davidpm Member


  • Be patient. I love the saying that floats around that it took years and lots of meals to gain the weight. It'll take a long time to lose it.
    in new Comment by davidpm March 2014
  • Like most things with weight loss, IF is just another way to restrict your calories. When I did this, I simplified it and just ate a normal dinner around 7:00pm and then not eating until the next day at lunch. That's 16 hours of and 8 hours of eating window. This works out nice because most people don't notice. You can…
  • Don't try to change everything in one day. Make small, incremental changes to your routine. Every time I tried to just go crazy and change everything, I ended up getting lost in how to handle it all and I gave up. Small changes and lots of patience!
  • Things like peanut butter or any kind of nuts are pretty calorie dense. If you eat a handful or two of those, you get a few hundred reasonably healthy calories without having to fill your stomach too much. They're also great as snacks because they don't spoil in a ziploc or tupperware.
  • To add to what others have said, I found that I tend to eat similar things every day. I always have cereal for breakfast, always have yogurt and a ready made meal at lunch, etc. Those things that you eat every day show up at the top of the list on the site so you don't have to search for them anymore. Just check the boxes…
  • I'm a high school teacher. I get to burn plenty of calories running around like a chicken with its head cut of every day!
  • Hi Janna! I'm just restarting again today. After a lazy summer, I'm trying to drop some of the pounds that I put on. I'll add you!
  • If you're very close, you might want to adjust your goal so that you lose a pound a week instead of two, then when you only have 2-3 pounds to lose, adjust it again to be only a half a pound. I know that the goal is important, but getting your metabolism kicking again is a healthier way to ease into maintaining your goal…
  • Hey! I'm Dave from NJ :D Feel free to add me.
  • The only major long term effect of a calorie restricted diet is that your metabolism slows down. When you reach your calorie goal, you can't just shoot back up and add 1000 calories to your total for the day. Instead, ease your way back towards your maintenance number so your metabolism can adjust to your higher calorie…
  • One thing to remember is that you're trying to lose FAT, not weight. Don't go crazy weighing yourself all the time because there are days where you retain water or have food in your stomach or whatever and the numbers fluctuate. I've had my "weight" change 7 pounds in a day from the morning when I was dehydrated and on an…
  • It sounds like you already have your priorities in order! You've realized that this isn't just a short term change but a long term lifestyle change. If you keep that in mind and realize that your health is more important than being lazy or eating high calorie foods, you'll be well on your way. Changing your perspective is…
  • Being a high school teacher is basically running around like a chicken with your head cut off for 8 hours a day. Does that count?
  • Great job so far! The one caution that I will give is to not consistently expect a loss so big. Typically the first week or two, you lose a lot of water weight that you were retaining from a higher sodium diet that you've probably fixed by eating better quality foods. 1 to 2 pounds a week is something that should be…
  • It's still barely 9am here and I've been working for 2 hours already! I do have 90 minutes of yoga scheduled for tomorrow night!
  • It all depends on the intensity of the workout. My best fitness investment has been a heart rate monitor. You can get one of those and get a fairly accurate reading on your calorie burn.
  • I played WoW from launch through the start of cataclysm. I cancelled because it felt like the same old grind again and I lost interest. I'm loving questing in TOR because the cutscenes invest you in the quests more then just a textbox and "collect 20 of these for me."
  • MY initial goal was 160, which got me out of "Overweight" on the BMI scale. AS I approached that, I reset my goal to 150 because "Ideal" for someone with my height, gender, and frame is around 150. I'm about 4lbs from my new goal, so I'm going to switch to maintenance and start a weight training program to build muscle and…
  • I started with 160, which pushed me out of overweight on BMI. When I was approaching that, I looked online for "ideal" weight for someone my height, gender, and build. I ended up using this site: http://www.halls.md/ideal-weight/body.htm to calculate an ideal range and reset my goals using that.
  • I started teaching and went to grad school at the same time. I was also working a second job. I was so tired from that schedule that I never made my own lunch, so I was eating fast food for lunch. I was so tired that I couldn't get myself out of bed early enough to make breakfast, so I was eating fast food for breakfast. I…
  • I just sent you an invite. Feel free to lean on me for support if you have any questions or are just having a rough time. You're going to do it this time!
  • You should have more reference numbers besides weight on a scale. take your measurement and track your body fat %. Unless you went 10,500 calories over maintenance, you didn't gain fat. Your other reference numbers will show you that.
  • I've only played 45 minutes of Amnesia because it scares the **** out of me. I refuse to continue.
  • Yeah you can't get in yet. They're stress testing this weekend so you can't get in until then but you can download the client and patch it up so you're ready to go. I got mine too! I can't wait for the following conversation to happen: Player 1: This game sucks! Player 2: Shut up. It's still beta. You're not seeing all of…
  • We're actually bringing the men from the shelter to a catering hall via limo bus for a catered thanksgiving. There's not much to do in the area of the hall. That's why I was going with the letter writing thing.. they could be in the hall in a space and write some letters and just rotate people through. I was just trying to…
  • Yeah, this kind of became a last minute thing. Everyone volunteered to help at a Thanksgiving for the homeless event but there are about 20 to many volunteers, so instead of turning them away, we want to find something productive, positive and giving to do instead of showing up and having nothing to do OR being turned away…
  • I wouldn't log anything except actual exercise. MFP gives you calories in your goal number to account for work related calorie burn. IF you log it and think you can eat more, you'll be going over your goal every day.
  • My personal journey was about replacing my high calorie staples, which I couldn't eat as much of, with lower calorie alternatives. For example, if I had a side of potatoes, I couldn't have too much because it's a little higher in calories then other veggies, but I could literally eat 5 or 6 cups of steamed broccoli and be…
  • yup. i played for 13 hours in the first day. Still in my first village doing all the other quests. I guess all of the other games that are coming out will be $20 used purchases buy the time this is done!