jen11232 Member


  • I don't add bread crubms to my turkey burgers - just a little powdered garlic and some marjoram and it's good to grill!
  • My all-time favorite that applies to anything you want: What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? My second favorite: Be the change you wish to see in the world. My least favorite (from my mother): I've made brownies! ;)
    in QUOTES !! Comment by jen11232 May 2011
  • Oranges, apples, Light and Fit yogurt, fat free jello pudding, chicken breasts, broccoli, carrots, green beans, tomatoes, garlic
  • I haven't bothered to google this, but I heard that the calorie difference between running 3 miles, jogging 3 miles and walking 3 miles is almost nil. You do burn a few extra calories when you go faster because your arms and legs' range of motion is a bit bigger, but from what I understand, it's not that much. How about a…
  • I think your North/South argument is a little strange. My BF is from an entirely different country and we just make sure that the jokes we tell are obvious enough for everyone to enjoy. If you're having a hard time dealing with his eye rolls (which, btw, would send me into a mild fit of rage also) and he's frustrated…
  • If I were you, I'd try a compression top or Spanx. You definitely don't want to NOT run because of this sound and how it feels, so find something to help hold you in place while you move. Think of it as a sports bra for your mid-section! :)
  • I've essentially eliminated bread / crackers for about 6 months now and I try to be careful about my carb intake (though my ongoing addiction to popcorn isn't helping much...). As much as I love bananas, I try not to eat them and opt for a lower carb fruit like apples, pears and oranges. Carbs aren't bad - just eat the…
  • I think you're focusing on the wrong numbers: focus on the 64lbs lost, not what size pants you need to buy. You've done amazingly well and you deserve to keep going! :) Keep in mind that over the years, sizes have been getting smaller. What used to be a size 2 (I know, itty bitty) is now a 00 in the US. Congratulate…
  • I have had asthma my whole life and while I'm pretty sure I won't ever able to run for an hour, other cardio doesn't stop me. Talk to your doctor and try some different meds until you find the magic combo that works for you. Until then, use the treadmill and keep your inhaler handy- no shame in that!
  • I agree with Ashtrizzle - seems like a lot of sugar. I commend you for your honesty! I'm not following Atkins, but I've found that I'm super full after a meal with some lean protein and some high fiber vegetables (ie: grilled chicken breast with broccoli and carrots).