

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :happy: Still have 27 calories to spare.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I just went back through my food diary and found out that for at least six months I didn't eat my exercise calories.......I didn't start eating them until the day I came home from a two hour walk lightheaded and weak......then I began eating more on days that I burned more calories....like you, I have always been careful that all the food I eat is very healthy stuff.....there is no sense in eating "junk" just because you have exercise calories...some days I exercise more just so i can have peanut butter on my apple.

    :flowerforyou: Rose, I am so sorry to hear how pressured and stressed you have been......take it one day at a time and you'll get through this challenge and back to your routine

    :flowerforyou: Vicki---thank you for sharing how you exercise and eat right on vacation----you inspire me

    :flowerforyou: cheryllynncc---I'm glad you got back on track with us again....in a few days you'll be back to your old routine

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, your positive attitude is amazing.......I feel better just reading your post.....you tell us all that success is possible

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, I know you'll find a solution to your weekend dilemma----there is a way to get some more exercise and to say no to some of the treats that are available

    :flowerforyou: Terri, I remember hitting a plateau about half way through this journey and what worked for me was to keep on doing what I'd been doing and add just a little more exercise.....just don't get discouraged:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Brenda, I'm glad you're able to find so much joy with your grandchildren....joy is the best way to reduce stress

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, you are so right about getting exercise to reduce stress and sadness.....

    :flowerforyou: Kathy, I think we get a channel that has curling....I've been waiting all winter to watch since none is broadcast here during the regular season.....DH keeps talking about wanting to move to Canada
    if we moved there we'd be able to watch curling on TV:laugh: congrats on being able to fit in smaller clothes:bigsmile:

    To everyone, Happy Valentines Day----say no to chocolate and take a healthy walk with your loved ones:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • mynyddisamrs
    :happy: Well done to all the losers!!!

    :angry: I am saying nothing today! You can guess why!!
  • nettiemacd
    nettiemacd Posts: 26 Member
    :heart: Great day to join in! I love that you 50+ are setting goals. And adjusting them monthly, awesome! Everyone of you have really inspired me. I started July 08' and have lost 40 lbs using the Beachbody workouts...I even won$1000 in April for my transformation :happy: So now I'm down to that last stubborn fat around the hips and thighs.
    My february goal is to lose 5 lbs and another body fat %
    I'll exercise daily doing P90X and log in to WOWY, Team Beachbody's virtual gym for all the support their.
    I'll follow the MFP plan and log in here daily.

    :flowerforyou: Thanks for all the motivation, this is a road well traveled and I see there are so many to lead. I'm thrilled to be joining you!
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    :bigsmile: WooHoo...I got my 3 lbs back off and 1 extra one, and its bacause of all the support on this site. You guys and gals on here all ROCK! :flowerforyou: THANKS.....
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning and :heart: Happy Valentines Day :heart: ladies, just checking in before I leave. Got on the scale this morning and much to my surprise, :glasses: I lost 3 lbs. :glasses: I guess shoveling snow and running up and down the stairs really helped. Talk to you when I get back. Everyone have a great week, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: We stayed up too late watching the Olympics.......DH is still asleep but the dogs got me up at the usual time because they went to bed early, so I have some quiet time by myself to be with all of you:heart:

    :flowerforyou: Rose, I'm not surprised that even in this time of stress and hard work for you that you've held on to many of your good habits that you've acquired......stay in the moment during this stressful time and you'll emerge from the tunnel in good condition.

    :flowerforyou: genann, congrats on your weight loss
    your success and enthusiasm are inspiring for us:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: nettiemacd, I'm so glad you joined us.......thank you for making your food diary public.....it is so helpful to me and others to see what the successful people are eating and how they are exercising. I've been using this site for a year.....I credit my weight loss success to MFP, Isagenix, line dance, walking, the stationery bike in front of the TV and taking life one day at a time.,,,,thank you, also, for sharing before and after pix....what a fabulous change :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: today will be another day of watching the Olympics while riding the stationery bike and doing chores
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Happy Sunday and Happy Valentines Day:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: Happy Valentine's Day to All!!

    Good job Rose on the loss...way to go when the going is rough! As is Barbie, I too am sorry to hear things have been so hectic for you. I will send up a prayer for your MIL.

