

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    What is everyone doing for the Super Bowl? I had planned on trying to make healthier hot wing. Anton Brown steams his before baking them. I think this may remove some of the fat. For the dip, I plan on using fat free yogurt with bleu cheese. I have to have the bleu cheese...just wouldn't be right without it. I may not make anything at all, though. It seems that I will be alone with one of my daughters and she wants to go to a sports bar to watch the game. We do not have reception on our TV so this is the only way we can watch the game. I am more interested in trying different wing than the game.:grumble:
  • mynyddisamrs
    :bigsmile: ...Thought I'd share this with you ... actually from the Alzheimers forum ...I forget which site I'm on sometimes!!!

    Exercise for older people........not that this applies to us!:noway:

    Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side
    With a 5-lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can.
    Try to reach a full minute, and then relax.

    Each day you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer.

    After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags.
    Then try 50-lb potato bags and then eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute.

    (I'm at this level.)

    After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag.:laugh:

    By the way.... Can I put in the exercise calories my grandaughter cycled this afternoon?
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon,
    Have not read posts yet, but wanted to post mine first while I have time. The ball was last night. I got the jitters a little before but it was really nice. I actually knew quite a few people. While they are not in my social network, I used to teach at a private pre school and taught most of the children in the court (including the queen) so I knew a lot of people from that. We actually stayed until 2:30 when it ended. That is still unbelievable to me. We danced a bit, not a lot but more than I thought we would. I have posted pics of me in my dress. I also posted pics of the queen (my sons girlfriend) and my son. he is with the group and he is all the way on the left. If you look at my husbands pic closely you can see the resemblance. I will read the posts now to catch up. Getting ready to go to my daughters house to watch super bowl. Not usually a priority in my life but I have to pull for the saints. They are overdue and really deserving of this. Of course if they lose I am not upset because we love Peyton and his family also. this day has got to be so hard and bittersweet for he and his family. I will try to come back after I read. have a good day all.
    Vicki m
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Super bowl treat? I bought myself three peppers (red, yellow and orange) and made some lowfat spinach dip.

    OK, my new recipe for today was good:
    Taste of Home Southwest Chicken (I entered in the database)
    1 can corn, drained
    1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
    16 oz. salsa
    5 boneless skinless chicken breasts (5 oz each)

    Put 2/3 of the corn, beans and salsa in crockpot, lay the chicken on top, cover with rest of corn, beans, and salsa. Cook on low for 4-6 hours. Shred the chicken and return to crock pot. One cup has 234 calories.

    I had mine with a low carb tortilla, a little sour cream, and lettuce. Yummy!
  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    mynyddisamrs - what a hoot! I love the new potato sack exercise!! My DH also got a laugh out of it. He was actually standing there with his arms out as I read the 5# bag part saying how hard it would be! :laugh:
  • anotheryrolder
    Glad I found you all. You sound like a fun bunch.

    I've been at this four whole days and lovin it. :bigsmile: I'm known for being an organized person and a problem solver, so it really irks me that I have had so little control over what goes in my mouth!

    I've been at good weight before and this site will help me get there again. I really like that it's quite easy to keep track of your foods and see how many calories are in them.

    I am an evening eater (so who isn't?) but I'm working on it and have been at or under my intake so far. I have been walking three miles a day, or doing yard work, along with some leg and stomach work.

    I dug around for an aerobics video I used to use but it's missing. Do any of you do the Shred tape? I don't know if it's a killer for those with a few extra years on them or not. I'm 59 and reasonably active, but not as flexible as I used to be.

    I did aerobics 3 times a day for years and kept my weight down when I was still working. As soon as I sold my business and retired three years ago, the weight started back on. I live wayyy out in the boonies and didn't keep up with the aerobics class. It's not much fun doing it alone, but I'm motivated and will get back at it. Any suggestions as to a good exercise CD?

    I'm looking at losing 60 pounds eventually. I'd add my ticker, if I could figure out how...

  • Texemgirl
    Hi, Ladies! :smile:

    Jackie, you are so right about our bodies being a gift from God! :heart: We need to treat our bodies with respect. Starvation is truly not the way to go ... I only lasted 2 weeks when I tried it. Besides feeling tired and worn out all the time, I liked to eat too much to stick with it! A body needs adequate nutrients in order to survive healthily ... that's why I'm so concerned now about not being able to eat enough right now. I have lost a lot of muscle mass due to not being able to exercise; and if I don't get the proper nutrition (best to get it from food) and enough calories, then the weight I lose is going to probably come from my muscles (which have atrophied enough) and not from fat (which is what I want to lose). Also, if you don't get enough nutrients, your skin will start looking dull ... same with the hair, and it might even fall out! No amount of product can fix that ... it needs to come from eating healthy nutrients. In December, my doctor put me on supplements/injections while I wasn't eating so much due to being on bed rest and losing my appetite. We both thought I'd get my appetite back once I was up and about, but that hasn't happened yet and it's been almost 3 weeks now.

    Congrats on your weight loss, Jackie! :bigsmile: You are doing fantastic! That is a very nice reward you gave yourself ... way to go! There is no doubt in my mind your friends are going to notice your weight loss.

    Jeannie, great job planning your Super Bowl food! :drinker: Everyone will enjoy the healthy snacks, and no one will miss the fattening stuff. Sorry you weren't able to find a deal on the shrimp, but it's something to look forward to when they are on sale.

    Barbie, you are so fortunate that your husband eats like you do! :bigsmile: I know exactly what you mean about the challenges others face in preparing meals for other family members who don't want to lose weight and won't eat the healthy food. I live alone and have a provider who prepares my meals. After being with me a little while, she made the comment that I never eat junk food and that she loves the food I have her make me. She told me that she now cooks for her family like she does for me, and she hasn't received one complaint from her husband or children. On the rare occasion that I have potato chips, I get sweet potato chips fried in canola oil and no salt. Her children love them! Where they wouldn't eat veggies before, she now roasts the veggies and they can't get enough of them! Just goes to show you that healthy food does taste good!

    Renny, snaps to you for doing so well at dinner last night! :drinker: So glad you all enjoyed your evening. Have fun tonight with your friends!

    Firetuck, you are so right about this site. Everyone is wonderful!!! :happy: I know what you mean about needing sunshine. I sure hope your snow goes away soon and you can enjoy the sun outside. In the meantime, get flowers ... they are so pretty! :flowerforyou: I, also, agree with Debbie about where you get the 1,200 calories from. Healthy choices all the way!!! A little off course but still regarding healthy choices ... I saw a TV show recently where this person said temptations are temporary ... they last a maximum of 20 minutes. Do something else for 20 minutes and drink a glass of water ... before you know it, the 20 minutes are over and the temptation is gone. Giving into temptations NEVER tastes as good as achieving your goal ... it just depends on how badly you want to reach your goal. I rarely go off course, but I'm going to remember this next time that I'm tempted.

    Becky, did you make the wings? Personally, I don't think wings are bad for you as long as you don't bread or deep fry them and don't drown them in a sugar laden sauce (a little goes a long way :bigsmile: ). The dip sounds healthy just as long as you don't overload it with blue cheese ... just small crumbles throughout. WOW! Can't believe my mouth is now watering for wings! LOL! Let us know if you made them; if yes, how they turned out. Maybe you could pass the recipe along. :wink:

    mynyddisamrs, you are too funny!!! :laugh: I think I could actually do that exercise! LOL! And to answer your question, NO! LOL!

    Vicki M, so glad you had such a nice time at the ball. I looked at your pictures ... WOW! You have really lost a lot! And you look BEAUTIFUL in your dress! I'd whistle if I could! :wink:

    Mary, thank you for the recipe ... sounds delicious! I'm going to try it! :smile:

    Hi, Faye ... welcome! I'm brand new to this site as of Thursday. How I wish I'd found it sooner! :sad: Just learned about it from a friend of mine ... so grateful she told me about it. Sorry, I don't have any recommendations for an exercise DVD. A friend of mine has Jillian's Shred and she loves it ... says it's a great workout. Sounds like you are doing well so far! YEA for you!! :drinker: Regarding the ticker, go to the "Tools" tab (it's right next to Community) and that's where you set it up. If you have any questions, please ask.

    Well, I'd better go eat again ... the alarm went off a few minutes ago.

    Karen :flowerforyou:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    I just had to post. Saints won the Super Bowl. If you are not from here you just dont know how much that means to us. It is long overdue and we are so excited. I have posted 2 new pictures. One is all of my grandchildren and the other is my entire family minus me. I am taking the picture. This is about 1 minutes before the end of the game. Talk to you all tomorrow.
    Vicki M
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    I went out on the Carnival Ecstasy I found out that the ship had hit the dock the morning that we got on the ship but didn't find out until we got back home. Did more damage to the dock than it did the ship I had been on the same ship 2 times before. It goes out of Galveston Texas.
    I did good today with my calories and got my water in and walked around Discovery Green.
    Went to see my brother he is doing better his spirits was good today he got to go home for 2 days but has to be back at the home tomorrow so he can have his theropy and with his learning to swallow again for those who doesn't know he fell 2 stories onto concrete and had to have 3 brain surgeries.It happened back in June.
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good Monday morning ladies!

    Go Saints! So happy they won (no offense to the Colts fans out there). What an emotional night for New Orleans. A great reason to celebrate.

    Faye - Welcome to this thread.

    Just one word of advice on getting a good workout DVD. In your post you mention that you have over 60 lbs to lose. The workout by Jillian called the "30 day Shred" is not the right workout out for you at this time.

