

  • mynyddisamrs
    Morning folks .... :smile: hope todays good for everyone. I've started by having my Special K for breakfast , setting Mum off in her taxi for her Day Centre and now I'm off to the drop in centre run by the Carers Association.
    :noway: - Weighed the same again today but I'm not going to let it get me down! :noway:
    :noway: - Out to lunch after ...not going to let that get me down either! :noway: !
    :noway: - I lied about doing he Latino DVD last night ... That hasn't worried me either! :noway:
    :wink: - I decided that Chaz the cat was probably more pleasing on the eye than I was ,so changed the profile image ... no worries there .:laugh:

    So ... All in all a lovely day here in SUNNY ...Yep!! ... North Wales.
    Good start ...:happy: Hope all of you can have a little of the sunshine too.
  • arborsong
    N Wales - I commend you for your positive attitude and "no worries". That, in and of itself, will carry you a long long way down this journey. Keep smiling!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    As I was reading your posts today about your ailing parents and so many of you taking care of them I had a thought. This gives us an even bigger reason to get healthy and take care of ourselves. I lost my mother 9 years ago suddenly. My dad is still with me and he is healthy as a horse. he takes care of himself and tries to eat right walks regularly and is basically healthy. I really dont see myself having to be his caretaker any time soon unless something unforeseen happens. anyway my point is do we really want to do this to our kids. Do we want them to have to take care of us later because we have chosen not to stay healthy and take care of ourselves now. My answer is NO NO NO NO NO NO. I want to travel with them and help them and have fun with them. Not be a burden. So lets get busy. This is a good reason to do this. Love you ladies. Have a good day.
    Vicki M
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Good Morning ladies,
    As I was reading your posts today about your ailing parents and so many of you taking care of them I had a thought. This gives us an even bigger reason to get healthy and take care of ourselves. I lost my mother 9 years ago suddenly. My dad is still with me and he is healthy as a horse. he takes care of himself and tries to eat right walks regularly and is basically healthy. I really dont see myself having to be his caretaker any time soon unless something unforeseen happens. anyway my point is do we really want to do this to our kids. Do we want them to have to take care of us later because we have chosen not to stay healthy and take care of ourselves now. My answer is NO NO NO NO NO NO. I want to travel with them and help them and have fun with them. Not be a burden. So lets get busy. This is a good reason to do this. Love you ladies. Have a good day.
    Vicki M

    Well said. Reminds me of the note that was taped near teh most hated machine at Curves years ago that reminded us all that that particular exercise strengthened the muscles that enable you to get up and down on the potty unaided. None of us want to think about a time when we'll not even be able to do that unaided, but its coming. And sooner than we think if we don't stay active NOW.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Wish I was one of those who could take or leave sweets and especially chocolate. Unfortunately I am like am alcoholic and eating a little just makes me want more and more. So I'm back to cider vinegar therapy trying to tame the carb monster again.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Good Morning All:flowerforyou: Haven't checked in with you for a few days, sounds like many of you need {{{:tongue: HUGS}}} This am my person that I have hired to oversee all the caregivers I have for my Mom called to say they were taking her to the hospital because she fell. It's so hard to be 1,000 miles away:grumble: but at the same time I'm glad to have someone else there that I know will do what I want for Mom. This is the second time Mom has fallen:sad: and the reason that I've not pushed to move her into a Foster home is because she has been so sure that she wouldn't fall, now I may have to become the 'evil':devil: daughter and force her out of her home .... not a fun decision:grumble: ...and this stress is affecting the diet/lifestyle change. Of course I'm hoping this is just a temporary set back:cry: , cause I really want to be in some of those clothes taking up space in my closets and basement.

    Have a good day!
    Laura :smile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Mom's pelvis is fractured:cry: Now I will wait to see what is the next phase of the role reversal:huh: that has taken place. I wasn't planning the go to Oregon until the end of next month to get her taxes done...now it may be earlier...in the mean time I will stay away from the evile :devil: cookies that have in the past given me the comfort in the stressful times....redirect ....and keep this lifestyle change in the front:smile:

  • lose2cruise

    Good to see a 50's group here. I did WW for awhile, left, started to gain again, found this site a while back, used it, left. I've been just sort of maintaining for a while, feeling like my body was just settling in to the 160's and staying there. But I really want to get the rest of the weight off, so I'm back on track. I've lost 2 lbs already since coming back and tracking what I eat. I know it works and I know how to lose the weight, just have to keep on with it. I have a goal of getting at least down into the 150's by May. I'm a home based travel agent and I just earned a cruise on Princess for completely their certification. I have to get this weight off once and for all!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Afternoon everyone;

    Went to my bowling league this morning and my scores were just so so. But I mostly enjoyed getting out of the house.

