What are your cold weather workout plans???

I live in Missouri and it's starting to get cold and now that the time changed it's dark around 5pm which makes it feel like 7-8pm. That being said I know I have to change my workout routine if I want to be successful during the cold months.

I was doing the 30DS 5x a week while my kids napped and C25K 3x a week in the evening running outside. This week I changed my routince to waking up at 5:30am to run my 5k on a treadmill in the basement while the kids are still alseep 4x a week but I'm so tired by their naptime now that I've been napping with them and not getting in strength training except for on Sat morning for an hour.

Living Social had a Title Boxing deal that was unlimited classes and gym access for 4 weeks so I bought that and plan on doing the 6:30pm classes 3x a week for those 4 weeks for the month of Dec.

Just curious what everyone else is doing to stay fit and motivated throughout the freezing cold months.


  • jannalynne07
    jannalynne07 Posts: 9 Member
    There is a gym near where I work that offers aerobic classes two nights a week for 6 weeks, and I am planning on going to those starting in January! I live in Michigan, and it is snowing now so running outside (which I LOVE) is going to be pretty tricky. Also Jillian Michaels workout DVD's are a great way to burn tons of calories. The 30 day shred only takes 20 minutes and I lost 2 lbs the first week.
  • I have started a Max T3 workout and the treadmill for the winter. I also purchased a Zumba fitness DVD set and it is for when I feel like a fun workout. I tend to be down to business when I work out but this may be a new addiction for me. Besides, who couldn't use a few dance lessens?!
  • I am trying the "Body Pump" class at the YMCA today. My friend goes and loves it. Apparently you lift or hold weights and do crunches, lunges, etc... in time with the instructor and music for an hour. She said a trainer once told her that you will lose more weight if you add weights to your routine than doing cardio alone. I started back up at the gym doing weights only once a week for the last 3 weeks and have lost approximately 5 lbs. I didn't notice it on the scale the day after the workout but the number on the scale dropped a couple of days later.
  • Awesome! May have to give Jillian a try! Max T3 is only 12 min.I am not sure of the results for that yet as I have just started into it. I was sore if that means anything? Also like to get out in the weather for at least a low pace walk.
  • ugh.
    bought 2 coldweather long sleeved compression tops. and better gloves. out running when i get home at 1 AM. its so damned cold. but the stars are out and the moon is shining and i can see. :)
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    Bundle up and head out the door! I've always been an early morning runner, but have experimented with night running. The problem with night running is that there are still an awful lot of people/traffic around. I prefer the quite of a 4AM. Especially when it's cold with snow on the ground. You are alone. Only the dedicated, and there just aren't too many of them I guess. When it's nice, I run into the fitness runners and those in fitness boot camps running early sometimes. But when it's raining, or when it's really cold, they are gone. I experienced the same thing with my motorcycle (before I sold it!). I put 17K miles on it my first year. I road it every day with the exception of when the roads were icy. But I can tell you, when to you take off for an hour ride to work when it's 20 degrees, you don't see many other motorcyclists. When you do, it's a treat. There was always this one guy I would see on my way to work. We would always wave to one another. A bond! Running early, especially in cold weather, is kind of the same.

    Keep in mind, there isn't really such thing as inappropriate weather for running (99% of the time), only inappropriate clothing. If you just cover up, you will be fine. Your body produces a remarkable amount of heat when you run. Like a furnace!

    If you aren't a runner, well, I guess head to the gym or workout inside of your home. Good luck!
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    Keep in mind, there isn't really such thing as inappropriate weather for running (99% of the time), only inappropriate clothing. If you just cover up, you will be fine. Your body produces a remarkable amount of heat when you run. Like a furnace!

    If you aren't a runner, well, I guess head to the gym or workout inside of your home. Good luck!

    I love running outside and dread the treadmill, but I need to get my cardio in somehow. I can't go early cuz my husband leaves for work at 4:30am and I have 2 young boys that I'm not willing to wake up and drag out in freezing weather to push them in their jogging stroller. If they went to daycare maybe, but I work from home and have to deal with the grumps all day:) The problem with the running at night is it's too dark and the roads we live around aren't very runner safe in the beginning of the run. I just don't feel comfortable doing it unfortunately.
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    Keep in mind, there isn't really such thing as inappropriate weather for running (99% of the time), only inappropriate clothing. If you just cover up, you will be fine. Your body produces a remarkable amount of heat when you run. Like a furnace!

    If you aren't a runner, well, I guess head to the gym or workout inside of your home. Good luck!

    I love running outside and dread the treadmill, but I need to get my cardio in somehow. I can't go early cuz my husband leaves for work at 4:30am and I have 2 young boys that I'm not willing to wake up and drag out in freezing weather to push them in their jogging stroller. If they went to daycare maybe, but I work from home and have to deal with the grumps all day:) The problem with the running at night is it's too dark and the roads we live around aren't very runner safe in the beginning of the run. I just don't feel comfortable doing it unfortunately.

    In your situation, the "dreadmill" is far better than nothing! I may gripe about the treadmill, but if it's that or quit running, then it's the treadmill hands down! I recommend a 1% incline for normal running to better simulate road running.