    Welcome Brenda, Genan, Nettiemacd, anotheryrolder (ain't we all just!!:laugh: ), Cherylnncc and anyone I may have missed (apologies if I did so!!).

    It's snowing like crazy here. Hmmm...methinks I'm starting to get spring fever and the snow just isn't cutting it anymore!

    I just made some very good 3B's Waffles, turkey sausauge, 1 egg for hubbie and 1 eggbeater for me, and orange juice for a special Valentines breakfast. The 3B's stands for buckwheat, buttermilk and blueberries.

    I've done my daily devotion, journal page, logged my calories and posted so now it is time for me to move on with the day. Hope you all have a great one.

    :heart: Terri:love:

    P.S. Thanks for the words of encouragement, Barbie. I intend to keep on trying but sometimes it gets pretty discouraging and your kind words of wisdom certainly do help!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :sick: Hi Ladies! Well, instead of going away for a lovely weekend for DH 60th birthday, I ended up quite sick. Looks like I have some kind of infection. My woes started with a toothache this past week. Then an allergic reaction to msg on Friday night. Perhaps the two combined threw me over the edge. I am still feverish and nauseous, so will see the dentist tomorrow and/or the doctor. Until then, it's a diet of tylenol and gravol and trying to drink a bit of gingerale.

    Okay, back to bed or the couch. Getting to watch a lot of Olympics though. Always a silver lining some where. :wink:

  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Happy Valentines Day :happy: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    Well the snow came as expected, again, and my dh just got home after plowing the last 7 hours. The county took all the plows off the roads because the snow is covering as fast as they can plow. They get to go back out in the morning and start all over again. This winter seems to have been hard on all the states. The snow crews are just really tired and everyone else that can't get out of our homes and enjoy at least a little fresh air are getting depressed. COME ON SPRING!!!!!!!!!!
    I've got the house work done and am thinking that many more days of this and I might have to start ripping the old wallpaper out of our bedroom and start painting. I'm trying to think of everything but eating...
    Sounds like everyone has had a pretty good weight loss week and, with spring coming, we're bound to have even better results in the coming weeks.
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    :sick: Hi Ladies! Well, instead of going away for a lovely weekend for DH 60th birthday, I ended up quite sick. Looks like I have some kind of infection. My woes started with a toothache this past week. Then an allergic reaction to msg on Friday night. Perhaps the two combined threw me over the edge. I am still feverish and nauseous, so will see the dentist tomorrow and/or the doctor. Until then, it's a diet of tylenol and gravol and trying to drink a bit of gingerale.

    Okay, back to bed or the couch. Getting to watch a lot of Olympics though. Always a silver lining some where. :wink:


    :flowerforyou: Hope you get to feeling better real soon. Sorry you had to miss the weekend for you DH birthday. Maybe you can celebrate it when you're feeling better. Just rest, sleep and watch TV. I'm not much into the Olympics, but I sure do enjoy a good movie. :flowerforyou:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies, We went to Animal Kingdom today and we are back at condo now to rest. We got up at 6 am to go to the gym, then ate breakfast here (cereal) then to the parks. I wore my HRM and from 8 am til 4 pm burned over 3000 calories. Not logging those but good to know how much we burned. Lots of walking. Had a good salad at Rain Forest for lunch and will eat something light like cereal or smoothie for supper. I read quickly some of the posts. Great work on weight loss. Hope to post again tomorrow.
    Vicki M
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Just came back from a 90th birthday party! It was at a kosher dairy restaurant, so the food wasn't all that conducive to low calorie dieting. I overate, so I'm proceeding to my exercise routine to burn off the excess calories.

    I envy all of you who are in areas where bicycling is possible in February. New York is snowy and slushy. I'm hoping to do a 50 mile bike trip in May to raise money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and I can't wait to get back on my bike. In the meantime, I'm doing interval training on my stationary bike and my Nordic Track machine.

    Renny - Sorry about missing your husband's birthday weekend. Hope you recover soon.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It's good to hear from all of you, even if I don't have time to answer individually. I managed to do Valentine's Day without depriving myself with calories to spare! The grandsons are here while my daughter and son in law catch a movie, so we are trying to get them to sleep, and I still have to clean up the kitchen from the Valentine's dinner the 4 year old and I cooked. Happy Valentine's Day to all!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm back from my Century ride... I earned 3650 calories from exercise!! I love endurance sports. :laugh:

    So the ride was challenging in a couple of ways, but I knew I could do it, if I split it into 3 rides of 30-35 miles, But then I got lost (took the 60 mile route instead of the 100 mile route and had to turn around) and added 11 more miles to my ride. So i ended up taking an extra break. I also had issues with my seat and my girly bits. :blushing: So I was the last one to return, but I did make my goal of getting back before dark even though it took me an extra hour due to my little detour.

