

  • First off, I'm glad you had a good time in FL, it's my favorite place to be on vacation! Secondly, I'm weighing in at 142.5 lbs today. I didn't work out at all last week because I started a new medication and it made me super exhausted and dizzy. I think I'm getting used to it, so this week I'm easing back in to working…
  • If it is near your time of the month you will see weight gain. I gained two pounds last week because it is getting close to be that time. :[ Here's hoping it will leave as easily as it comes :]
  • Your weight loss will be slow at first because you have to build the muscle that burns the calories. But maybe to make the process less overwhelming, focus on one thing at a time. Like, this week, eat an extra serving of fruit. And next week, eat more protein (low protein intake could be a reason you aren't losing weight…
  • This will be my first group on here! Name: Kirstin Age: 19 Major/minor: Microbiology (major), Performance Percussion (minor) Why you want to join this group?: Sometimes it can be hard to stay motivated when all your friends are eating out and eating junk, or not working out. In short, I need people to hold me accountable…
  • Try buying bulk pasta, it's better (at least in terms of salt intake) than ramen and can be dressed up with cheap frozen veggies and some sauce. Plus there are a lot of websites that have instructions on how to make cheap "pasta" dishes using ramen noodles as the base…
  • Crunch Fitness has a DVD called Cardio Salsa which is almost the same, plus the guy who plays drums for the live music is really cute :] But it's a pretty old (3 years maybe?) DVD and so it should be like $9 on Amazon. I really liked it, and it's only 45 minutes including warmup and cool down.
    in Zumba? Comment by kirstinalexis May 2011