

  • luvmygrandkidstx
    luvmygrandkidstx Posts: 95 Member
    barbiecat, thank you for the warm welcome! I'm real excited about being here. My goal is to lose a pound a week, more is great, but at least a pound. This time I want to keep it off. That's why I changed my way of eating and instead of dieting it's a lifestyle change. I also walk 3 miles, 5 days out of the week ,and do aerobics. I've lost 10 pounds since January 18th. I'm starting to feel really good now about myself and not as depressed. Thanks for being a part of my journey.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,996 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lianne, I'm so sorry you're sick......Jake has some bad cold or something, too and has been spending a lot of time in bed with short bursts of energy to do a small chore or walk the dogs, so I think I have an idea of what you're going through.....someone told me "This, too, shall pass" so before long you'll be back to your normal energetic self.

    :flowerforyou: My4grandsonstx (do you have a shorter name?) you are so right about a lifestyle change and about losing weight slowly.....I lost one to two pounds a week at first and then it slowed to about a pound a week which is very healthy. Congrats on the 10 pounds you've already lost...stick with us....we need you.

    :flowerforyou: genann, welcome to the greatest group of women......this group changed my life.....this is the place to share everything......we want to hear about what you eat, how you exercise, how good or bad you feel, and what's going on in your life and we, in turn, will share all that with you.

    :flowerforyou: I finally got two uninterrupted hours today to work on the pile of income tax papers......I still have a ton to do, but I feel like I'm getting somewhere.......the trouble with working at home is that no one thinks you're working and you seem to be fair game to be interrupted and talked to.....the good part is that I can ride the exercise bike, take a walk, and go to the dog park whenever I want to.

    I'm looking forward to watching the Olympics on TV
    how about you?
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • luvmygrandkidstx
    luvmygrandkidstx Posts: 95 Member
    barbiecat, My name is Brenda. Sorry, I should have mentioned that. lol
  • cheryllynncc
    oh what a mess!! this is just a test to see if i got my damned ticker to work
  • cheryllynncc
    It worked! Well, I am back! What an hour this has been. I went 'exploring' in the Help section and ended up Deleting myself. So I have been trying and trying to get back into this program and finally have arrived.

    I was cheryllynnc before but NOW I am cheryllynncc......lol.......what a pain!!

    Anyway, I'm back. Except I have to start all over again with my food log and all of that. Very frustrating evening. But I'm glad to be back. If you befriended me before, please come on back. I am so excited about this tool.

    But don't delete your account accidently like I did or your screwwwwwwed.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    It worked! Well, I am back! What an hour this has been. I went 'exploring' in the Help section and ended up Deleting myself. So I have been trying and trying to get back into this program and finally have arrived.

    I was cheryllynnc before but NOW I am cheryllynncc......lol.......what a pain!!

    Anyway, I'm back. Except I have to start all over again with my food log and all of that. Very frustrating evening. But I'm glad to be back. If you befriended me before, please come on back. I am so excited about this tool.

    But don't delete your account accidently like I did or your screwwwwwwed.

    Hi cheryllynncc-- and welcome!! To save you needless hassle, I have a suggestion that might solve the problem of tyour "identity crisis". Go to your "Home" tab and go to your mailbox send a personal message to "MIKE" --the creator and admin of this website. Give him your old id name and tell him what you did. He might be able to help you combine info from both your id's, or help you recover your lost identity.

    Good luck!!

    I will try to respond to some of the postings over last few days when I get finished with work for the week, so probably won't have time til Sunday. Keep well everyone!!

  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good Morning everyone!

    Well, it looks like it's going to be another beautiful, sunny day here in Ontario, again, no wind. Love it!!

    It's a bit cold however, -13 Celsius (8 Fahrenheit).

    Well, this morning was my weigh-in and I lost another pound. YEAH!!!

    But what is even more exciting is that I lost 1 1/2" off of my belly since last Saturday. YEAH again!!

    That also means that since January 2, 2010, I have lost a total of 5 1/2 " off of my belly.


    It's good to know that getting exercise every day and fueling my body with what it needs to burn fat is working. I truly have never had this level of success with weight loss before. I am so excited and proud because I'm doing this in a way that is completely healthy. I'm never hungry and I never have any cravings for junk food. YEAH!!!!

    I am on top of the world this morning!

    Have a great weekend everyone, let's keep giving our bodies what it needs to keep us healthy, happy and strong.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    WOW Debbie You amaze!
    MacMadame and Barbiecat thanks so much for your inspiriation.

    All the other dear ladies who responded to my January question about size and how long, forgive me for not thanking you sooner!
    And all the ones I didn't ask, apologies, it was cuz I hadn't seen your amazing tickers.

    Am way behind on reading the posts, have been pressed for time and barely able to log food and check in on wii.

    Last week was disappointing. Up .2 lbs no apparent inches lost.

    Weekends are the hardest. Workdays can keep to routine, squeeze it all in, exercise, log, work, dance.
    But weekends? Clean, shop, laundry, nap but no time to exercise. Hang out with wonderhubby, EAT and SNACK and imbibe with him. Yuck! Can gain 2 lbs a day!

    New rule, no dancing? no beer no wine and no WHINING!

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Inbb- I wish I could give you scientific insight on your 2.5 gain, but all I have to offer is that it happens. It could be bulk from not drinking enough, from being off schedule. I’d drink a lot today and weigh in again tomorrow.

    Laura – Hang in there with your Mom. They can do wonders these day with the elderly to get them back up and going again.

    Lose2cruise –Congratulations on your weight loss. I’ve been trying not to eat my exercise calories. May I ask where you heard that we should be eating them? I hadn’t heard that before.

    Jackie – 4 pounds is awesome. Any loss is a success at our ages.

    MacMadame – Hang in there. The weather will get warmer soon and you will be able to get out more and do higher calories burns. Until then 119 is better than where you started from. You’ve come a long way.

    Brady – The eating season is almost over. We just have Easter then things will calm down for all of us at work. The holidays after that are more about hamburgers and hot dogs than chocolate and more chocolate.

    Heather – no opening ceremonies, but we will be watching the Olympics. Happy Family Day to you too! What a wonderful idea for a holiday. For us down here it’s President’s Day.

    Suezzzque – Welcome back. Enjoy your bike.

    Anotheryrolder – Good for you on joining the gym!

    My4grandsonstx (Brenda)– Welcome! 38 years is a long time to be married. Good luck with all you’re going through.

    Genann- Welcome! Now that you’ve posted here it should be easy to find again under My Topics.

    Lianne – I’m glad you’re back on your feet and able to exercise again. Keep an eye on your temperature while you’re sick.

    Cheryllynncc – yes, your ticker is working and welcome!

    Debbie – Woot! Woot! You’re doing great on loosing and I just love how upbeat you are.

    AuntieBK – One of the keys to weekend success is planning. On work nights everything is planned due to the lack of time. So, now I try to keep to that planning on the weekends too.

    lol. This is my longest response ever! It was over 1 page in Word. To any one I missed, my apologies. Good luck today and enjoy what ever you end up doing.

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Greetings all and I hope you have a restful, peaceful, productive Saturday...in fact, I hope you have whatever kind of day you need most right now. I needed fellowship and support and an 8:30 OA mtg and now this web site are taking care of that!:happy:

    Congrats Debbie...I love hearing your happiness come through your post the way it does!

    Welcome newcomers, the more the merrier and this is a great spot to be!

    Take :heart: and hang in there Barbara...you can do this!!

    I've been struggling with an extra 2 pounds these last three weeks (up 2, down 2, up 2, down 2) I feel like a frickin yoyo. This 40 pound barrier or whatever it is has been extremely hard to break through. :explode: Frustrated but not down, so I just keep on a plugging along!.

    Hope you all have a great weekend. :heart: Terri:heart:
  • luvmygrandkidstx
    luvmygrandkidstx Posts: 95 Member
    Good morning to everyone! Thank you, Jeannie, for the welcome! It's a beautiful sunny day in San Antonio, TX. Nice after all the rain and cold we've had. Today I'm spending time with my 3 grandsons, which are 9 years, 3 years and 11 months.. They bring so much joy to my life and so much happiness when they're around. I love spending the days with them! Intbb, weight gain does happen. I don't know how often you weigh yourself, but I do know that weight fluturates. I weight myself once a week and don't even get on the scale any other time, but Thursday mornings. Good luck to you and to everyone else in your journey! Have a wonderful Saturday.

    Hugs to all!
    Brenda : :flowerforyou:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    I can't believe it's noon here already.

    We got more snow last night. I went out and shoveled it from the walk and made a path to the mailbox. Cleaned off the cars so I gave myself 30 minutes snow shoveling exercise calories. I might have been out there longer than that but I failed to look at the clock before I went out. I basically wanted to do it before my husband got it into his head to do it and I certainly don't want him to re-injure his back.

    I'm probably going to go out and do a little on the elliptical so I can get to my exercise calorie burn goal.

    I haven't been in too good a mood this week. My best girlfriend and her husband are having pretty bad marital issues and it is breaking my heart. I want to fix it so badly and I just want to shake them too! I go from being upset to being just plain mad that they are so hard hearted that they won't do the work to fix the problems. And as we all know if we think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, well it just isn't.

    Well, maybe a little exercise will help me mood.


  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Good morning, everyone!:smile:

    This is going to be a good day! I'm going to get my hair cut--by a professional!:laugh: I cut it myself a couple of months ago and really messed it up. I'm going to have them trim it and give it some shape so it looks good as it grows out.

    I'm also going to try to find some more clothes on sale or at the Goodwill store. My newest ones are getting loose already!

    Debbie--isn't it a good feeling to see those inches coming off?:smile: I've only lost 3 from my waist (but I never did have much of a waist!:grumble: ) but I have lost about 5 from my hips and another 4 or 5 from my bust. I love it!:happy:

    Jeannie--here's a link about eating your exercise calories:


    I don't eat all of mine but I do eat some.

