

  • I think you shouldn't look at it as "taking a week off". Like the others were saying, it's a lifestyle change. Yeah, your going to have days where you just want to eat whatever your heart desires (and you crave), but you have to jump back on the next day and realize it's your life and your choices. I recommend starting…
  • I would suggest starting off your day with exercise. When I exercise in the morning it starts my day. You don't want to screw up what you have worked off so hard for. Motivation! Stay motivated! Before you put that food in your mouth think - "Do I really need this?" "Am I really hungry?" That always works for me. I do…
  • You are right! I only exercise 3 times per week and the calculator calculated out to look like this: Ex Fat Loss Monday 1512 Tuesday 1512 Wednesday 1815 Thursday 1512 Friday 1512 Saturday 1664 Sunday 1512 So lets say I work out Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday On Monday I would eat the 1512 calories but with the average 300…
  • It is very hard to get motivated to exercise, but everyone is right, you have to motivate yourself! I wake up at 4:30 AM to get ready for work and get my 2 year old ready for daycare. I drop her off around 6 - 6:30 and work until 4:30. I make time after work regardless. I go to my local YMCA and exercise at LEAST 20 min,…
  • Thank you all very much for your feed back. I have been following the 1200 calories per day and I feel starved sometimes plus I am at a plateau and I think that is why - I'm not eating enough calories. I am definantly going to try this method. It's worth a shot. Thanks again!