Tall women 5'9 or taller



  • sbrmom
    sbrmom Posts: 38 Member
    Another tall one here - all legs! 5'10" CW 168, GW 150. I played volleyball in college and weighed around 145 most of the time. Fast forward 20 years, 2 kids, and 20 pounds, I would like to do a 1/2 Ironman and a full Ironman in the next couple of years. However, I would like to be down to my goal weight as I start training for the 1/2 ironman. I have done 5 marathons (while weighing around 165), lots of 1/2 marathons, lots of sprint distance triathlons, and 2 olympic distance triathlons. I really like to eat (and snack), so I am hoping that logging in what I eat will keep me on track!

    I am currently training for the Half Marathon in September. I have a 5k race May 21st.

    I love half-marathons! Long enough to challenge you, but not thrash you like a marathon! What 1/2 are you training for?
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    Yay for the tall girlies! (& thanks for the info. on Olivia from Biggest Loser! I was curious about Hannahs height and couldnt find it, but they look to be a similar height).

    I am 5'10" (although the nurse at mr Dr tried to say 5'9" last time, but I refuse to believe Ive shrunk!) and am currently 184 down from 230 in September 09 (6 months after child #2 was born) and wearing a US size 10--and my 12s with a tight belt! I just bought them and refuse to "get rid of clothes I just bought" even if I swim in them!

    I have no idea what I weighed before my pregnancies (I called and placed a request for my Drs office to give me a weight for the years 2006. 7. and 8, and am waiting to hear back.) I cant believe I dont know how much I weighed! I guess "back then" I didnt care as much because it wasnt bad...and I was young!

    I never thought I would say this, but I am ADDICTED to my local YMCA. I work out 6 days a week for at least 90 minutes but usually 2 hours doing group classes. (Step on an 8 inch pod, Zumba, Interval Training, Pilates, and occasionally Strength Training) I :heart: it because it gives me time away from the stresses of being a SAHM & getting myself healthy at the same time. (People ask me how I have the time, but my daughter is in preschool 2 hours a day and my gym has a center for my son while I exercise.)

    I THINK I have a large frame. My goal weight is 168-170 (based on My Happy Weight-using "large frame"). I am ECSTATIC at the changes I am seeing in myself and cant believe I am only 14-16 pounds from my goal!

    I have always been the biggest of all of my friends and now I love being able to actually shop with them!

    I am SO excited to have a thread for us "big girls!"
  • JeVeux
    JeVeux Posts: 2
    I am 6'2 and 175 aiming for 155. Before MFP I started out at 207 so this has been a long journey and I hope to finish it here! :)
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Another tall one here - all legs! 5'10" CW 168, GW 150. I played volleyball in college and weighed around 145 most of the time. Fast forward 20 years, 2 kids, and 20 pounds, I would like to do a 1/2 Ironman and a full Ironman in the next couple of years. However, I would like to be down to my goal weight as I start training for the 1/2 ironman. I have done 5 marathons (while weighing around 165), lots of 1/2 marathons, lots of sprint distance triathlons, and 2 olympic distance triathlons. I really like to eat (and snack), so I am hoping that logging in what I eat will keep me on track!

    I am currently training for the Half Marathon in September. I have a 5k race May 21st.

    I love half-marathons! Long enough to challenge you, but not thrash you like a marathon! What 1/2 are you training for?

    The Chicago Half Septemeber 11th. I am really excited!!!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    It's a relief to hear you women saying you wear a size 12 or 10 because every time I read other women's post they are wearing size 5/6, 7/8 and 3/4 so I feel insecure saying size 10 or 12 because at their heaviest they might have been a 12 or 14! LOL!
  • prov31ms
    prov31ms Posts: 62
    It's a relief to hear you women saying you wear a size 12 or 10 because every time I read other women's post they are wearing size 5/6, 7/8 and 3/4 so I feel insecure saying size 10 or 12 because at their heaviest they might have been a 12 or 14! LOL!

    That's why our little "tall thread" is so great - I find when it comes to weight & clothing sizes, etc... I don't have much in common with the "average" woman. I wore size 10 in Jr. High and was not overweight one bit at that time in my life!
  • prov31ms
    prov31ms Posts: 62
    I was curious about Hannahs height and couldnt find it, but they look to be a similar height).

    According to Wikipedia (which is not always accurate) she is 5'8" - which is still tall for a girl =0)
  • WorkingMomGetsFit
    WorkingMomGetsFit Posts: 70 Member
    So glad I came across this thread! Depending on which Dr I go to, I am between 5'7" and 5'8" I consider myself to be "big boned". That's how everyone always referred to me when I was younger. I personaly think it sounds like a polite way of calling me fat! LOL I will always have wide hips and broad shoulders and my husband loves that about me. I will never be "super model" thin and I'm ok with that. My goal is to get down to the 140 range. I look back at my school pictures when I was in track (145lbs) and I looked lean/fit. Funny how back then I thought I was huge!

    I too have the issues with average clothes being too short on me but tall clothes are too long but my ultimate question is shoes! I'm sure most of us on here wear atleast a size 10? I am anywhere from a 10-11 and sometimes require a wide depending on the type of shoe. Where can a girl find some affordable, super cute shoes that don't make my feet look like clown feet! I hate walking into a store and find a a pair of shoes that I love and they don't carry them in my size....so frustrating!:explode:
  • prov31ms
    prov31ms Posts: 62
    I too have the issues with average clothes being too short on me but tall clothes are too long but my ultimate question is shoes! I'm sure most of us on here wear atleast a size 10? I am anywhere from a 10-11 and sometimes require a wide depending on the type of shoe. Where can a girl find some affordable, super cute shoes that don't make my feet look like clown feet! I hate walking into a store and find a a pair of shoes that I love and they don't carry them in my size....so frustrating!:explode:

    I wear 10-11 wide depending on brand & style. I like sketchers which come in wide width but they are a little pricey for me - I usually end up at Payless & usually have success with finding my size - if I can't find anything there I end up at Kohls, but they cost more there. I have to say that I absolutely HATE shoe shopping!!! My sister is about 5'6" and wears shoe size 6 or 7 so growing up whenever my mom took us to find shoes she found lots and lots of cute shoes while I was lucky if I could find even 1 pair in my size! Most stores 20 years ago only went up to size 9 in shoes - I am happy more stores are carrying larger shoe sizes these days! I also have to buy the larger socks for women - regular socks do not fit my feet. I only wish I could find knee high socks for large feet for the winter months - I have yet to find any knee highs that fit me! =0)
  • WorkingMomGetsFit
    WorkingMomGetsFit Posts: 70 Member
    I hate going into Payless! LOL why is it we're lucky to get 1/4 of an aisle...but walk over to the 7's and 8's and they have both sides of the aisle!? I think we should all ban together and start our own shoe line:happy:
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I wear a 9.5 shoe and when I was a teen I used to squeeze my feet into 8 and 8.5 shoe(imagine the corns on me feet) :laugh:
    but after years of soul searching and embracing my height i am proud to wear a 9.5 shoe and love to wear 5-6 inch heel! I am taller than most people in the room but I command attention and when I am fully made up I stand tall and proud on hubby's arm (he's 6'2")!!!

    Tall women unite embrace your beauty and height!!!!
  • I'm 5 ft 9.5 and weigh 229lbs... absolute nightmare seeing as I used to weigh 145lbs! I feel like because I'm taller, the fact that I'm big sticks out a lot more - anyone else feel like that?
    Feel free to add me, I'm new so need some encouragement!

    I totally feel you, I think the same way! ! I am 5'11 and I weight 243 currently... I use to weight 175 and the weight just crept up on me, ugh! I am dying to get back down... Even 199 I would be happy!

    Feel free to add me too! I am also new and need encouragement!
  • Yovnee
    Yovnee Posts: 7
    I find it so annoying that all the jeans in summer are low rise ....low rise is a lot lower on me than the 'regular' woman :(

    Yes!!! I cannot wear low rise jeans either.
    Hello tall ladies,
    I'm new here, started at 275 this week, 5'9 with long legs & a petite body I'm told. I love the low rise jeans as they come up to my waist! I was so tired of tucking my pants into my bra (although the fold-over double layer of denim did have a slight girdle effect) I usually wore men's jeans & a belt until retailers got out of the tall/skinny, short/fat mindset. I can find pants that are just about long enough at Walmart lately.
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    LADIES!!! I want to jump for joy at having found this forum! It's really tough to relate to most female posters at MFP, as many are of average/petite height, which makes their caloric and size goals way different from the likes of us.

    I know what you all mean about feeling fat when you were in grade school, even if you weren't, just by virtue of the fact that you were so much bigger than the other girls. I reached my adult height of 5'9" by the end of the 8th grade and I felt like an absolute behemoth next to everyone else. (I also *was* overweight because of an 80 lb weight gain in the 7th grade, but that's a whole 'nother story.)

    So I currently sit here writing to you at about 225 lbs, and I'm a size 16 in Old Navy sweetheart cut jeans. I am often bewildered by sizes because having read through this entire forum and heard posters mention that they are 12/14 but about 30 lbs lighter than I am...well, I don't know what to make of that. According to wrist & elbow circumference calculators, I have a medium frame. According to the Self magazine "Happy Weight" calculator, I should get down to about 148 lbs. o_O...What? I've already lost 52 lbs and I need to get down another 77 lbs? I don't know whether to crawl into a closet or laugh hysterically like people who have lost their minds. I'll just be happy to get under 200 at this point! I have a strong inkling that the reason why my weight is so high is because I carry most of it in my upper legs.


    I am an amateur bellydancer and I run and I have started to notice some definition in my quads when I walk. I do carry quite a bit in my midsection front. It can be hard to tell because I have an "8" figure.


