

  • Will definitely try this recipe...I love zucchini!!!!
  • Yummy sounding.....and I love apple pie!!
  • Yum, can't wait to try some of these~
  • love this idea!!
  • WooHoo for you!!! Way to go..... there are lots of good recipes, great ideas, and awesome people to support you here. I'm still kinda new myself but I love reading posts and finding out something new every day!! Welcome and best of luck in reaching your goal!!!:flowerforyou:
  • I think we all feel like running away at times....we all have problems, just different ones. Not sure any of us would trade our problems for someone elses!!! The grass might seem greener, but we never know what kind or how much manure has been tossed onto that lush, beautiful green grass on the other side of the fence.…
    in why??? Comment by WVBayouGal May 2011
  • What a great blog....I had to copy and paste it to 'my documents' to be able to read in the future; when I need a kick in the butt!.....it will be there when I need it! Thanks so much for posting this!!
  • Thanks, Robin....I'll try that! Hope you have a great weekend!!!
  • I believe he may be jealous of you not having to 'go out' to work, and he does not understand that your eBay job IS work. I wouldn't take it too serious unless he continues, then I'd ask him, politely, why he continues to make those comments. I lost my job last Sept and have a very limited income....not even unemployment…
  • Great....can't wait to browse thru it!!! Thanks for posting.
  • I haven't incorporated exercise into my routine as of yet. I have enough exercise equipment to open my own gym!!! My intentions were always very good when I would purchase something....but I never followed thru. Now, due to physical limitations, I don't have many choices of what I can do. I may try the wall push ups....if…
  • I've never been much of a cheese 'person', but I looked up this cheese online and hopefully I can find it locally! I believe I would like the flavor of this. I do like Baby Swiss....and the description says Jarisberg is mild and has a sweet and nutty flavor...YUMMY!!! And while looking that particular cheese up online....I…
  • I just discovered something....I'm not on a 'diet'! I'm on a "do-it" because I can do it with the support and encouragement of all you wonderful people!!! :bigsmile:
  • Thursday - Meditation or deep thoughts time Well, I've never been good at meditation or deep thoughts about myself, but I did have a revelation this week. It has nothing to do with food. My mom passed away in Dec 09....she had been diagnosed with lung cancer in Feb 08 with a prognosis of less than 6 months to live. Having…
  • This has got to be disheartening....but men think differently than women. They are 'goal setters' and we are....well, I'm not sure what it's called, but THE end goal isn't that important to us. I think that is because we have so much to do that whatever we can accomplish is good. I'm not sure if that makes sense...but I…
  • Wednesday - Midweek - are you holding strong? I have to say....so far, so good. I know that upping my amount of calories allowed per day has helped me. I don't feel deprived if I go to bed with some calories left over...in fact I feel good. That little trick on my brain has been very helpful. I went from the 1 1/2 pound wt…
  • You look fabulous!!! Thanks for being an inspiration:flowerforyou:
  • robinsegg....have you tried putting your own treats next to the BF's candy bowl? Not that I would be able to pass the candy, myself...LOL And you may be hungry at his house because you have a different routine there...and are more confined to his routine, thus causing stress. Not that it's bad stress, but stress is stress…
  • Well, today is 'get what's bugging you off your chest' day. I have to say, at this moment, I have nothing to report. I guess that is a good thing!! I do wish I was rich and had someone to shop and cook for me because I hate doing both!! But, since I have to do both, I'm going to the grocery store today and I have my list…
  • That's why I said a double strand bracelet....LOL I guess it depends on what size beads I use.....:laugh:
  • Me, too!!! I don't know what it is about evenings!!!
  • I LOVE this.....TODDLER'S ATTITUDES RULE!!! That's gonna be my motto(signature)
  • I'm IN!!! Weight today is 240.4,... my weight last Monday, the day I started was 248.....so WooHoo for me! I know that won't continue throughout my journey, but it's nice for a start. Lood forward to taking this trip with y'all!!! I read on the message board where a group of gals used a 'bracelet' to document their weight…
  • Natalie, Enjoyed reading your post and your plan for success. I could relate to much of it, and I, like you, need to learn the portion control....because I don't want to have to give up ANY particular food...just know how much of it to eat. Thanks for your input and honesty. Best of luck to you...I know you will do well.
  • Great advice from y'all!! I have never seen the Exta Dessert gum, I'll have to look for it....and 'closing' the kitchen sounds like a good idea, too. Thanks for all the great ideas!!!
  • I increased my daily calorie count....to maybe trick my head. It seems when I have used all my calories is when I really want something to eat....so, if I up my calories available, and still have calories left at the end of the day, my brain will NOT feel like I'm being deprived. It's like when I hit that 0 calories left,…
  • Heidi, that sounds like a great idea....a bracelet group on MFP.
  • The bracelet is a great idea!!! I think I do need some kind of visual..a quck fix kind of thing. I have always had a hard time curbing my food impulses, that's why I weigh so much now. I don't work and have a lot of stress in my life right now....so the only support I get is from this site. I've also have never been much…
  • Thanks for the suggestions...I have tried the gum....even bubble gum to keep me entertained...LOL I'll try drinking tea and also brushing my teeth. If I could just get my brain to turn off, I'd be a step ahead. I appreciate your input!!
  • Sounds yummy...can't wait to try it!!!