

  • I live in West Texas where the temperature was 110 today. I like to walk outside, but it never cools off enough. I usually walk on my treadmill or use the Walk Away the Pounds dvd's with Leslie Sansone. I work at the school here so I am off during the summer months. I usually gain weight when I go back to work. I hope to…
  • My name is Gail and I am 55. I am new to MFP. I started on May 28. I have lost 11 pounds. I love having a way to track my food and exercise. I am doing Atkins with a friend of mine, but she is not on MFP. I have a hard time eating my calories when I exercise, but I am trying to stay within my calorie count. I would like to…
  • I started Atkins May 28th and have lost 5 pounds. This website is very good. I will be your friend on this website if you want. Just let me know. Gail
  • I started back on the 28th. The tools here will really help you see how you are doing. Good luck! Gail
  • I live in Iraan. Does anyone in Texas know where that is?
  • I am new to this site. I need help and encouragement. If you are willing to help and want to be a diet buddy I sure would appreciate it. I have tried doing this alone and I don't do to good by myself.
  • I'm in Starting weight: April 24 174lbs. Ending weight: April 30