    I have been doing the Shred DVD and Jillian makes it very clear (and it's also on the DVD case) that this workout is intended for people who have only there last 10-20 pounds left to lose.

    I highly caution you against buying this DVD as there are a lot of jumps, high kicks and high energy plank moves in it.

    There is a chance that you could "blow out your knees" doing this workout.

    When you do get your weight down to the 20lbs left to lose range than yes, get this DVD because it will help you then.

    If you have a significant amount of weight still to use, you could check out DVD's by Prevention Magazine with trainer Chris Freytag. Her workouts are safely done and you don't have to be in your 20's to achieve to moves to get results.

    Doing exercises safely is key, an injury will just set you back. Safety first, right?

    Today is another day filled with opportunities. A day of making the right decisions for our health and wellness.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good Monday Morning everyone,

    For all of you who are happy the Saints won I'm glad for you. My hubby just isn't a sports fan of any kind. He is definitely a Nerd and happily wears that title. So we just don't watch sports or keep up with them at all. I didn't even know who was playing.

    I lost .5 lbs last week. I think that is good seeing as hubby is still on vacation and still expects his 3 squares. I like to taper off more towards evening and since he has been home have been eating more. Still trying to stay within my calorie range or not much over it.

    My daughter came over yesterday and brought me some slacks we have traded back and forth as our weights have flucuated. Two I can wear and one is a little too small. But I am happy not to have to go out and buy more pants. I gave her the ones that were too big for me. If she would just get consistent with going to the gym she would slim right down. The other thing is she needs to start weighing her portions. She pretty much eats healthy but probably too much. The other problem for her is that she lives with my Mom and there are things in the house that Mom needs to fatten up on and she just doesn't need.

    I got a call from my Big Sis yesterday and she is going to bring Mom over for a visit tomorrow. Our front walk and steps still have snow on them so I will have to get out there and finish the shoveling so they can safely come into the house. Ooh, all of those extra exercise calories.

    Better get going.

    I'm intend to have a wonderful day! Hope all of you do too!

  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi everyone - just back from work and logging in. Not much to report here... getting colder for another bout of snow!! Very grey.
    Had a good Sunday and I'm ready for the week again, my third with all you guys!!
    Nothing much planed for the day but tonight when my DH has gone to work I'll try the Latino tone DVD. Still no How to Dance DVD so am a bit disappointed. DH needs to lose weight too but getting him to cut out the cream, chocolate and butter is a nightmare. He takes no exercise either which is a worry!. Nine years back he had a quad. By- pass so you'd think he would take more care. At least he doesn't smoke now but if I keep commenting on the choc etc. I'm nagging!! what do to eh?

    Bye all....
    Remember.... "Life is just a bowl of Cherries" .... just remember to log them in your food diary!!

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I woke up really energized this morning. I am off to a new start. I ate my cereal and logged it. I am drinking my first 24 oz of water and logged it. I plan to get a lot done today. I have a week to get a lot done before we leave. we leave Friday evening for Disney. Tomorrow I have to spend most of the morning at doctor with heather. She has to take take that glucose test so that is 3 hoursat the dr. I will get on later to read posts from other side of country who are still sleeping. Have a great day.
    Vicki M
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Faye--Welcome!:flowerforyou: I do the 30 day Shred every other day. I find it challenging but doable--so far!
    I did spend 20 days total on Level 1 before moving on and have only done Level 2 once so far. I really like it and it goes quickly.I do yoga (VERY gentle Hatha yoga!) every day and that helps a lot. I have also done the Leslie Sansone Walking tapes--great way to get back into a regular routine! I wouldn't start with the Shred, though, the walking tapes would be better to start with.

    mynyddisamrs :laugh: Love the exercise joke!:laugh: I love reading your posts!

    Karen, hang in there! We'll help all we can!:flowerforyou: I am very glad that I work at a garden center. I get to see flowers every day! We haven't had the awful weather a lot of you have had but it is still very gray here this time of year. Flowers do lift the spirits!

    I hope everyone has (or is having--or had) a great Monday!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Hello ladies !! Took a day off from from my 12hr, 6 day a week schedule. Burned 410 calories on the treadmill this morning. Going to have a light lunch, not sure about dinner. Back to work tomorrow, same heavy schedule for the rest of the week. Probably won't have time to post.

    Hope all are doing well !!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thank you all for your inspiring and positive comments to get my day going.....we are off to a day trip to Tacoma with some friends who are not always positive so we're trying to start with a good attitude....there will be a lot of time spent in the car and at least one restaurant meal :sad: so calories will be higher and exercise lower....I don't want to be dreading the day so thank you for putting my attitude on an upward swing.

