

  • You are being too hard on yourself! How many daily calories were you consuming before you dropped to 1,200? It also depends on your height, muscle mass, etc. Have you cut back on caffeine? Caffeine can stimulate hunger. Hang in there and consume more vegetables - because they contain fiber, they are much more filling and…
  • Mel - I'm way new to this - what does a 'new thread' mean? TJ
  • Hello All - It has been awhile since I have been on this site and took me a few minutes to find it. Hope all is well with you and I am looking forward to writing to you again. I did 45 minutes of swim class tonight followed by 16 minutes on an elliptical (I almost died!). But I blew it when I got home by having a…
  • You are a hero - simply put. Way to go and I am proud to 'know' you. TJ
  • Thanks you guys and gals! I changed my name screen name as Miller is my maiden name and Light is my new game (only been on a diet for 30+ years). :laugh: I also added my picture from a recent trip to Chicago last week. Anyway, I have started exercising again with 45 minute swim classes 4 days a week after work. I have…
  • Hi! Can I join your team? Red is my favorite color and I am kind of a go-after-it kind of person. Please let me know what information I need to provide and thanks! TJ
  • I don't know if this will help you or not, but my physician told me that you can't burn anything if you are not getting your metabolic rate up - which (for me anyway) generally means breaking a sweat. What I have found is that 20 minutes on an elliptical burns more calories than 40 minutes on a treadmill - and, it 'fixes'…
  • Hello! I'm new to all of this - just starting the weight loss adventure (again) this week and have lost 1.5 pounds so far.....just by monitoring daily snacks. Have a long way to go though! I am looking forward to communicating with all of you and hearing all of your success stories! T. :smile: