

  • If i can quit smoking, I can Loose weight. I have Quit smoking, now I am loosing weight. Staying dedicated to quitting smoking was (is. I say is because I will always want to smoke) Harder than Loosing weight.
  • Reset your self. I had a two week perioud where I lost nothing. The first week I followed the rules and the second I didn't track, gained .5 lb. Then this week I start tracking again and i am down 2 lb in four days. I think giving my body that week of eating a little more did it
  • I love mine also. When at my MILs house I needed to use a scale at dinner, and well hers was not digital. I need to remember to bring mine with me when not eating at home. Yes people will think me crazy pulling out a scale but ohe well Mine is a weight watchers scale that I got when attending there like 2-3 years ago..
  • I am. I started sept 1. Lost 15 in my first mo. Then last week I was crazy sick so didn't take my pills. So had a week ohh of them and restarted again this past Saturday. my doc gave me a 2 month prescription that will last me until Dec. She said to come back for a check up if I want more. So I think I will wait until…
  • This. Mine truly haven't gotten smaller. My band size is 4" smaller but my cup size went from DDD to G. yes G
  • I was sick last week. and didn't loose weight. I figured out why. I never thought about counting all the calories from Halls and cough syrup. Halls are 15 calories each and I was taking about 2 a hour so maybe a extra 200 calories a day on top of not exercising
  • If you read the info about step counters and MFP, MFP suggest you enter your exercise for the FitBit on the FitBit site. This is because your estimated calorie burn from FItbit is pulled in to MFP. And then MFP uses that info to more accurately calculate your daily calorie burn. The reason you need to enter your exercise…
  • I will be happy to support you. I could use it too. I am the one pushing all my family and friends on here. I am the one sending them messages " why haven't you logged in in two weeks".
  • Did you use the app and log that as " going up stairs" ? If not try that. Enter time started and duration. That will then replace ant steps done at that time with the exercise. As for using both programs. Make sure you have calculate steps on in MFP and set it to enable negative adjustments. I only use for it for input of…
  • ^ this. Choose 1oz, and do how many servings you ate.
  • People have different body types, so I can't see this always possible. A girl I work with has the pear/chicken shaped body. Really waste was like a size 14, but her legs were skinny and would be like some one is a size 8 pant. My sister also has this issue. I am guessing a guy wrote this rule.
  • If you weigh your food now, then take your scale with you. I do. Who cares if I get looks when I go to my families to eat, the looks are usually greater by "I am proud of you " comments. I will even take my scale out to eat with me. Imagine me at a steak house weighing me steak before I eat it, then again when done. Yah I…
  • I use to do the Slim fast drinks. But the company repackaged the packages. went from aluminum cans, to plastic, from a 6 pack to a 4 pack, that hold less OZs and is 1$ for the pack. Yah, not doing that. I gave walmart brand a try and I like it, The creamy Milk chocolate, and the Strawberry. I had tried to do a drink for…
  • Lately i have given up on using measuring cups. I have a food scale that measures in OZ and G. So that is how i do almost every thing lately.
  • The number is around 2000 ish, pending persons height and weight. If you go to the Goals tab you will see the following some where in there. From Normal Daily Activity 2,150 cal/day - This is what MFP calculates for me. My activity lvl is set to the lowest, I am a stay at home mom.
  • This, and I love it. I have been able to see, that i burned 3500+ calories on Fitbit, than I ate, and I really did loose a pound that week. or 7000 more burned than ate, and i lost 2. I think it is close enough. I though like the food tracking in fitness pal better. Oh i also have allow Negative adjustments turned on.
  • Incorrect - Researchers at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Department of Medicine and Psychiatry at St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital have actually measured the size of the stomachs of people before and after 4 weeks of eating less. They found that dieters had their stomachs shrink by 27-36%!
  • I love my Fitbit. Yes it counts steps. But when you start a exercise go to the app, input elliptical 20 minutes start time 10:20 am. It will then take in account for that exercise for that time instead of steps.
  • Audiobooks. I use my running time to catch up on the books everyone is talking about
  • I am on adipex-p. Doctor prescribed. If you are too large they will not prescribe it to you. My husband 340 lb they would not give it to him. They wanted him to loose 40 then they would talk about it again. Me I am on it. I started on it at 245lb. I am 233 now 20 days later. Yes I am on a low calorie diet 1200-1400 a day,…
  • I was reading about this in MFPs info about Fitbit. It said if you have a Fitbit connected to MFP to log your exercise in FB.
  • Walgreens $33. The white pils with blue dots.
  • You only gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn. Some people take pills and think oh I can now eat any thing, diet is over after they use the pills. But that is incorrect. You stil have to watch your weight, and eat as many or a little under the calories you burn each day to maintain your new weight. You need…
  • I am on week 3 of taking this. I am 1200-1300 cal a day. Week 1 I lost 7lb. I am down 11 lb now using this. The sleep bounces around. Nights 1-3 I got maybe 2-3 hours of sleep. After that I was getting maybe 5-6 hours of sleep. This past Wednesday night I again only got 3 hours of sleep. To not wake the hubby I have been…
  • It takes 3500 calories to make a pound. So if you burn 3500 more calories in the week than you ate, you should loose a pound that week. This also works in reverse. If you eat 3500 more calories than you burn you will gain a pound. i eat roughly 1200-1400 calories a day. According to my fitbit I burn 2300 - 2600 calories a…
  • I am thinking of cheat days as holidays. I know i wont be totally perfect when thanksgiving comes around, but i think it will be worth it.
  • I Found my self 120 cal under 1200 last night after dinner. I am strict on my self and make sure i at least eat my Minimum. So i ended up adding 80 more Cal by eating Pears. I figured I was low on fiber for the day, so pear would be a good healthy treat that would increase my fiber.
  • Chocolate Slim fast helps me out.