leska53 Member


  • Congratulations! You've earned the right to brag on yourself! :smile:
  • It's hard work losing weight, but you're trying to take care of yourself and you should be proud of yourself for doing that. Don't let one bad day throw you off track. My snack time comes at the end of my work day (I'm an elementary teacher) and there are days that I could everything in sight if it weren't nailed down! I…
  • Congratulations on your weight loss! That's fantastic!:smile:
  • I'm a 5th grade teacher getting ready to go back to work at the beginning of August. This will be my 30th year of teaching. My problem is the snack time after school and before dinner when I'll eat anything not nailed down! By the time I'm ready to exercise in the evening, I'm too pooped to do much of anything. I need to…