

  • My wake up call was High Blood Pressure. I would wake up in the middle of the night wiping my face off thinking i had boogers all over my face! When I turned on the light, I had smeared all the blood that came from my nostrils all over my face. My hands were literally full of blood. At work or family events, I would start…
  • I just lost 50 lbs as well, unfortunately my plateu lasted 1 month. I did not loose anything for a month!! I excercised and ate right. I found out that lowering your calorie intake would work. I tried this and it didn't work for me. I tried raising my calorie intake and eating about 1,000 calories more than what i;m…
  • Wow, that's great Welcome!! I found this site myself while searching for calorie counts, lol....It's been 15 days now and already lost 6 pounds, I feel like a new me already!! Keep in touch :)
  • Welcome, I myself am new and i have recently lost my 2 pounds in one week of fitnesspal...I never tought it would work! I'm glad i made this choice, because even though i do loose or not I already feel better drinking just the water alone and eating better than before. I feel more energy and feel better.
  • Wow, Becca thanks so much for your help! I really needed examples of snacks. Since I started i havent added nothing to the snacks section. That's because i don't know anything about snacking and i'm afraid i'm going to pick something bad that's going to sky high my calories. Thanks again, Eddie
  • Yeah i think i need to work on my water, i'm going to start having a water bottle with me. Also, I really don't eat fullfilling foods. Thanks again will try. Eddie
  • I don't know why every day I do good in the AM and lunch but i'm always hungy in the night any suggestions? I eat about 300 calories in the AM and about 700 at lunch at dinner i eat the rest of 1969 calories left, but i still feel hungry? I don't know maybe it's just me.
  • My day starts at 7am to be at work at 830am. Yesterday i walked 30 minutes around my work at the storage facility, it was pretty awesome it was the first time i did that at my job. but i did brisk walking throughout the facility. I guess i gained a couple of calories and i was able to eat more. This helped me stay within…
  • Wow, I love you guys for all your support! Your right just keep going and make the next day better! And learn from my mistakes. I like the idea of the stairs, my first job I work at a storage facility and i'm just in the office renting units. So I can take a walk in the facility and my second job i work for H & R Block and…
  • Thanks everyone great advice, today i drank to coffees in the AM, at 2pm will eat a salad, and at 730 when i get home dinner. What to eat for dinner though i just don't know and when i don't know what i'm going to eat, it scares the you know what out of me. That's when I know something is about to go wrong!!!…
  • Thanks so much for your advice, Yes I agree I definitely need to cut down a few drinks. Is drinking mixed drinks better than drinking a beer? I do eat out a lot because, I work to jobs in office environment and sit down all day. And eat all day with no exercise. By the time I get home it's like 10pm. I guess i'm going to…