    We are getting mighty wind gusts here today. With the wind chill it's about 9 degrees out side.

    My son is flying home from Puerto Rico today. Boy are they going to be surprised at the temp difference. I don't think they will like it and I hope they have coats to put on when they arrive in Charlotte.

    got to get my food logged. It isn't going that great today. UGH!!!

    Laura: sorry to hear about your mother's fall. I'll be praying about that situation for you.

    Beth: Welcome to the group. Log as often as you want we will be here for support.

  • mynyddisamrs
    A bit late this but never mind........

    "Twas the month after Christmas"

    Twas the month after Christmas,
    And all through the house,
    Nothing would fit me,
    Not even a blouse.

    The cookies I'd nibbled,
    The chocolate I'd taste
    At the holiday parties
    Had gone to my waist.

    When I got on the scales
    There arose such a number!
    When I walked to the shops
    Less a walk than a lumber,

    I'd remember the marvellous meals I'd prepared;
    The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,
    The wine, champagne truffles, the bread and the cheese
    And the way I'd never said, "No thank you, please."

    As I dressed myself in my partner's old shirt
    And prepared once again to do battle with dirt...
    I said to myself, as I only can,
    "You can't spend a Summer, disguised as a man!"

    So, away with the last of the sour cream dip.
    Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip.
    Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
    Till all the additional ounces have vanished.

    I won't have a cookie, not even a lick.
    I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick.
    I won't have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie.
    I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.

    I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore...
    But isn't that what January is for?
    Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
    Happy New Year to all, and to all a good diet.

    :frown: Sorry ... I ate all my calories ... plus 86! Slapped wrist !!!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hey, chew some sugar free gum! I read that burns 11 calories an hour. Just chew through the night!!! (he,he,he).

    Bob on "The Biggest Loser" says chew Extra sugar free gum it's only 5 calories per stick, well if you chew it for 30 minutes you've cancelled out the calories!

    So my question is how many calories do we burn when we eat!

    Cute, cute poem.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    As a caregiver to both my parents I appreciate all the thoughts sent my way today. Mom is not talking to me. She keeps endangering my Dad and I told her if she does it again, she will have to move out. It sounds terrible, but she has been the main cause of most of Dad's injuries and illnesses since 2003. She does things like hide his walker if she doesn't want him to get up while she is sleeping (broken hip) or feed him stuff that he's not allowed to eat any more (2 ER visits) and make him get come to the table to eat when he had a high fever from the flu (broken leg that got infected)

    This week she wouldn't let his care giver give him his shower on Monday because she wanted to use the hot water right then for laundry. So, she insisted that she will supervise his shower today. State Adult Protective services has already gotten 2 complaints from Dad's doctors about her interfering and not following his doctors' orders. As his POA I am the one who would go to jail not her for endangerment.

    Sorry to whine..........but when I logged in and saw all the comments supporting all of us I couldn't believe it. You have given me strength to continue on.

    Thanks all!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Heather - balance is my weak point, too. I think we start to lose some as we get older. I'm trying to do at least once/week for an hour some of the balance games on the WiiFit.

    Just did Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones DVD (Tues). I like the fact that you don't work for a real long time (probably about 40 minutes) but it is intense. Lately, I am liking to do a lot of work in a short amount of time. Going to try her 30 Day Shred DVD this Thurs. In previewing it, it seems like you need to go back to the main menu and then choose series 2 or series 3. We shall see. What would be nice is if it kept on going but you can fast forward to the cooldown.

    Joanie - the calendar may say that I'm over 50, but I certainly don't consider myself over 50! Actually, I took that "real age" test and I was lower than 50. What did you do to your hip?

    Barb - where in the grocery store did you find the Yoplait smoothies? Was it with the rest of the yogurt? I'd love to look at the nutritional label and maybe try it, but so far I haven't found it. Don't you just love the samples at Trader Joe's? You have no idea how many things I've bought because I've tried a sample and really liked it. Actually, there was only one item that I tried that I wasn't crazy about.

    You know something, I can resist M&M's. That's probably because hubby worked for Mars, Inc. for over 20 years. When they were roasting those peanuts, you should have smelled the town of Hackettstown! Actually, he wrote the program that generated the name "Kudos". Now he is such a "chocolate" connoseur, wants "fresh chocolate", not like I can tell the difference, tho. So keep eating those M&M's (and Snickers, and 3 Musketeers and all their other brands including Uncle Bens, Dove and Pedigree), helps to pay his pension.....lol

    Welcome Cheryl! (My apologies to anyone who may have had WLS) Good for you deciding not to go the WLS route! I'm a firm believer that if God had meant my stomach to be smaller, He would have made it that way. I can see WLS but only for someone who is like 400 pounds overweight. A very good friend of mine had it, and you should see the suppliments she has to take now! She may be thinner, but her hair is falling out. Hubby worked with a man who was like 400 pounds overweight and had the surgery. Unfortunatly, he died from a complication. Evidentally, there are more complications than we are led to know about.

    Jackie - don't go too low on your calories. You know, I've been around 130 for years now. I would love to be lower, but I feel good. Oh, one time I got lower on the scale, but I looked and felt like c***. Now I'm beginning to believe that that's the weight my body wants to be at, regardless of what I want.

    Vicki - I will be praying for Donna.

    Brady - WOW! I don't know if I could do those cross-leg-get-up-from-a-chair things

    I had a meeting to go to this a.m., but afterwards I put a load of laundry in and then went and did one of my downloadable workouts for the spinning bike at the Y.

    Plan to do the 30 day shred tomorrow. Then Fri we leave! Better get packing!

  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Sending out more hugs to all of you contending with ill parents. I lost my mom in 1976 when I was in my early twenties. My dad longed for her loving presence every day until his death 3 years ago. My husband and I cared for his mother together until her death. And NO we do not want to impose this burden on our son when we grow old. That is one of the reason why I'm doing my best to stay healthy. I wish my darling husband were as careful about his weight, exercise (negligible), stress-management.!

    I have only 4 more words to add about not imposing our health issues on our children: long term care insurance! It's expensive, but it gives us so much comfort knowing that we will be able to care for ourselves at home, in the event (Heaven forbid) of a catastrophic illness or disability.
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    My daily inventory:

    Kept within my calorie limits.
    Ate a variety of healthy food.
    Exercised vigorously for 30 minutes (nordic track ski machine, stationary bike), did crunches and stretches.

    I feel great!

    Now I have to worry about the guy with the plow coming around to dig us out! I need to get to school tomorrow!

  • cheryllynnc
    Hey Louise, thank you for that welcome. I am in California but I have relatives in Person Co, NC so who knows, we might be related! I am excited about this program alotttttt............I look forward to coming home and updating my menu. How fun is this!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I picked Haifa up from the vet this afternoon and the good news is that his diabetes has gone into remission.....they tested his blood and urine all day and said that he doesn't need the insulin shots......YIPPEE !!!!! The CD I was listening to in the car was about the "Dream Stealers", especially the people close to you like family, friends, and coworkers who subtly undermine your journey to your dream. I think all of us on this thread are the opposite of dream stealers
    we help each other reach our dreams and when we fall we help each other get back up and return to the journey.

    :flowerforyou: I am doing well with the exercises that I have been doing all along
    walking, dancing, exercise bike, but somehow can't get myself started on yoga, strength training, and some of the great exercises that require lying down on the floor......

    :flowerforyou: I shopped today for yarn for a new knitting project......since I've been on MFP I've been much more active so I haven't spent as much time knitting.

    (((((((HUGS))))))))) to all of you caring for your parents.....I remember during the last months of my mother's life, she started calling me her "mommy"......she said it seemed right because I was doing all the caring like I was the mom and she was the child.....I'm so grateful that I was able to be there with her those last years.

    It's time for bed......thank you all for your good humor and encouragement.:heart::heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Barb - where in the grocery store did you find the Yoplait smoothies? Was it with the rest of the yogurt? I'd love to look at the nutritional label and maybe try it, but so far I haven't found it. Don't you just love the samples at Trader Joe's? You have no idea how many things I've bought because I've tried a sample and really liked it. Actually, there was only one item that I tried that I wasn't crazy about.

    You know something, I can resist M&M's. That's probably because hubby worked for Mars, Inc. for over 20 years. When they were roasting those peanuts, you should have smelled the town of Hackettstown! Actually, he wrote the program that generated the name "Kudos". Now he is such a "chocolate" connoisseur, wants "fresh chocolate", not like I can tell the difference, tho. So keep eating those M&M's (and Snickers, and 3 Musketeers and all their other brands including Uncle Ben's, Dove and Pedigree), helps to pay his pension.....lol

    Welcome Cheryl! (My apologies to anyone who may have had WLS) Good for you deciding not to go the WLS route! I'm a firm believer that if God had meant my stomach to be smaller, He would have made it that way. I can see WLS but only for someone who is like 400 pounds overweight. A very good friend of mine had it, and you should see the supplements she has to take now! She may be thinner, but her hair is falling out. Hubby worked with a man who was like 400 pounds overweight and had the surgery. Unfortunately, he died from a complication. Evidently, there are more complications than we are led to know about......


    I found the Yoplait Smoothies in the freezer area. They are in bags, about the size of a 1 lb. bag of frozen veggies. Haven't tried any yet

    As far as WLS, I am very leery of the process, but very pleased if it helps someone improve their health. I have an acquaintance who did have surgery. She had gone from over 300 lbs to about 150 by following Jenny Craig. She had been heavy all her life and for the first time in her life had a boyfriend. Unfortunately, he turned out to be a jerk,:mad: and she was not socially equipped to deal with the games he played at her expense. The result was that she gained back all her weight and some "interest" :sad:

    She had limited success with Herbalife, and her parents strongly urged her to have surgery. She is still way over 200 lbs.--probably closer to 300, and in the first 18 months, she lost only about 20 lbs. She is very limited in how and what she can eat. Her metabolism is really out of kilter, so she can't seem to lose like other people do.

    I feel for her, but her situation was on my mind when I started thinking about what I could do to get my own situation under control. I am glad I found MFP!!!!

    I would like to say "Kudos" to your hubby for coming up with the name for one of my favorite candy. Unfortunately, I can't have it too often!!:laugh: Well, I guess I could but my ticker would start moving in the wrong direction!!


    You are in my thoughts and prayers as I think about your mom. I hope she will have a good recovery.

    I am not sure how much sense what I just wrote will make when I read it tomorrow. After sleeping only 4 hours last night, I worked for 12 hours, went grocery shopping, and now I am sitting here posting and watching the news instead of going to bed. :noway: I guess it is about time!!!:yawn:

    Good night all.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Wow there are so many new faces on this thread that I can't respond to each in the brief time I have to post. I did read them and respect all those caring for elderly and/or injured parents! Hang in there!
    I had a better day yesterday, staying in the moment. Thanks to anyone who encouraged me. I got weighed this morning and stayed the same....so I am grateful that my emotional slump didn't cost me in lbs!
    I love the new pictures! Vicky...you're looking pretty glamorous!! Good for you!
    Sending hugs to all and a prayer of encouragement for all who need it!
    Welcoming all to this thread that are new! It's become a life line for me!
    Have a great day!
  • weebles
    Good Morning All! :flowerforyou:

    I would like to send my thoughts and prayers out to all that are out there caring for someone. It is not an easy road and I commend you for it. Both of my parents are gone and I miss them terribly. My mother was the most recent. (2 years ago)

    I would also like to thank everyone on MFP for making me feel so welcome in the short time I have been here. I have searched for a long time for a site like this. :love: I have always carried my weight well and do have a good feel for fashion now that my daughters did a "what not to wear" on me! LOL That was an experience....let me tell ya! ( they went through my closet with a garbage bag and then we went shopping) I am most interested in getting fit and if I lose some weight during the process....GREAT!

    I enjoy reading the posts and have found a lot of inspiration and good people here! I want to thank you all for making this journey for me a lot easier and it's nice to now there are others out there that have the same issues and thoughts as I do!

    Have a great day peeps!!!! :flowerforyou: