Tall women 5'9 or taller



  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    This website has really helped me pay attention to what I put in my body which also helps a lot.

    ((nod)) I know what you mean. I've become very mindful of my food in the last couple of years when it comes to how processed/natural it is, but it wasn't until I started coming here that I've really been able to see the breakdown in terms of carbohydrates, fiber, etc. In looking at my last week's worth of intake, I'm reminded again that I don't get nearly enough iron in my diet. (I'm usually borderline anemic.) So even for things besides just losing weight, this is great to monitor your overall nutrition.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    A group of tall women! Love it! I am 5'11 and weighed 214 this am. I have been on MFP for over a year now...lost 37 but decided I should take back some. Now I am back and wanting to lose what I gained and then some! My initial goal is 185...then maybe I will see about more. I have not been very good about staying on track...the weather has made me feel miserable. Hoping for sunny days ahead so I can get back on my bike and the trails! Walking on the treadmill is not always fun....especially when it doesn't take you anywhere!
    Feel free to add me if you like....always needing the push!
  • PolyTeine
    PolyTeine Posts: 78 Member
    It's nice to read a forum from people around my height. My SW is 303 and I'm 5'10", people say that it's hard to believe that I weigh that much because I'm tall. I started MFP on 8 Mar and I am currently at 280.6. My major goal is to get to 210, because I'm in the big frame area, I wished I was medium. I will def keep coming back to read some more.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    5'10 (ish) here - stuck myself in as 5'9" on mfp though since the doctor's scales measured me as that height and maybe I was over estimating!

    How many cals did it give you all? I got given 1500 for 1lb a week loss. Aiming for 160lbs.

    Also not blessed with long legs though :(
    Buying swimming costumes with a long body is HARD!!!
  • heleng48
    heleng48 Posts: 1
    I'm 5' 9" and 50 in November so decided it was time to make sure I wasn't fat and 50! My SW was 218lbs and in 7 weeks I'm down to 209lbs - very pleased with that. My GW at the moment is 168 (12 st) - depending on how I look at that weight will make me decide whether I need a new GW of 154 (11 st) - I don't want to look older than 50 just because I've lost my weight :smile:

    To keep me on the straight and narrow I've signed up for the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge in July - 25 miles and three mountains to climb in under 12 hours! That has concentrated my mind on getting fit and losing the weight. I'm currently using a mixture of fitness DVDs, walking, walk/jogging (taking care of my slightly dodgy knee), cycling and doing a long walk at the weekend - I've got 15 miles planned for this coming weekend. This is all helping to get the weight off.

    Looking forward to keeping in touch with all my new 5' 9"+ friends and their progress :flowerforyou:
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    I'm tall too!! I'm 5'9 and currently weigh 216 which is mortifying for me because I'm used to being 145! My husband deployed in 06 AND I was pregnant so I just ate whatever the heck I wanted because I was constantly depressed and worriede for his safety. I was 60 pounds heavier when he got home and then another 20lbs crept on somehow. I'm now ready to begin this journey and am so glad that I have his full support! Current weight 216....need to get down to a 150, STAT! :P I'm new here and have no friends so add me! I would love the support!! :)
  • prov31ms
    prov31ms Posts: 62
    Also not blessed with long legs though :(
    Buying swimming costumes with a long body is HARD!!!

    I believe the tankini is one of the greatest inventions for those of us with a long torso! I got a long torso tankini top and swim short bottoms that work well for me - I get full coverage & it doesn't feel like I have placed my upper body in some sort of swimsuit vice! LOL
  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    Also not blessed with long legs though :(
    Buying swimming costumes with a long body is HARD!!!

    I believe the tankini is one of the greatest inventions for those of us with a long torso! I got a long torso tankini top and swim short bottoms that work well for me - I get full coverage & it doesn't feel like I have placed my upper body in some sort of swimsuit vice! LOL

    Really? I hate tankinis, feel like I'm always pulling them down to try and meet the bottoms. Because they're a top, I don't like them exposing my midriff and because I'm an hourglass, they roll up. Arrrgggh, nightmare!
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Hello all of my tall gals! I'm 5'9 and was around 200 pounds at Thanksgiving. That's when I decided to make a change for the better. Did not like the way I looked or felt. So the Monday after Thanksgiving I did a 21-day fruit-veggie-water fast. Lost about 8 pds. In Jan I weighed in at 192. A coworker of mine told me she was counting calories. So after getting my droid phone in Feb. I searched the apps looking for one to track my cals and here I am. So glad I found this network. It's been such a valuable asset in my lifestyle change. I'd ultimately like to get down to 145. I set a 1st goal of 160. I remember telling my doctor back in Jan that I wanted to lose 30 pounds, he smiled and said let's start with 10. Well I'm more than half way to my first goal. Yay! Congrats everyone on what you've accomplished and much continued success. Feel free to add me! :drinker:
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member

