mom2sbbj Member


  • Exactly what she said. You KNOW you deserve better and you're not going to find him until you end it with this guy. So go run off the frustration and think of each step as being one step farther from him and closer to the happiness you deserve. ((hugs))
  • Up your fiber intake and that should do the trick. ;) I don't know that constipation has a lot to do with your weight, but eating a high fiber diet will keep you regular AND help you with losing weight.
  • My personal opinion is that with any of these quick fix weight loss remedies (pills or special diets), even if they aren't harmful, you're going to gain the weight right back as soon as you stop. When you lose weight by changing to healthier eating habits and moving more it does take longer, but its also establishing…
  • Me too
    in Toxins Comment by mom2sbbj July 2011
  • When I entered the weight that signaled 10lbs lost MPF asked me to update my goals. It adjusted my calories at that point. HTH.
  • I've always had a sweet tooth, but chocolate was my go-to stress food. I'd always heard that if you're craving something sweet you should eat fruit & I always though "Yeah right!" But once I quit gorging myself on sweets I started to enjoy the natural sweetness in real foods like fruits. I still enjoy the occasional piece…
  • What helped me was reading the book "Made to Crave". Its a book by a Christian author and based on the premise that God made us to crave HIM, but many of us turn to food instead. I've always known the "how to" of losing weight (eat less & move more), but never had enough motivation to be able to follow thru for any length…
  • What's worked for me is to "allow" myself anything I want so that I don't feel deprived, BUT, before I eat something I tell myself "Yes, its allowed, but will it benefit me? I'm not in this JUST to lose weight. My main goal is to be healthier. That means giving my body healthy foods so it has the nutrients it needs and…
  • Welcome! I think middle school is tough for everyone. Sounds like you've got an amazing attitude for heading into high school ! Congrats on starting the journey towards healthy living!
  • I once attended a seminar given my a nutritionist and he said that our bodies can only use about 2-4oz of water ever 20 minutes. So if you're drinking more than that at one time, your body is just expelling it not using it. He recommended sipping water throughout the day rather than chugging it periodically. That said, I…
  • Burger King! That 'king' costume is frightening! Luckily its not something that part of my eating plan anymore anyway. ;)
  • I could've written the exact same words 2 months ago. I've often started a diet only to give up a week or so later with no real results. Then I read "Made to Crave" which helped me to find MY motivation. And I took it one day at a time. I quit buying snacks and high calorie foods. (I have NO willpower if its in the house.)…
    in Need help! Comment by mom2sbbj June 2011