

  • pinkassyment: That point system sounds like it would work for me. So I'm up for it. If you get anyone else interested,,,, let me know !
  • Corned Beef and Cabbage. It's High in Protein.
  • Well I don't own a scale, so getting weighed for me is out the question. Only weighed at the Dr.'s Office. So with that out the way, what did you have in mind, what's the rules?
  • I have it. Been on synthroid (DIDN''T WORK) So they tried the generic brand. I didn't like it, it made me feel Lousy. So I told my Dr. to send me to a Endocrinologist. He told me that Dr.'s basically don't know what there dealing with just blood work. He put me on ARMOUR THYROID. They will check me next month, to see if…