those of you with real challenges take life one day at a time and keep connected with us.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: At the end of this Thursday evening I thought I'd drop in. It was 'belly dancing' :bigsmile: night tonight. I should feel it tomorrow.

    It's been an up and down week for me. Very busy and far from routine. I stick better to "THE PLAN" if I have a routine. More of non-routine days coming up this weekend however since DH are away for the weekend. Not too far away, just a couple of hours up island and ocean-side. Bringing the golf clubs with us. Hopefully there will be enough 'no-rain' time to play a game or two.

    :drinker: I received a nice compliment at work today that I looked thinner. I think it helped that I was wearing black. :wink: I have lost in inches around my waist, which makes me happy. The scale however has not moved in while.

    :heart: Good thoughts to all my dear MFP friends. Keep up the good work, ladies. We are in this together and I admire your perseverance. Sometimes we miss, sometimes we hit, but we always keep going.

    :heart: Rebel.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member

    What is a century ride? 100 miles? I'll pray for you.:smile:

    It's a supported ride which means there are rest stops, lunch and people ride around in cars making sure everyone is okay -- fixing flats and stuff like that.

    I've done a metric century (63 miles) but this will be my first real century. I'm very excited!