sharonavis14 Member


  • When you find a tried and true way to stop eating at night, let me know. If I plan to do something either in the house or out, sometimes that helps. But it's not fool-proof. I understand where you're coming from and I'd really like to be able to know how to quit, too. Wish I could offer something more... I understand.
  • Since I'm by myself, sometimes I justify eating more because I don't want the food to go to waste. Some things you can't freeze and use later. I also eat when I'm tired. I'm a night owl and I hate to go to bed, even when I can hardly stay awake.
  • My "normal" eating is to eat everything, all the time, in large amounts. I can't go back to "normal" any more because I just eat, eat, eat. I've yo-yoed all of my life. No excuses, just love food and seem to have a "need" to eat to fill some bottomless pit. I know I'm not the only one.
  • If I eat later, around 7:30-8 p.m., I seem to have less desire or need for eating everything in the kitchen. That helps me. I've had trouble sleeping and I try to have low cal snacks and even diet pop that I can grab. I do this when nothing else helps. I've never had bulimia so I can't add anything to that part. This group…
  • I know exactly what you mean. Nights are the worst for me. Tonight has been easier because I've got a lot of personal projects to do and I've been busy all night. I specifically planned this so maybe this is all I have to do; PLAN. So far, so good. Night all!
  • I'm pretty new to MFP and have really enjoyed reading the posts. Calorie tracker has helped me a lot. However, if I go over my 1,200, I think that I might as well just eat more! Don't know what to do about that. I can't seem to stop. I should do a lot of things to distract myself, but just don't. I'm trying to lose weight…
  • I'm so happy to have the chance to see all of your posts! Everything is really familiar to me. I have the worst time with food at night. I think now it's because I just hate going to bed. I don't want to miss anything. I can tell I'm not hungry. I've only been a member of MFP for about a week, but just the act of recording…
  • I read your post and was immediately interested. I have been on depression medication for years and have always had to work to keep my weight in check. I went to Weight Watchers and lost 20 lbs. about 6 yrs. ago. I felt great and I could buy SMALLER sizes of clothes. Then I moved and my motivation went out the window. So,…
    in HELP Comment by sharonavis14 July 2014
  • I have just started MFP and logging ALL of my food has really helped to keep me real. It's really hard for me because I tend to eat at night. I can curb my food craving by working on the computer on a personal project, but sometimes that doesn't help. I think knowing I'm not the only one with "food problems" does help.…
  • Thanks for sharing your story. I want to tell you that I certainly admire what you have accomplished! I know how it feels to not lose weight when you're doing all of the right things. It's the most discouraging thing and I go crazy! I've had to fight being heavy all of my life and it's never easy. I would be so happy to…