runningdevil Member


  • 1. Get a dog, they need walks as much as we do! And they get SO happy when they see you with the leash! 2. Make a playlist of your favorite dance songs on your iPod (or make a mixed CD), put it on and shake it off! Make sure you are home alone, otherwise it could be embarrassing! 3. Take a group exercise class like…
  • I am not joking, I am seriously addicted to chocolate. I have an easier time staying away from cigarettes (used to smoke) than I do chocolate. And it's everywhere! The real kicker came when I started using MFP and noticed that all the chocolate (and general snacking) I eat in a day adds up to a meal (sometimes more). If I…
  • Do we work together? office is exactly the same. Every day it's either someone's birthday or some other excuse to have cake and potluck lunch. But my downfall is the woman who keeps a basket of chocolates on her cubicle top. Every time I get up for something I walk by her candy and grab some. Once I start, I can't…
  • Hi! Me, too! By the way, is that profile pic an old one? I hope so, because the person I see is already thin!