    I wrote up more details here:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome any recent newbies that I haven't acknowledged.:flowerforyou:

    Will try to reply to some of what I have read, but will, no doubt, overlook someone, so apologizing in advance for anyone missed. :flowerforyou: There is always next time:ohwell:

    Renny--Get well soon. Sorry you missed the party.

    Rose--Thanks for checking in. I wondered where you had been. I don't have to tell you "Snow" is a four-letter word!!!! So is "rain" but at least you don't have to SHOVEL rain!!!:laugh:

    Jackie--Good luck staying on track. Sounds like you might have run into a couple of bumps on the road. Don't give up!!:flowerforyou:

    I am finally on here after a busy weekend where I was short on sleep. Friday night, couldn't sleep. Got only about 4 hours worth before it was time to wake up and go to work at 6am:noway: :yawn: Didn't do any better in the sleep department on Saturday night either, as you will see.

    Saturday afternoon got doggies walked, did some Gazelle and weight workout time, and colored my hair, then took off up the Gorge with my neighbor to pickup another doggie!!!---HOLD ON!! No jumping to conclusions allowed. THIS ONE is going to another home!! My neighbor is taking a retired from breeding French Bulldog named "Archie." A real sweetie pie. Loves the "Katie"--the Pug who is already in that home. We took Katie, as well as Bradley and Pepper with us, but Mai Li was such a prima donna last weekend that I decided she needed to go visit her "Aunt Linda" for the evening, so I dropped her off there on the way out of town. Once she stopped sitting by the front door whining for "momma":brokenheart: :sad: she had a good time, and created a little havoc that I will mention later.

    Our destination was the same place we went for Superbowl Sunday. So there was food involved, again, and, once again, I was in charge of it. THIS TIME ALL FOOD ARRIVED AT DESTINATION!!!:blushing: (Not like last weekend where some airhead accidentally forgot to put a significant portion of it in the car. We actually managed to eat most of those things this time around.)

    Things still didn't go quite as planned. Our hostess had to leave THREE times during the evening. The first time--to try and jumpstart her son's dead pickup truck during his lunch hour at work. That didn't work as the problem is a dead alternator (assumption based upon symptoms leading up to starting failure). She came back home and then had to go pick up son's girlfriend from her work, and leave a third time to get the son from his workplace. In between this, we nibbled on snacks and visited with hubby and drank a little beer. We waited to have the main course of our dinner in between her second and third departure.

    Then I had the bright idea of mentioning the Wii that they got for Christmas, so about 10:30p we started "Wii bowling." I have never used the Wii before, but found the controller fairly easy to deal with, and like my experience with "real" bowling, I soon discovered that my bowling score seemed to improve with the consumption of my last two beers!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: We finally finished our "Wii marathon" about 1:30a--and I learned that I am a better virtual bowler than golfer. I am virtually AWFUL at Wii golf!!!

    I only had four beers altogether for an 8 hour period, so tiredly and soberly, I drove us the 75 miles back to home--with a skeptical, but quiet, Archie in a carrier, and the other three taking turns lending moral support by sniffing him through the carrier door and wagging their tails. Thanks to Mai Li's absence, it was a much quieter trip than it would have been. We were coming back so late, I had already called Linda earlier in the evening to ask if Mai Li could spend the night, so I didn't hear about her activities until this morning.

