

  • Yes! I do the workout every other morning and it kicks my butt! Love it
  • I have been in that same scenerio and I find that when I am in the middle of a project that has my interest I do not think about snacking. Maybe it is boredom? I give myself little challenges like I can only have another mint if I drink 8-16 oz of water, or give myself a certain amount of mints, then when they are gone I'm…
  • Awesome! May have to give Jillian a try! Max T3 is only 12 min.I am not sure of the results for that yet as I have just started into it. I was sore if that means anything? Also like to get out in the weather for at least a low pace walk.
  • I have started a Max T3 workout and the treadmill for the winter. I also purchased a Zumba fitness DVD set and it is for when I feel like a fun workout. I tend to be down to business when I work out but this may be a new addiction for me. Besides, who couldn't use a few dance lessens?!
  • I am pulling/praying for you! I just started this "Fitness Pal" on Sunday this week. I am amazed how many calories I mindlessly pop into my mouth throughout the day. A little nibble here a little nibble there and before you know it I have eaten enough calories to make a meal. And they are usually non-nutritional calories…