UK users - supermarket tips & advice



  • gponter79
    gponter79 Posts: 124 Member
    Well thanks everybody for your feedback so far. I've combined a highlights so far list that i'm putting on my iPhone notes app so next time i'm shopping i can refer to it. Here is what you have been saying: (strange how many ladies offer up good chocolate alternatives! lol)

    Weetabix Oaty Bars
    Alpen Light Choc and Fudge bars
    Kellogg's Special K Mini Breaks
    Alpen Light Summer Fruits bars
    choc-mint special K bar
    Twister mini choc and vanilla ice cream lollies
    Carte D'Or Vanilla Light
    Cadbury's light chocolate mousse
    Snack a Jacks
    Ryveta crackerbread
    Tescos Rough Oat Cakes

    I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Light
    low fat philadelphia (for pasta sauce)
    cathedral city lighter mature cheese

    Tesco sausages 'lighter choices'
    Weight watchers tuna
    heinz snap-pot baked beans
    Quorn savoury eggs
    M&S thai beef to chicken dipping wraps
  • gponter79
    gponter79 Posts: 124 Member
    Keep the ideas coming please!!!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Although many people criticise healthy eating as being costly and more expensive than general rubbish...I have found this not be the case. I love philadelphia extra light on kallo wholewheat rice cakes...topped with some asda seed and nut mix, cucumber and a sprinkling of salt! mmm!

    I am also a fan of the asda salads that are extremely filling...the 210g of prawn salad only contains 210 calories and I struggle to finish it and find the pasta keeps my hunger at bay for a long time.

    We occasionally have a weight watchers quiche, with a massive side salad!

    I love weight watchers malted danish bread with dry fillings...You cannot put bacon in there (as I found out when I had builders here) as the bread just turns to mush!

    The asda snack pots are also great for a quick nutritional fix and state that there are no hidden nasties! I am also loving Belvita breakfast biscuits...although, my other half and I will have half a pack of 4 each and have them as a daily snack...only costing 100 calories and filling us up greatly.

    Although asda and the other supermarkets have been criticised for taking custom from smaller shops, I find that they offer a massive range of fruit and veg that can keep your diet exciting and healthy.

    What a great thread! This shall become my bible :flowerforyou:
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Ooooh I thought of a few others!

    Hartleys Low Cal Jelly pots - only 3 calories! And fills my need for a pudding if I'm really low on calories left for the day! Yummmm!

    Extra Light Laughing Cow Triangles - 20 cals each, pop 2 in a pan with a little bit of milk and half fat grated cheese and a bit of garlic powder = Yummy Pasta sauce for very little cals! I add a bit of chicken and pepper to make it an Alfredo! :)

    Milky Ways - 98 cals each and a good cure for a sweet fix!

    Heinz Extra Light Salad Cream - doesn't make me feel guilty having a little bit on my salad when the cals are low! :)

    I will add any more I think of :)
  • SoNearSoFar
    Put Curly Wurlys in the freezer. AMAZING. Makes them last a lifetime so it definitely curbs the sweet craving.
  • jodi_bannister
    jodi_bannister Posts: 90 Member
    Bump :smile:
  • borisda
    borisda Posts: 122 Member
    My best advice as far as fruit is don't bother with supermarket fruit and go to the green grocers it tastes alot better and is never bland like the stuff you find in the supermarkets. But find a good one and stick to it : ))
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Ohh I am glad I found this :bigsmile: I'm across the pond in Ireland so I use a lot of these products too :drinker:

    As I think of some I will post :wink:

    I always have a bag of grapes in the freezer they are like boiled sweets when eaten :heart:

    Frozen Milky ways or Curly Wurlys are great too :heart:

    Low Low - Spreadable Cheese With Ham @ 108 cals for 50g which can be used for 4 Ryvita Crispbread - Pumpkin Seeds & Oats Whole Grain Rye Crispbread @ 180 cals for 4 topped with a sliced tomato makes a yummy lunchtime snack :heart:

    Rhubarb cooked in diet 7 up topped with low cal custard makes a nice dessert @ 158 cals

    Tuc - Snack Pack - 30% Less Fat @ 150 cals makes a nice snack topped with salad

    Tesco Light Choices - Chocolate & Orange Cereal Bars @ 80 cals

    Tesco - Reduced Sugar Apricot Jam - 1 tbsp @ 26 cals

    Tesco - Crumpets @ 75 cals

    For now that is all I can think of lol but I will come back to see what else has been added great idea :flowerforyou:
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Weight watchers bagels - I forget the actual cal count but it was much less than regular bagels, be careful because they dont have a very long expiry date

    Devon ambrosia low fat custard cups (the ones in the 4 pack, the individual ones are a bit bigger I think) - about 125cal per cup for a sweet snack or on some fruit as a dessert

    M&S Greek salad with couscous and kofta is a delicious ready meal

    Keep the ideas coming :)
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    I love the idea of rhubarb cooked in diet 7Up. I'm definantly trying that.
    And I'm going to freeze a couple of milky ways and curly wurlys this weekend to satisy my sweet tooth.

    A couple of other things I thought of

    Boots Shapers red Thai chicken wrap is only 235cals. So a good choice if you want a sandwich but don't want to use a lot of cals.

    Aldi do these amazing biscuits called DISCO biscuits. My husband and son love them, chocolate, caramel, wafer and M&M's on top. What's not to love ? But they are only 123cals each. So really not as indulgent as they taste.

    Marks and Spencer Count on Us Spicy Chicken and Bean rice salad. It's really filling and only 290cals.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Some really good ideas in here :smile:

    I've been checking out own brand products vs branded products recently. I was quite surprised to find that most of the own brand products are a fair bit higher in calories, etc! It takes me ages to shop in Tesco because I'm always checking the nutritional information!

    I tend to shop in my local Sainsburys for my fruit and veg. I just find theirs is much fresher. Now and again, I'll go to Lidl, but it's very hit and miss in our local!

    Someone mentioned the Weetabix Oaty bars! They're absolutely lush!!! Problem with them is that sometimes one just isn't enough :blushing:
  • psychicteabag
    psychicteabag Posts: 25 Member
    I like M&S for lunch options. They do a 3 items for £5 deal which lasts me for 2 days. I tend to pick up a pack of 2 frittatas (really filling and only about 175 cals each), a pack of mexican chilli chicken (half the pack is about 85 cals) and a tub of olives (these last me more than a couple of days). Sometimes I pick up some red pepper hummus and have a dollop of that and some carrot/cucumber with it. If I've worked out in the morning, I'll also have some cottage cheese on a ryvita. I feel really satisfied after this and it feels like a proper gourmet lunch!

    They do a chilli seed mix as well and I weigh out 15g on the franking machine at work and it's amazing how few seeds take the edge off your appetite and keep you going till lunch. A couple of brazil nuts also does the same for me.

    I may have a yogurt for my afternoon snack and again, M&S do some nice ones.

    Great thread.
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm addicted to those Belvita biscuits that Johnny Vaughan is advertising on TV at the moment! They really fill me up at breakfast and stop me eating my lunch early and snacking in the afternoon! They're not great for sugar though, which is a drawback.

    Also loving Ryvita fruit crunch crispbread, much tastier than boring old dark rye/cardboard. 57 cals a slice not bad either.

    This is a great post by the way! :bigsmile: