4 weeks and no loss....help needed!

stevepound Posts: 28 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I have now gone 4 weeks stuck at 200lb. Last week i upped my water intake and I also upped my fruit and veg intake. I vary my excercise between golf, running. and fitness games. Ive generally stayed within my calorie boundaries too. ITs really starting to wind me up now that im not moving down...help please!


  • meggiemaye
    meggiemaye Posts: 117
    You seem to have done all of the things I'd recommend! Maybe switching up the days on which you do various exercises, like doing three days of strength and two days of cardio instead of vice-versa...I'm not sure. You seem well-informed. I'd also monitor your calories really closely, and restrict down on most days (eat 50 fewer calories 6 days a week) and then up your calories only once a week (eat back those 300 calories in one day). You'll break through it!
  • elorentz
    elorentz Posts: 5
    Have you had MFP recalculate your stats as you have gone down in weight, what is you current weight loss goal per week ? To me it seems that you are on a too high daily intake to drop any weight unless you live a very active life.
  • Charlea1981
    Charlea1981 Posts: 72 Member
    Hey Steve, I feel your pain, the scales did not move for me for 5 weeks, but I continued and today finally lost half a pound, not much but glad anyway!!!

    You have to trick the body, change up your exercise and routine, also how much fruit are you having ? believe it or not it is full of sugar so don’t eat to much, on your settings add Sodium and sugar to your food diary its helped me a lot, one day I went over 150 on sugar and most of that was from fruit, although I was under my calorie count!!!

    Do you have a heart rate monitor? this will help to accurately track your calories?

    Drink more than 8 glasses of water a day.

    Do you eat back the calories you have earned??

    Also add more friends and open your diary so people can give you feedback on what you are eating, this has helped me and kept me accountable.

    Good luck mate you'll get there, remember this is a process, a journey not an event and it took you three years to put on the weight so it will take time to remove it.

    I found that even though I didn’t lose for the weeks, I still lost inches, toned up and received lots of compliments so don’t give up!!
  • suggestion only drink only water and try eating a little LESS fruits and more lettuce. lettuce is mostly water but it will still fill you up

    by just dropping sodas and juice I've dropped 16 lbs in just 2 weeks but that was before I was on myfitnesspal
  • LiL_MisS_C
    LiL_MisS_C Posts: 332 Member
    Hey Steve,

    I just took a peek at your food diary, and I'm thinking you're retaining water since you seem to be ingesting a lot of foods full of sodium. Maybe try cutting down on sodium-rich foods and pound the water to see if that helps. :)
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Stop eating junk also. McDonald's quarter pounders / French Frie is not a healthy choice. Clean up your diet. The other thing you want to do is eat 5-6 smaller meals with the larger one being eaten in the morning and smaller one in the evening. You're body can only process so much food at a time. The rest gets stored.
  • I just read an article from Jillian Michaels on Plateaus. Here is the link.


    Good Luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    You could try zig-zagging your dietary intake, but I would say that you are underestimating your calorie numbers and overestimating your exercise calories. Reduce the exercise calories you input by 10%, and always round up on your food calories to the next oz or so. It also may benefit you to shake up your exercise routine. Try some things you haven't done before. Try some type of interval training; that should help boost your body's metabolism over an extended period of time to help you punch through that wall you've hit.
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    I think your calories are off. I would let MFP re-calculate your daily calories for a 1-1.5 lb weight loss. Then I would be very careful about eating back calories. You may be overestimating your calorie burn which would be hampering your losses.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    I was stuck at 200lb for months! What I did was change up my workout and started eating more clean. I stuck to the first 3 tiers of Michi's Ladder and did a program called ChaLEAN Extreme (a home-based weight program). By the end of the 90 Days I'd not only busted 200, but was down to about 187. Looks like you're mostly doing cardio now, so try adding some strength training.
  • stevepound
    stevepound Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the feedback people! I have had a look and I think Im definately eating too much crappy food with sodium in. MY calorie goal is at the right weight and set to lose 1lb a week. I think I may stop inputting the dog walks every morning into the diary. Seems to a a mix of both too much sugar and salt, and maybe putting in too many excercise calories by including dog walking each day. I better get cracking!
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