    Mai Li managed to cause a little havoc in Linda's kitchen. As she does at home, she was hanging out in the kitchen to "help" with dinner preparations. Linda was having chili, and about the time she opened the can and began placing it in a dish to warm up, Mai Li let out one of her very loud and unexpected barks:noway: and it caused Linda to react with surprise at the sudden noise, so she spilled a portion of her chili on the floor, which she had no need to clean up, as Mai Li made short work of the spillage!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Linda asked me why on earth Mai Li would bark like that out of the blue, and I had to laugh--she basically was letting Linda know she was "there and willing to share"--the bark simply expedited the process!!!:laugh:

    By the time I got home, about 2:45am on Sunday morning, and got in a hot bathtub--to counteract the soreness I was experiencing from that new workout I had tried with weights earlier in the day--it was 3:30a before I got to bed. In a moment of lunacy the day before I had scheduled an appointment at 8am on Sunday morning for a checkup on Bradley's foot, which had an infection between the toe pads that we have been treating. I turned off the 7:15a alarm and awoke again at 8:20!!:yawn: "oops!" So there went that appointment. Fortunately, they could see him at 10a. so I went then.

    When I returned home, I started logging my food for Sat and Sun while watching the Daytona 500. My plan was to take a nap for an hour or so, otherwise I figured I would be sleeping in church later in the evening. So much for planning.:laugh:

    My neighbor called and said "lets go have breakfast"--for me it was lunch, but I still had bacon and eggs, as well as cottage cheese and tomatoes in lieu of toast and hash browns. Then we went to Costco--where he filled my gas tank, since we had taken my car to get his new doggie--and I found several items I didn't realize I couldn't live without!!:noway: :laugh: Sometimes I think dealing with my finances would be much simpler if I just signed my paycheck over to Costco and eliminated the middleman"--my bank!!:laugh: .

    By the time I got home, I had just enough time to dry and redo my hair--due to getting caught in a cloudburst while loading the car with our purchases--before it was time to leave for church. So much for a nap.:yawn: I did manage to not sleep during the sermon, and we had a bite to eat after Mass. I finally got home about 8, and my intention was to get on the Gazelle for about 40 minutes before crashing. Instead, I fell asleep in the chair while composing this post and woke up as the 11p news was finishing.

    Now I really AM going to bed. I went over my calories today, since I never did get that Gazelle time in, but tomorrow is another day.

    As for "Archie" the transplanted bulldog--he felt comfortable enough with his new daddy to spend some "lap time" with him after receiving his first bath in his new home. Like most little boys, Archie would prefer not to be too well-acquainted with soap and water!!:grumble: :laugh:

    Hope everyone had a good Sunday and a great weekend. So long for now.

  • mynyddisamrs
    Good morning everyone ..... :bigsmile: Today I'm starting again!!
    It has been forward 4lb ,back 1lb. Still 3lb lighter than when I started which is something I suppose!

    :ohwell: Sadly no cleaning exercise today ...I was supposed to work today but as I have a bit of a cold and sore throat I couldn't go. Not because I feel bad but because the man of the house where I clean has a low immune system at the moment (He's been diagnosed with leukemia and is on Chemo ) Didn't want to spread my germs!! He's got enough on his plate at the moment.
    :frown: The cold, I know ,came from my 5 month old grandson!!! Bless!! It was lovely to see them but Nana can do without that present!!

    :drinker: I'm going to try and drink water today.
    :wink: I'm going to exercycle 10k again today
    :drinker: I'm going to keep in the calories today
    :bigsmile: I'm going to do the dance exercise today ... African dance is great!!!
    :smile: I'm going to log everything down ..but I have done that daily up to now anyway!

    :heart: I'm going to ...thank everyone for setting such an amazing example and for being such a great support!!
    :heart: I'm going to try and ...NOT LET YOU ALL DOWN!!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :wink: Surprise...It's me. :bigsmile: there is a computer in the lobby...YEAH. Just a moment to read and post because there are people waiting to use the computer...DARN:grumble: :laugh: Barb I must say your post made me laugh which I really needed.:laugh: THANK YOU and Thank you to all of the ladies for your support and prayers.:love: MIL is in the room asleep, last night wasn't toooo bad, she slept most of the night which gave my lungs a break from the cigarette smoke:smokin: . I told her the bathroom was the NO SMOKING ZONE:smokin: so I would have some place to go to get a break because it is too frigid outside to go walking. I am hoping it warms up a bit so I can walk while she is having her treatment. Well I better go, people are getting restless. :heart: Love, (((Hugs))), and Prayers to all, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Mornin' all. Sorry to hear you were sick Rebel, hope you are feeling better today.

    I had a good week (for a change!!) last week. First monday morning weigh in I've been willing to log in three weeks:happy: . Hope everyone has a great day!! :heart: Terri