    Try this. A friend gave it to me and I mentioned it at a recent Dr.'s apt. My family doctor is not a fan of the BMI for the reason that there are different frame sizes to be factored in. He liked the calculator a lot and his weight suggestion for me in a previous visit was dead on target with this ones results.
    Also I am 5"11 and my goal is 140, before anyone hops up and down mad yelling it is too thin, it puts me in a size 6 and a small to medium. Being tall has its challenges as far as weight distribution goes too. Good luck OP I hope you get to your goal, just do it the healthy way, eat right and well, nourish your body mind and get in your exercise. You can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • matwood74
    matwood74 Posts: 111
    Tall here too!! I'm 5 ft 9, and around 210 pounds. I'm sick over being this heavy, and decided
    to try my best to get back down to 150 pounds like I was at one point. After I had my second
    son, almost 7 yrs ago, I never fully lost the weight ( I gained 75 pounds) and now it's worse
    than it's ever been!! I don't need to be a size 6 again, but I'd love to be a comfortable 10!!
    Feel free to add me, I could use all the support I can get!!:smile:
  • emchen
    emchen Posts: 48
    5'9" and currently 142.4, aiming for a 130.
  • jansky95
    jansky95 Posts: 1
    Hello! I too am 5 11" and 200 lbs and so don't want to be at this weight. I just started my fitness pal so I am hoping if I track what I eat, it wil help me stay motivated. I used to exercise, but havn't lately so I am starting slowly by walking.... My goal is 170. I was at this weight before my 3 child and hope to get back to that.
  • clarificity
    6'0' here and am so glad to see this post. It has always been hard to be bigger than everyone, and when they start complaining about how much they weigh: "god, I'm so fat, I have to weigh like 145!" drives me nuts! Last year I starting biking everywhere and was getting in great shape, I was about 170 and strong. Things have changed and now I am 207 and feel like a boat. My size 16 pants are way too tight, I just want to be strong and healthy. My ultimate goal is 150 but I've noticed a lot of people have set small interim goals have planned little treats once they reach them. I am going to do that too. baby steps.
  • tuscaroragal
    tuscaroragal Posts: 78 Member
    WOW! I am truly impressed with all of your goals for weights below 170. I am 5'9 1/2 and started out weighing 221. I am currently at 201. My overall goal is 185. I haven't weighed that in years, and the thought of being able to go any lower than that at the age of 44 just floors me!!! I guess ya never know what you are capable of until you try....best of luck, everyone! :)
  • AshleyLauren589
    AshleyLauren589 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm 5'10" and currently at 158. The lowest I had ever been was 138 and I was pretty much starving myself, not to mention it was in high school and I was on the swim team and in the pool for 3 hours a day, which is not really what I want to do now. Clearly 138 was not a maintainable weight for me, but I think I can achieve and maintain 145, but we'll see what happens! It's all about finding something that works for your body type. Not all of us can weigh 120 pounds!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,432 Member
    Hey tall girlfriends! Hope you all had a wonderful Easter (if you celebrate-if not, hope it was a great weekend!) and that the Easter Bunny was kind to you. We went to the Keys for a dive trip and it was awesome. I didn't eat the best but got tons of exercise so I'm not beating myself up about it. Good luck to all you folks just starting out. The first couple of weeks can be a real pain as you build your diary but once you get that down, it truly becomes a part of your life. I was having mini-fits because whatever our hotel was made out of, I couldn't get internet or cell reception inside so I kept having to go to the pool to log my food! I was getting some mighty strange looks I'll tell you. Makes me a little worried about our 2 week vacation this summer. I need to log!!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Hey tall girlfriends! Hope you all had a wonderful Easter (if you celebrate-if not, hope it was a great weekend!) and that the Easter Bunny was kind to you. We went to the Keys for a dive trip and it was awesome. I didn't eat the best but got tons of exercise so I'm not beating myself up about it. Good luck to all you folks just starting out. The first couple of weeks can be a real pain as you build your diary but once you get that down, it truly becomes a part of your life. I was having mini-fits because whatever our hotel was made out of, I couldn't get internet or cell reception inside so I kept having to go to the pool to log my food! I was getting some mighty strange looks I'll tell you. Makes me a little worried about our 2 week vacation this summer. I need to log!!

    Do you live near the Keys or did you go there for the Easter weekend? That sounds like total fun!!!!

    My Easter was really nice. Drank a little toooo much after Easter dinner, but like you I had a big run on Saturday so I didn't gain! Thank goodness for workouts!! I really need to get my act together for the month of May we have a trip planned to Aruba in June and I would like to get at least 5lbs off because I know I will doing a lot of eating and drinking LOL!!! It's all good though. Take it one day at a time! LOL
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I'm 5'10" and currently at 158. The lowest I had ever been was 138 and I was pretty much starving myself, not to mention it was in high school and I was on the swim team and in the pool for 3 hours a day, which is not really what I want to do now. Clearly 138 was not a maintainable weight for me, but I think I can achieve and maintain 145, but we'll see what happens! It's all about finding something that works for your body type. Not all of us can weigh 120 pounds!!

    I was 121 at the age of 19 -20. Definitely don't want to get to that at the age of 43. I looked my best at 140-150 range. I am striving for that.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member

    Chime in anytime!