    PANTS PANTS PANTS! OMG, I can't believe nobody has mentioned one of two things yet: Kut from the Kloth and Make Your Own Jeans.com. I have suffered for many, many years wearing high waters until around 2002 when most mainstream manufacturers started acknowledging women over 5'7". Even so, I've had this problem with jeans where the crotch sagged way too low, and thus lowered my leg line. What I did not realize until very recently is that I have a short waist and long legs, and that low rise jeans looked best on me. Well I'll be darned...I've avoided them for years because I can't sit down in those without showing major plumber's crack. Then I learned the differences between front and back rise, and how most low rise pants are not made to accommodate someone with a high-prominent derriere. My back rise is literally twice the length of my front.

    Aaaaaanyway, Kut from the Kloth jeans are wonderful if you have long legs and an hourglass figure. They only make them in long, apparently. I have two pairs. The one I am about to show in the photo below is Kut from the Kloth "So Low" jeans in a size 16. They were very snug to get into, but once I broke them in, they have been perfection.


    I will never touch Old Navy jeans again now that I know that they don't make them to fit my particular figure. (No more saggy crotch!)

    As for MakeYourOwnJeans.com, this is a legitimate operation based in India. I had a pair of jeans custom ordered, and while the craftsmanship is beautiful and they shipped about 14 days after I ordered, I can't wear them because I screwed up on the measurements and I didn't order them in stretch and the knee is so tight that I can't get the waist up to where it needs to sit, and the waist is too big at that. I double-checked, and it was definitely my error, not the manufacturers. Seriously, I don't know what I was thinking on getting non-stretch; I haven't worn non-stretch jeans in like 10 years, but I was feeling cocky. I found the Kut from the Kloth jeans afterwards, and now that I have the perfect jeans, I will be ordering from MYOJ.com using the measurements from my jeans.

    Both options are in the 50+ range for a pair of jeans, but damn, ladies, isn't it worth it to feel great in a pair of pants?
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Welcome RiaLucia!!!!

    Hope evreyone had a great Saturday!! My son came home from college! His girlfriend and I went for a run this morning. It was a nice run 7.1 miles in 90 mins!!!

    Hubby and I went for lunch, came home and watched the Bulls playoff game. Baked like 6 sweet potato pies!! I really didn't want to cook for Easter but somehow always get duped into cooking! LOL!! My parents are on their way from WI so will be pretty busy tonight and tomorrow!!!

    have a great Happy Easter everyone!!!!!
  • Mattysmomma
    Mattysmomma Posts: 268
    Awesome forum!!
  • jelloabz
    jelloabz Posts: 17 Member
    Any Tips Or Helpful comments ? 5'9 176 pounds trying to get down to 145 pounds at least by august.

    I'm right there with you! I'm currently 185 trying to get back to 150. I was 150 when i got married 2.5 years ago, and in the best shape of my life!

    But then came hypothyroidism, and 40 lbs to go with it. SUCKED!!! I'm trying to work that off. My friend and I have a trip planned in August for turning 30, which will include wearing swimsuits. So that too is my deadline. There's no way in HELL i'd be caught in a swim suit now!

    I'm liking this thread, I need all the tips I can get too.
  • prov31ms
    prov31ms Posts: 62
    Happy Easter to my tall friends! =0)

    I'm not logging today - but will get back on track tomorrow (Monday)!!!
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    Happy Easter to my tall friends! =0)

    I'm not logging today - but will get back on track tomorrow (Monday)!!!

    I haven't logged all weekend. Naughty me. But I did get a workout in yesterday so not going too badly. Back to it on Monday!
  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    Happy Easter and so glad to find a thread of tall girls! I have always been taller than every girl I know (I am 5'9) so it is hard to gauge a good weight for me. In high school I know at one point I was in the 130's and I agree that my height made me feel too big even though that would be way too skinny for me now! I was a big sloucher during those days. Last year around this time, I hit my highest weight of 183. I work at a preschool with three year olds and said that I wanted to lose the weight of one of the children in my class lol. It took a year but I am now down to 150. The last ten pounds have really made the difference of people noticing and commenting about how great I look. (Part of me is looking forward to the end of that because it is constant these days. I know that is weird but it gets old after awhile to me I guess?)

    I started my weight loss last year with just cutting back and eating better but not really exercising. My mom was baffled when I would drop three pounds in a week with just eating better and I would scoff at her advice to workout because "I was getting results without it!" Later as summer started creeping up, I got the biggest loser last chance workout dvd. That got me down to 161 but I hit a plateau there and gave up. Once the school year started again I didn't really care and probably went back up to the low 170's.

    I ordered Turbo Fire in February and that has been the big change for me. I love the workout because it is different every day and so much fun. This website has really helped me pay attention to what I put in my body which also helps a lot. I am now taking it 5 pounds at a time so my goal is 145 but I think I would like to hit 140 when all is said and done because I still have areas that don't look so great (stomach and buns lol). Just bought jeans from Old Navy on Friday and brought in a size 6 and 8 to the changing room and fit nicely into the 6! So exciting! Of course I have to get long but they fit well length wise.

    Good luck to everyone here and hopefully I don't ruin my progress with Easter candy! (Didn't get much though because mom knows I want to eat good.)
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