


  • Losingintime
    I have it. Been on synthroid (DIDN''T WORK) So they tried the generic brand. I didn't like it, it made me feel Lousy.
    So I told my Dr. to send me to a Endocrinologist. He told me that Dr.'s basically don't know what there dealing with just blood work. He put me on ARMOUR THYROID. They will check me next month, to see if this is working. If not, they'll change it again.
  • Kaileyxoxo
    Kaileyxoxo Posts: 95 Member
    I have it too... Had it since I was 19 years old and was diagnosed in the military. Never had a weight problem until then. I was active, had lots of energy and could eat whatever I wanted. After taking synthroid, I gained 13 pounds in a month and have been up and down ever since. I HATE IT! That is why I am here. Feel free to add me, I think we all need all the support we can get. I know we can all reach our goals if we try and continue to keep going no matter what. The doctors said I will be on synthroid for the rest of my life most likely. But I refuse to let this slow me down anymore than it already has!
    Same here! I was active, teeny tiny (hard for me to gain weight) and that was fine with me. When I started synthroid I gained about 10 pounds in one year. I mean I was so little before, so the weight gain didnt effect me at all, plus I liked having a more womanly body than my little girlish figure. However, I also have become more sluggish and way more tired and like you my weight fluctuates. I always feel like I'm fighting with my body and I really have to watch what I eat. Its very easy to fluctuate from (I'm 5'2) 113- 125 its depressing when you go off track for what seems like a minute and your 5 pounds heavier, its crazy and i know its not normal. Pople don't understand that people with a thyroid disease can't fluctuate their weight too much. Iv'e told my doc. all of my symptoms and he said its normal, NORMAL?? no this isnt normal. I have been with the same doctor for about 5 years now, and other than being a jerk most of the time, I have had no help with my symptoms as long as my blood work is "normal" He only says to take a multi, calcium, vitamin d and also have started taking a b vitamin. grr so anywaysss im with you, its stressful when I think about it, thats why I rambledd :blushing:
  • pebblez719
    pebblez719 Posts: 4 Member
    Same here! I was active, teeny tiny (hard for me to gain weight) and that was fine with me. When I started synthroid I gained about 10 pounds in one year. I mean I was so little before, so the weight gain didnt effect me at all, plus I liked having a more womanly body than my little girlish figure. However, I also have become more sluggish and way more tired and like you my weight fluctuates. I always feel like I'm fighting with my body and I really have to watch what I eat. Its very easy to fluctuate from (I'm 5'2) 113- 125 its depressing when you go off track for what seems like a minute and your 5 pounds heavier, its crazy and i know its not normal. Pople don't understand that people with a thyroid disease can't fluctuate their weight too much. Iv'e told my doc. all of my symptoms and he said its normal, NORMAL?? no this isnt normal. I have been with the same doctor for about 5 years now, and other than being a jerk most of the time, I have had no help with my symptoms as long as my blood work is "normal" He only says to take a multi, calcium, vitamin d and also have started taking a b vitamin. grr so anywaysss im with you, its stressful when I think about it, thats why I rambledd

    You didn't ramble. It's interesting to see how many of us have been on the same journey and have the same goals and hardships. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, but I refuse to continue to let this thing conrol me. It is hard and I do get frustrated and tired, but I just have to push on and continue. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and keep me updated with how you are doing. Remember, you are not alone... We are all going through this together, and we will beat this!