    :flowerforyou: Yesterday was Isagenix cleanse day so we watched the Super Bowl with a glass of "Want More Energy" and no snacks. I couldn't believe all the commercials for beer, chips, tacos, and pop
    stuff we never consume any more.........and did it seem to you like too many of the ads had men in their underwear :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    have a great day and I'll try to have one too:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good <Morning ladies,
    I just had to take a moment to tell you. I just had a yoplait frozen fruit smoothie for my morning snack. It was awesome. It is my new best friend. I comes in frozen bag and has 2 servings. you add cup of milk and blend. I drank the whole thing. it is only 70 caloreis for serving so 2 servings is only 140. plus the cup of skim milk. It was delicious. On a hot summer day it willl be fantastic. Okay now I have to finish some sewing and do a spin on treadmill to warm up after that cold drink. Have a good day. just wanted to share.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hey Vicki:

    I saw that smoothie advertized on Biggest Loser last week. I'm glad to know that it is good from a real person.

    I did some strength training this morning (pg. 88 in the current reader's digest mag). any way these 5 exercises are supposed to help with the pain in the neck area. I'm going to try them as they weren't all that hard.

    I'm having a cup of green tea and then I'm going to get at my housework.

    Have a good day everyone.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Just had lunch of grilled chicken, salad, cauliflour. I amazes me how much better food tastes when other junk food is not messing up the taste. sorry to bore you with my meals but really trying to get back on track and this helps by keeping me honest with you and mostly myself. Going to finish the sewing project and walk on treadmill while girls take naps.
    Vicki M
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Karen - congrats on the awesome weight loss.

    Debbie - what a fantastic inspiration! Congrats to you (and all the other losers). You'd BETTER post of pic of you in your new outfit! Update: your outfit sounds so nice.....now where is the picture??????

    Jeannie - how did everything go for your son? I agree with you so much about your coworkers. Until someone is ready to change, it won't happen. My son was extremely heavy when he graduated high school. He didn't walk -- he waddled. I one time said to him "if you would like me to help you, I will". Nothing happened. THEN he went to college. Now I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging (well, truth be told, I am somewhat) but he is one FINE looking guy...broad shoulders, trim, healthy. If I were in my 20's, I could see myself going for him. But he's always going to be "my little man"

    Our 50's/60's social is going to be Feb. 27. Yesterday dh was making a playlist of music of the 60's. Boy, did it bring back memories! You should have seen me dancing around the house.....lol Unfortunately, I don't know a lot about the 50's since I wasn't even born until 1955. Thank goodness for the Internet!

    Welcome Faye! Jump right on in!

    Karen - yes, I would like to have your problem. But I can also see how it can be a problem for you. Have you thought of one of those meal replacement shakes to have with your "meal". I remember when MIL needed extra calories, we would give her those.

    So....how many people do you think are of the opinion that that one song the Who did during the SuperBowl halftime was called "Teenage Wasteland"??

    I, too, am happy the Saints won. Then again, I KNEW they were going to win. See, I pick the team that will win by if I like the color of their uniforms. And I liked the gold more than the blue. So I wasn't in the least bit surprised when dh told me the Saints had won :)

    Faye - go to collagevideo.com. They have lots of videos and you can preview them before you buy. I have Jillian Michael's "No More Trouble Zones" and I like it. I like the fact that she gives good tips while you are doing the exercises. I also have the 30 Day Shred tape, just haven't done it yet. Thanks, Debbie, for telling me that there are a lot of high impact things in it. I try to avoid high impact, but I would think that you can modify it. I am trying to get a variety of tapes, some yoga, some pilates, walking (hey, I think I can probably do them on a Rebounder -- I just need to get a Rebounder...lol), a BOSU workout (I do have a BOSU ball), strength training, stretching, even TaiChi. I was so glad that I could preview tapes at CollageVideo because I found that I really don't like Sara Ivanhoe, I just don't like the way she talks, not soothing enough for yoga. I'm sure her tapes are good, just not for me.

    I don't know for how long I've been telling myself that I really need to do more yoga. So I think that's going to be my Lenten thing. "Sacrifice" isn't the right word. I know that I really should do more. I do have a few tapes where the workout is like only 20 minutes long. So, hopefully, each night I can do at least 20 minutes.

    Did an hour deep water class, tomorrow I'm thinking that I'll do the Jillian Michael's "No More Trouble Zones" DVD, Wed. we have a meeting in the a.m. so after the meeting I may go to the Y and do one of my downloadable workouts for the spin bike, then Thurs I'm thinking that I'll try that 30 day shred tape and if I need more I'll do the strength training on the Wii. I don't really like the strength training on the Wii by itself because there are so many times when it will work one muscle (like the biceps) but not the opposing muscle (like the triceps). Then Fri. we'll be leaving, not sure what time right now so I'm not thinking that I will be able to workout.

    Happy day everyone!
