

  • on top of that know that muscle weighs twice as much as fat so you may slim down but still bulk up. if you bulk up you will still slim down but later
  • OKAY MAJOR PROBLEMO. I noticed it immediately. you need to eat more vegetables and fruits throughout the course of the day and less starches and maybe a little more protien. there is no limit on water and watch your sodium intake more carefully. try dropping soda and juice as well. that is what worked for me. let me know…
  • Kay!!!!!!!! Present!!
  • I've been doing Just Dance 2 for the Wii and I can't stop playing it. It's great and I'm getting all the top scores for the songs even when I couldn't dance before now. it makes me feel fabulous
  • suggestion only drink only water and try eating a little LESS fruits and more lettuce. lettuce is mostly water but it will still fill you up by just dropping sodas and juice I've dropped 16 lbs in just 2 weeks but that was before I was on myfitnesspal