

  • I usually use a bit vanilla soy milk. I am vegan so I cant use anything else, but the vanilla soy milk makes it pretty amazing. Its creamy, and healthy
  • Dude I am totally in the same boat here. I have been a vegetarian for 5 or 6 years and now I am starting to transition to veganism. I dont know terribly much about being one, I guess you could call me a baby vegan lol. I could deff use the support and advice from fellow vegans!
  • I am looking to run a half in September or October, and it will be my first half marathon (first anything actually, I just started running this spring)
  • I have similar problems with my legs, they are just disproportionate to the rest of my body, or so it seems to me. I hate having huge thighs and a small upper body, it looks strange. And I also love skinny jeans but I don't feel they look good on me sadly. If you find out any tips of shrinking the legs I would love to know…
  • Sounds like a great plan, Im in!
  • I will join too! I have had mine since January but took a break becuase I did a swim team thing. I have decided not to get back on track with it and it would be great to have some accountability. I usually switch out the cardio dvds and do my own (like elliptical/jogging/swimming) for an hour. I know its probably not as…
  • How in the world do you only spend $30 a month on food for three ppl? Thats pretty amazing! Next year I am moving to an apartment and have been a little worried about how I can live off $100 a month for food
  • I live in a dorm so I depend entirely on the dining hall here. Also I am very poor so I cant really go out and purchase any foods. I have been eating a lot of salads but I get very board with the limited healthy/vegi food options.
  • Sorry, I forgot to include some info about me, I am 5'2 weighing 150 pounds. I am 19 and attending college which equals a more sedentary life style. My problem areas would have to be my legs and butt. I would really like to slim down and tone those areas especially. I am not part of a gym and the fitness center on campus…