psychicteabag Member


  • Thanks guys but I'm still not sure what size weights I should go for. I don't expect that I'll use the same weights as I shoulder press, but I'm not sure cans of soup will be enough for me as the equivalent of 9kg is nearly 20lbs. Any idea what would be a good weight for me to buy? Should I go for half of the 9kg - 10lbs?…
  • Hi, I've ordered the dvd but it hasn't arrived yet but count me in when it does if I'm not too late! I already do circuit training 3 x per week and I'm not sure what weights to buy. I don't want to spend money on weights that are too light and have to replace them. I currently shoulder press with 9kg weights and combine…
  • I like M&S for lunch options. They do a 3 items for £5 deal which lasts me for 2 days. I tend to pick up a pack of 2 frittatas (really filling and only about 175 cals each), a pack of mexican chilli chicken (half the pack is about 85 cals) and a tub of olives (these last me more than a couple of days). Sometimes I pick up…
  • Aw, don't be down, you're probably being over critical. I hate seeing photos of myself even now and I know I look so much better. Do you take your measurements? That's probably the best way of seeing progress for now. Keep doing what you're doing, you'll get there, I promise. x
    in sad Comment by psychicteabag June 2010
  • If you click on his user name, that will take you to his profile. Then you can click view diary.
  • Looks really good but all I would say is make sure you drink plenty of water. Your diary only shows 2 but maybe you have not remembered to add it all on.
  • Thanks Mike I'm now used to working in pounds thanks to this site but my scales are set in stones and pounds and I prefer this.
  • Quote: I don't want to be skinny and out of shape, but I do want his jaw to drop when he gets off the plane :) That's really sweet! I think you have the motivation and the right reason to do this and get into shape. All I would say is don't get hung up about being a certain weight when he gets off the plane. You want this…
  • lololololol!!! :laugh:
  • This thread has been an eye opener for me. I had the Mirena fitted May last year. I was overweight then, by about 20lbs. I started exercising and watching what I ate in August and I've really struggled to lose the weight. I've always been slow to put on weight but can lose it quite quickly once I put my mind to it. I have…
  • Thank you. Sorry to hear about the enforced week off. Try and fidget a lot. That's got to burn more calories than sitting around, surely?
  • Hi I'm 42 and live in England. I'm boring my family and friends to death with this site so I thought I'd try coming on here to talk about it. :wink: I haven't got a massive amount of weight to lose and to be honest, although I like to see the scales go down, ultimately, what I weigh isn't important. I just want to fit into…
  • Must admit, I like chocolate and actually had some within my calories yesterday, but I never crave it. Bread I love! Trying to only have it occasionally instead of considering it a vital part of almost every meal. Will report back tomorrow on exercise calories I've clawed back. Now I've put it down in black and white I…
  • Thanks. I think I have found the right thing for me with mfp. It's the only thing that's ever really 'clicked' with me. I reckon once I've got down to a weight I'm happy with, I won't feel so bad about the odd blip but because I'm impatient to fit into my clothes comfortably, it matters more at the moment.
  • Thanks :smile: I will try your suggestion. I think I will make sure I do some exercise both Saturday and Sunday so that I can still have close to 1,500 calories but not eat my exercise ones to make up for today. Olives are fattening but I suppose they were a better option for me than chocolate, crisps or cheese. Or a dirty…
  • Lol :bigsmile: I am thinking of taking the dogs out quickly and turning into bed before midnight. My options are get up and go to boot camp for 9am or a run on the beach instead. I will probably burn more calories at boot camp but I can take the dogs with me to the beach so kill 2 birds with one stone. It will still be…
  • Hi, I've joined this site a few weeks ago. I've bored the pants off everyone around me, raving about mfp, so thought I'd better start talking to people on here as my friends and family are starting to walk in the opposite direction when they see me :ohwell:
  • Aw, that's nice. I think if I'd had a lovely meal, or something really scrummy to eat, I would be able to chalk it up as a special day and be done with it. Because I frittered most of my calories away sat at my desk and on the bus (olives) and dunking biscuits in a mug of tea when I should have been at boot camp, I didn't…
  • Er.... went a bit over on carbs and I just remembered I forgot to log the 2 sugars I had in the latte. I made my diary public so feel free to have a peep then come back and shout at me ;-)
  • Thanks alliejo, glad to hear I'm not alone. I'm just really cheesed off as I planned to have a bit of a cheat over the weekend, nothing major, but I've done it today and wasted it on nothing that was really great to eat. I'm just hoping I feel okay tomorrow so that I can try and repair some of the damage. What did you do…
  • Thanks, unfortunately I'm 42 so I do qualify for that thread. I'll head on over there now ;-)
  • Thanks I'm not really trying to build muscle. The idea of boot camp is to tone up. I've been going for 6 months, 3 x weekly. My muscles are much more toned and I'm happy with them. It's just I still have a layer of fat over them so I can't see them (mainly stomach now)! My protein is usually spot on each day. My carbs are…