

  • Always snack when you're hungry. Go with what you want to eat. Just remember portion and calorie control. My favorite in between meals snack is definitely salted almonds. Gives you some good dietary fats, has a touch of sodium, and will keep you full for a while. I usually just pop a handful after a workout.
  • Sweat is only to draw heat away from the body through evaporation. After losing several pounds, it becomes much more difficult to sweat during lower intensity workouts. I hardly ever sweat during strength training, and yet I sweat like a pig while doing cardio. You will almost always sweat more on treadmills, ellipticals,…
  • I definitely prefer almonds to any other nut. They're great for building muscle because of their good fats, and they're a good snack between meals.
  • You can also use calipers to check the thickness of a pinch of skin in different areas. When you enter the measurements into a calculator, you get your result. You can also try the tape measure method. It is inaccurate for people with a good deal of muscle.
  • Back when I wrestled in high school, I managed to lose about 6 pounds of actual weight in one week. I lost a grand total of sixteen pounds in about 3 months. While not exactly crazy, I was pretty lean. I remember putting on sweats, and hopping on the treadmill the night before a weigh in to sweat out a few pounds. The most…
  • Whenever I see topics like this, I cringe a little. The fact of the matter is, you can't actively select where the fat is coming off of. On my body for example, it started coming off furthest from the stomach. So I had skinny forearms, neck, and face, but with a gut hanging out. All you really need is to do more cardio.…
  • Protein supplements are useless for a majority of the population. Only people with medical conditions, or people who are constantly lifting weights should worry about protein consumption and supplementation. I usually consume 1g per pound of lean tissue.
  • One thing that helped me was making a constant effort to lengthen my stride. Developing a good breathing pattern is important too. For me, a 4:3 ratio or a 3:2 usually works best. This means that I inhale for 4 steps, and exhale for 3. It helps keep some oxygen in your blood. Make sure to breathe deeply, it should feel a…
    in Jogging Comment by tjstivers1 April 2011
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