

  • Turbo Fire is awesome! I just started week 6 today and love it! Yes, it is hard to wake up in the morning and do it, but once I'm done with the workouts I feel great! :smile:
  • I LOVE Turbo Fire! I start Week 6 on Monday. It's definitely hard to get all the moves right away, but now I pretty much have the moves down and IT IS FUN!!! I look forward to doing the workouts! This is the first program I've EVER been able to stick to! Good luck and keep pushing play! :smile:
  • I LOVE Turbo Fire! Chalene is so motivating and so are the songs! It is the only workout I've been able to stick to! I did it for a while and lost weight, but then I kind of slacked off (Mexico Trip was motivation...and then we came back to reality). So, I just started up again about 3 weeks ago. The workouts have been…