

  • I'm doing ok - been feeling a little under the weather but still sticking to my eating plan and exersising. Went to the doctor yesterday and found out I've lost two pounds! woop woop. I'm glad to see you're doing good logging your food MissLoser! I think that is one of the most important things for me, otherwise I just…
  • Today is my official "first day" of May as the real first day came and went without my notice. It was a great weekend though, my first on MFP and I have to say I did pretty good even with dinner at friends and kickin' it with my honey. So watch out! here I come May!!
  • I would love to join! My goals: - run 2 miles in 20 minutes - reduce my sugar intake (I'm always like at least 2x what I should be) - increase fresh veggie intake
  • 6'0' here and am so glad to see this post. It has always been hard to be bigger than everyone, and when they start complaining about how much they weigh: "god, I'm so fat, I have to weigh like 145!" drives me nuts! Last year I starting biking everywhere and was getting in great shape, I was about 170 and strong. Things…