

  • I'd also like to mention that although it would be easy to climb a tree and hide until it's over, the people running the game have created missions for both sides to complete for rewards. The semesters where I helped with the game, if one side didn't have a lot of players, the other side would easily win and get major…
  • It's an invitational that is bringing people from several different states and has been advertised pretty heavily :) The goal is to get as many people to know about it as possible. To everyone else: I have a backpack where I can put my camelpack container in. It holds 22L and the backpack itself has two water bottle…
  • If anyone is curious, here is the main link to the game: http://humansvszombies.org/ Also if anyone is in the Athens, GA area or wants to come out, message me privately and I'll send you the info to get registered. You don't have to be enrolled in any college or anything like that. Anyone is welcome to play.
  • Perfect. It's 24 hours in the woods with no safe zones, so my squad and I know that we won't be sleeping. I was actually thinking about going down to area where we will be playing and walking around so I can learn the terrain.
  • I have been somewhat exercising by doing interval running the past couple of weeks. I'm not the fastest and I can't run forever, but I can do on and off running/walking for about 2 miles before I'm exhausted. I was wondering if taking the time to do some extra stretching and flexibility type things would help so that my…
  • I would eat something before you go and then order the salad. Either that or split an app with the table and then eat your salad as your main meal. If the grease upsets your stomach so much, then perhaps you can take an antacid or keep some Tums handy.
  • Thank you to everyone who replied/messaged/friend requested me! I'm very happy to come together for our life changing goals :)