I LOVE me some Country Boys! Yes Ladies that is Mr. Tim McGraw and yes I did touch him! Ahhhhh And Luke Bryan (SEXINESS!) And my other dreamlover, Gerard <3
I'm a dispatcher and I love my cops, best excuse ----> "I don't have to run, that's what I have a gun for" lmao
I'm really surprised so many people think she shouldn't be "allowed" to talk to her guy friend of 14 years! Don't you think she has had plenty of opportunity to have him if she wants him? I mean, it doesn't sound like she is hiding it from you. ...that might cause reason for concern. I'm sure that the 3 hour talks are not…
I'd love to see what others say about this too but I'll give you what has "worked" for me. I'd like my to be more toned too. Diet is HUGE for a flat tummy, the sweets seem to ruin it for me. Others have said eat only CLEAN foods...nothing processed, no sweets etc. So far as excercise, RUN...cardio and run some more.…
OMG! That's incredible! You look Fantastic Girl!
911 Dispatcher the past 4.5 years but just recieved a conditional offer from the Fire Deptartment...super excited!
It wasn't about the scale for me but the unhealthy..flabby and generally unhappy with my body. The before is from July last year and the after is from November. This is me now, working on strenth training now. I am 5'3" 113 lb.
Wow, you're doing Fantastic! Your results are just incredible, we are all pulling for ya!
Wow, that's so nice of u! I wasn't even sure about posting at all... Thanks :)
lol.. I'm flattered, thanks :) I was thinking I like the blue one too...
Very encouraging post~!
But I probably should've also mentioned this: Only one of us thinks that we're dating. -wtk [/quote] HAHAHA, I totally had this happen to me! It took me saying it in a pretty harsh way (not my style either)..not answering texts or calls or FB messages AT ALL. Not even "important ones" and 1 motorcycle wreck without showing…
Applying (as a joke) to become a 911 dispatcher. It's opened more doors than I ever imagined and made me a confident woman :)
I don't have a 6 pack but I have gained a good amount of muscle in my upper body and legs and wondered this same thing. I never "liked" the look of muscular women before I started doing crossfit. Now that I have a little muscle I can't decide if I like it or not. It's interesting to see everyones opinion though.
<Just Me :)
Went swinsuit shopping today (which I hate!) and can't decide which one I like...if any.
Cherry Blossom With Kanji symbol for Mother (mother's love) for my Mom who passed away in 96' on my left back/shoulder.
I like your original post better! A Perfect 10! and with a thought process and positive attitude like that I'm 100% sure you are a 10! Have a fantastic day to all you 10's out there, even the ones that don't know it!!!! :) ::Original Post I am speaking of:: Can I give myself an 10 without being flamed for being conceited?…
I don't really care either way. BUT if you shave just make sure you keep up with it, stuble sucks!
Lacy (my Great Dane puppy)
Bump this, going bathing suit shopping this week!
Ooops Solarpower has a 10 btw..looking good my friend! (to the next person, you can skip me..I already had a turn..rate Solar Power as well instead :) )
She always gets more looks than me, It's cool since I agree with you :)
I LOVE my cute workout clothes! If I'm gonna buy gym shorts and tops why not be something I like?If I am wearing makeup it's because I have a life and go to the gym in the evening. However, it's never caked fake lashes or anything like that LOL .....It is a little bit annoying to see the fru fru girls when you're…
10, nice legs, amazing definition of the muscles. WOW!
I work as an emergency dispatcher full time (stress..yea), I am married and have 4 children ages 5-15...I get it. It's HARD. The hardest part for me to realize was NOT TO FEEL GUILTY! I hate spending time away from my kids, I felt like a bad Mom. There were chores to be done, meals to cook, homework to do. You HAVE to make…
Work through the sore. BUT future workouts should be followed with PROTEIN! You will be amazed how "less sore" you will be. I protein shake, Chobani yogurt, Muscle Milk (work best for me) or plain old 1% chocolate milk will do wonders right after a workout.
LMFAO! This is Awesome!!!! And no pics of your junk guys, that's SCREAMS creeper!
I LOVE this response. You put it so well and ,if it's not too forward, you are very nice to look at ;)