

  • Since I started this I've lost 1 kilo but I do go up and down and up and down and now cant get past where I am.
  • I've been doing this 4 weeks now and finding it hard to exercise however, its amazing what I've found I can do round the house alone!! Not lost much but getting used to calories and counting and drinking water which is hard for me. Count me in if you like but I'm not USA based!
  • All great comments -- my target this week is to drink the water I'm supposed to and I'll look at the measurements to - hadn't done that.... how often do you take them, weekly?? monthly?? Must admit I have a couple of target dates, one nearby where I'm being realistic in that not much will have gone but the other is…
  • Wonder if it is the water -- I'm not good at drinking the water -- maybe for the next week I will make it a target to drink what I'm supposed to and see if that makes a difference -- thanks for all the advice - really does help and makes one think of other things.
  • Yes I have that problem too -- I've not long joined and its my last resort - I have to lose 10 kilos - I dont have much spare time to exercise either but I do my best by running round my home.........I go up then down then up then down again. But at least with this I can 95% keep to the 1200 calories a day - most of the…
    in Weigh-in fear Comment by kama5 May 2011
  • Thanks - I'll try that and see if I can stick to it - will go off now and have one while I think of it!!!
  • Please don't give up.......keep going and you'll get there. This is me saying this to you and I've only just begun and always have trouble with motivation especially for drinking the water and also the exercise as I work long hours. I've lost 1.5Kg and I feel great but I've a long way to go plus I'm not young and it is…
  • Hi - yep am in late 50's and just starting on this trip - want to lose 7Kg -(not sure what that is in lbs)..... only started 4 days ago so will see how things look in a couple of weeks time. My main problem in the past has been lack of motivation so hopefully, this site will help with that also.
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