    I was too tired to stay up to watch the Opening Ceremonies but I'll be watching the games. I'm disappointed that I don't have a channel that is televising the curling events, though.:huh: I'll find them online, as my daughter likes to watch curling, too!

    Have a good weekend, all!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I've done my first workout for the day and am off to the shower (after doing the Shred, I need it!:laugh: )
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    I don't get to post much but I am still here read more than post but I have lost another lb. I guess 1 is better than none. Started going to the gym again maybee that will help me loose more weight.:smile:
    Good luck to all:flowerforyou:
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi everyone!!! .... just posting after yet another "Wicked" day!!!:devil: Not as bad as yesterday ...Yet!!! We went + mum to my DIL's parents for tea. Had a great time , didn't pig out but did have a glass of wine and some cream trifle.:noway:

    :frown: Scales were the same this morning so once again ... better than going up. Tonight I'll at least do some swimming arm exercises in the tub .. Thought the dance DVD's would come today but now will have to wait until Monday to get DH moving!! WE HOPE!!
    Also it's housework tomorrow at home so that can give me a few calories.

    :smile: Watching thewinter games tonight - great opening but sad for Georgia. A good friend is out there as PA to the Para Olympics President and I can't wait 'til I see her pictures when we lunch in March. The photos she had from Bejjing were amazing.

    :blushing: So... I feel a bit guilty ....a bit? ... no ....VERY guilty about my lack of willpower during the last few days but hope I can do better next week. Onward and downward on the weight journey!!!

    Bye for now ..... :drinker: just thanks for being beside me on this trip!! Great to have you all alongside.!!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Another gorgeous sunny day just made for bike riding. I drank a protein shake before I left but still came home famished. A handful of almonds didn't do it so I moved on to Triscuits and Easy Cheese. So I burned 600 calories, then ate half of it afterwards. Gonna TRY to be sensible tonight at our over 40's Group Valentine Party. I made Dark Chocolate dipped strawberries so I can at least have something that feels festive without breaking the calorie or carb bank. My plan is to load up at least half my plate with salad and stay away from the bread. Will let you know how it goes.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Afternoon everyone, I am back for a very short visit.:huh: We have been snowed, blowed, rained and sleeted on for the past two weeks. :noway: My life has been very difficult and I haven't been home much. As you probably know my husband and I work in a nursing home, When there is any kind of weather emergency we are required to work. We live in Delaware (work in Maryland a half hour from our home) and have been under a state of emergency off and on for the last 2 weeks so work put us up in a hotel.:sad: We spend our days transporting essential personell to and from work (which was both scary and dangerous) and when my husband wasn't driving we were chipping in at work where ever we were needed. I am exhausted:yawn: and to say the least have not been diet oriented and have gained 7 lbs.:explode: I am home for today and with another unpredictable snow system on the horizon,:huh: I will be leaving for Christiana tomorrow instaed of Monday. (My MIL starts her cancer treatments on Monday and it is 2 hour drive each way so we are staying in a hotel next week) I haven't been able to keep up with all the post but did notice some new names and would like to welcome them to a very supportive family.:heart:
    I probably won't have access to a computer for the next week but will try to get back in the swing of things soon. I miss you terribly. As always my prayers are with you all, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    :ohwell: Just sitting here waiting for the snow to start again. Husband is napping on the couch, knowing that when it starts he'll probably be called to work again as hes a county snow plow driver. The day started off sunny and bright, now its cloudy and gloomy. I'm SOOOOOO ready for spring! :yawn:

    :smile: Having a good diet day, after yesterday not so good one, and I'm ready for my weekly weigh in tomorrow. I gained 3 lbs last week, My Own Fault!!!!!, and I hope to get it back off this week. I'm so wanting to get out and walk in the warm sun, wherever it may be. :smile:

    :smile: Took my little 17 month old Great Grandaughter a Valentine's Gift last night. It was like a little flashlight, but the end was a big clear heart, and when you pushed a button it had really pretty different colors of lights going around and changing colors and designs. I just knew she'd LOVE it:love: , but it scared the crap out of her:sad: . By the time I came home, she was sitting on her other grandmother's lap watching it, but still frowning at it.

    I'll be checking in later with you all.....
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Not sure if I will get to read all of the post but just wanted to say hi. We arrived at Disney about noon today. Got checked into our condo and went to the gym right away. I burned over 500 calories. I also did pretty good on calories. Ate at cracker barrel for breakfast, actually skipped lunch and then had salad for supper. we plan to get up at 6 go to gym and then to first park. should have a lot of calories again tomorrow. eating lunch at rainforest so that will be another good salad. the only complaint I have is that it is cold here too. not quite as cold as home but pretty close. unusual weather for here but cant change that. hope to read and post again tomorrow. hope everyone is doing well.
    Vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Kathy(pmjsmom) - Thanks for the link. It was quite interesting and as soon as I read it, I understood what it was talking about. So I guess I will eat some of them and not have that much of a gap between what I need that day and what I ate. Thanks so very much for looking up the link and putting it in here.

    I did 50 minutes on the Wii today and my legs are sore from the jogging.

    Have a great evening everyone and Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: